Market research report on warehouse real estate market in Odessa and Odessa region. 2019 year

Market research report on warehouse real estate market in Odessa and Odessa region. 2019 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: May 2019 year
Number of pages: 31, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 13
Tables: 8
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
11200 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the warehouse real estate market in Odessa and Odessa region.
1.1. Analysis of trends in the development of the warehouse real estate market in 2017-1 quarter 2019 in Ukraine as a whole
1.1.1. Analysis of trends in the development of the warehouse real estate market in 2017-1 quarter 2019 in Odessa and Odessa region (trends, features, problems, market influencing factors)
1.2. The main factors of attractiveness of the warehouse real estate market in the region under study
2. Analysis of demand in the warehouse real estate market in Odessa and Odessa region
2.1. The main factors in the formation of demand for warehouse real estate
2.2. Degree of satisfaction with consumption
3. Analysis of supply in the warehouse real estate market
3.1. Characteristics of the offer on the market
3.2 Description of objects on the market: object class, location, year of commissioning, developer / owner, total area, area for rent. Plans for the introduction of new projects in the study region - in accordance with public data
4. The main players in the warehouse real estate market in Odessa and Odessa region:
- List
- Description
- Services
5. Price and pricing in the warehouse real estate market of Odessa and Odessa region
5.1. Dynamics of rental rates for warehouse real estate of class A and B in 2017-1 quarter 2019 - grade
5.2. Description of factors influencing price formation
6. Conclusions and forecast indicators for the development of the warehouse real estate market in Ukraine and Odessa region in 2019-2021 taking into account the multifactorial model
7. Investment attractiveness of the industry
7.1 SWOT Analysis of Market Direction
7.2 Existing risks and barriers to market entry

List of Tables:

1. Demand factors for warehouse real estate
2. Description of warehouses in Odessa and Odessa region
3. Warehouse complexes in Odessa and Odessa region
4. Characteristics of seaports in Odessa and Odessa region
5. Typical conditions for the lease of warehouse real estate in Ukraine in 2018
6. Building a predictive model for predicting the capacity of the warehouse real estate market in Ukraine
7. SWOT-analysis of the warehouse real estate market in Odessa and Odessa region
8. Economic, political and scientific and technical factors of influence on the development of the warehouse real estate market in Odessa and the Odessa region

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of the volume of the warehouse real estate market in Kyiv and the Kyiv region and the vacancy rate in 2017 - 1 sq. 2019, thousand sq. m and %
2. Dynamics of the new supply of warehouse real estate in Kyiv and Kyiv region in 2017 - Q1 2019, thousand sq. m and %
3. Structure of demand for warehouse real estate by tenants in 2018, %
4. The structure of the warehouse real estate market in the Odessa region at the end of 2018,%
5. Structure of warehouse space in the ports of Odessa and Odessa region as of the end of 2018, %
6. Dynamics of retail turnover of retail enterprises in the Odessa region in 2017 - 1 quarter 2019, billion UAH
7. The structure of cargo handling in the seaports of Ukraine in 2017 - Q1 2019 in kind, %
8. Dynamics of export and import flows from the Odessa region in 2017 - Q1 2019 in monetary terms, USD billion
9. The structure of demand for warehouse real estate depending on the area in the Odessa region at the end of 2018,%
10. Dynamics of the market volume of warehouse space in the Odessa region in 2017 - 2019*, thousand m2, %
11. The structure of product processing in the seaports of the Odessa region in 2017 - 1 quarter. 2019, %
12. Dynamics of average rental rates for class A warehouse property in Odessa and Odessa region in 2017 - Q1 2019, USD per sq. m
13. Dynamics of average rental rates for class B warehouse real estate in Odessa and Odessa region in 2017 - Q1 2019, USD per sq. m

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