Market research report on chocolates of the premium segment in Ukraine. 2023 year

Market research report on chocolates of the premium segment in Ukraine. 2023 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: August 2023 year
Number of pages: 35, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 17
Tables: 18
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
27200 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Description of the market ( classifiers and methodologies , description of the target candy segment by prices and specific features)
1.2. Analysis trends development of the chocolate market candies medium and premium price segment ( factors impact on the market , problems development , prerequisites appearance new ones brands )
1.3. general market indicators , assessment market capacity ( sales in Kyiv )
1.4. Segmentation and structuring offers on the market (by types of chocolate, presence of decor, theme), by segments (craft/ mass market, by origin )
1.5. Rating of the shadow segment on the market (through analysis assortment and availability legal entity at the manufacturer )
2. Production and dynamics implementation
2.1. Amount production and implementation in quantitative terms indicators
2.2. Amount production and sale in valuable indicators
2.3. Particles internal manufacturers on the market ( estimation )
3. The main ones market operators ( manufacturers and importers )
3.1. List basic market operators and their characteristics
3.2 Market shares of the main ones market operators
4. External trade _ Analysis import chocolate candies to Ukraine in 2019-2022 . ( volumes , structure, geography , shares importers ) - with an estimate particles imported candy , that for sale in Kyiv
5. Assortment and pricing on the market .
5.1. Analysis assortment goods ( construction depending on assortment cards from product properties )
5.2. Pricey segments in section assorted groups and operators
5.3. Average current candy prices _
6. Analysis consumption products on the market
6.1. Likes consumers regarding the product, a portrait of the consumer
6.2. Analysis search engines requests and issues competitors
6.3. Structuring and segmentation consumption
7. Sales channels products ( description and assessment structures channel sales )
8. Conclusions . Predictive Indexes
8.1. The conclusions are predictive trends market development
8.2. Building hypothesis market development . Predictive Indexes market development in 2023-2025 .
8.3. Development recommendations _ on the market
9. Investment attractiveness industry
9.1. SWOT analysis concepts The customer on the market
9.2. PEST analysis factors impact on the market
9.3. Existing risks and barriers to market entry . Building cards risks on the market

List of Tables:

1. Chocolate market classification candies
2. Segmentation by prices , UAH/100 gr
3. Capacity of the chocolate market candies medium and premium segments in natural terms , i.e
4. Segmentation of the market by the presence of decor
5. segmentation by subject
6. The main ones candy market operators medium and premium segments
7. Assortment map of chocolates candies premium segment
8. Assortment map of sets chocolate candies premium segment of the main ones manufacturers by subject
9. Segmentation by prices , UAH/100 g
10. Pricey segments in section assorted groups and operators , UAH../ 100 g
11. Average current candy prices as of June 2023, UAH/100 g
12. Analysis competitors through search engines requests
13. Channel structure sales chocolate candies
14. Presence companies in channels sales
15. General SWOT analysis concepts The customer on the market
16. PEST - chocolate market analysis candies medium and premium segments of Ukraine
17. Segmentation market risks
18. Risk map of the chocolate market products

List of graphs and charts:

1. Market capacity of medium and premium chocolate candies in monetary terms, UAH million
2. Market structure of chocolate products in Ukraine in 2021-2022, in natural terms, %
3. Dynamics of production of medium and premium segment chocolates in natural terms, i.e
4. The dynamics of sales of chocolate candies of the medium and premium segments in natural terms, i.e
5. Dynamics of production of medium and premium segment chocolates in terms of value, UAH million
6. The dynamics of sales of chocolate candies of the medium and premium segments in terms of value, i.e
7. Shares of domestic manufacturers of chocolate candies of the medium and premium segments in natural terms, %
8. Market shares of the main market operators
9. Dynamics of imports of chocolates to Ukraine in 2019 - Q1 . 2023, in natural terms, tons
10. Dynamics of imports of chocolates to Ukraine in 2019 - Q1 . 2023, in monetary terms, UAH million
11. Geography of import of chocolates to Ukraine in 2019-2022, %
12. Shares of importers of chocolate products in Ukraine in 2019-2022, %
13. Wander brand chocolates
14. Spell brand chocolate sets Chocolate
15. Dynamics of searches for chocolates in 2021-2022.
16. 2022-2023 average monthly number of popular requests for chocolates.
17. Forecast of production volumes of chocolate candies in Ukraine in 2023-2025, in natural terms, tons

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