Market research report on mine dump trucks and loaders in the CIS countries. 2021 year

Market research report on mine dump trucks and loaders in the CIS countries. 2021 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: April 2021 year
Number of pages: 87, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 56
Tables: 68
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
50950 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the mining and construction industry market
1.1. Analysis of trends in the development of the mining equipment market in the CIS countries (Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan) in 2017--2020 (specifics of development, problems, factors affecting the market) - by country by segment
1.2. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in 2017--2020 (Production + import - export)
1.3. Market segmentation and structuring (by product origin, by types)
2. Dynamics of production of mining equipment in Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan in 2017--2020 in volume terms (estimation based on enterprise reporting data, etc.)
3. Main market operators
3.1. Main market operators and their description (manufacturers and importers)
3.2. Segmentation and structuring of the main market operators (by segments, specializations, regionally)
3.3. Market shares of the main operators in the studied countries (estimation based on the financial statements of the market operators, foreign trade data, market presence)
4. Foreign trade in the market
4.1. Export of products in 2017--2020 (Total market volume)
4.2. Import of products in 2017--2020 (volumes, structure, geography; assessment by the share of importers)
5. Price and pricing in the mining equipment market with segmentation:
- by type of machine: cargo transport (mine dumper), cargo delivery (mine loader)
5.1. Average current prices for products by type (according to supplier price data) - according to the availability of data
6. Consumption of products on the market
6.1. Analysis of the main indicators of the mining and construction industry of the CIS countries in 2017--2020 in (the number of freight transport vehicles (mine dump truck), freight delivery vehicles (mine loader)) - according to the availability of data
6.2. Segmentation and structuring of consumption (large, medium and small companies)
7. Conclusions and recommendations.
7.1. Forecast trends and indicators of market development in 2020-2025.
7.2. Recommendations for market development (from the point of view of the customer's current positions)
8. Investment attractiveness of the industry
8.1. SWOT - analysis of the client company from the point of view of goals and objectives
8.2. PEST - analysis of factors affecting the market (by country)
8.3. Building a market risk map

List of Tables:

1. The main characteristics of underground dump trucks and delivery vehicles manufactured by the Russian Federation and the CIS countries
2. Main characteristics of underground dump trucks and delivery vehicles manufactured by world leaders
3. Market capacity of mine loaders in Ukraine in 2017-2020, in volume terms, pcs.
4. Market capacity of mine dump trucks in Ukraine in 2017-2020, in volume terms, pcs.
5. Market capacity of mine loaders in Russia in 2017-2020, in volume terms, pcs..
6. Capacity of the market of mining dump trucks in Russia in 2017-2020, in volume terms, pcs.
7. Market capacity of mine loaders in Belarus in 2017-2020, in volume terms, pcs.
8. Market capacity of mining dump trucks in Belarus in 2017-2020, in volume terms, pcs.
9. Market capacity of mine loaders in Kazakhstan in 2017-2020, in volume terms, pcs.
10. Market capacity of mining dump trucks in Kazakhstan in 2017-2020, in volume terms, units.
11. Market capacity of mine loaders in Kyrgyzstan in 2017-2020, in physical terms, units
12. Market capacity of mining dump trucks in Kyrgyzstan in 2017-2020, in volume terms, pcs.
13. Market capacity of mine loaders in Tajikistan in 2017-2020, in volume terms, pcs.
14. Market capacity of mining dump trucks in Tajikistan in 2017-2020, in volume terms, pcs.
15. Market capacity of mine loaders in Uzbekistan in 2017-2020, in volume terms, pcs.
16. Market capacity of mining dump trucks in Uzbekistan in 2017-2020, in volume terms, pcs.
17. Production of all front-end loaders, with the allocation of loaders for underground works in Ukraine in 2018-2020, in volume terms, pcs.
18. Dynamics of production of all forklifts (by category) and all off-road dump trucks, with a selection of forklifts for underground work in Russia in 2017-2019, in volume terms, pcs.
19. Segmentation and structuring of the main players in the market of the studied countries
20. Shares of the main operators in the market of mining dump trucks in Ukraine in 2018-2019, in volume terms,%
21. Shares of the main operators in the market of mining dump trucks in Ukraine in 2018-2019, in volume terms,%
22. Income of the main mining companies of Ukraine in 2019, million dollars.
23. Total shares of the main operators on the market of mine loaders in Russia for 2008-2011, in physical and value terms,%
24. Total shares of the main operators in the market of mining dump trucks in Russia for 2008-2011, in physical and value terms,%
25. Large mining companies of Uzbekistan
26. Silver production in Tajikistan by companies
27. Gold production in Tajikistan by companies
28. Other mining companies in Tajikistan
29. Import of mine loaders in Ukraine by models in 2017-2020, in physical terms, pcs.
30. Import of mine dump trucks in Ukraine by models in 2017-2020, in physical terms, pcs.
31. Import of mine loaders in Ukraine by country in 2017-2020, in volume terms, pcs.
32. Import of mining dump trucks to Ukraine by country in 2017-2020, in volume terms, pcs.
33. The main importers of mine loaders in Ukraine in 2017-2020, in volume terms, pcs.
34. The main importers of mining dump trucks in Ukraine in 2017-2020, in volume terms, pcs.
35. Geographical structure of import of mine loaders to Russia in 2018-2020, in volume terms, pcs.
36. Geographical structure of import of dump trucks by codes (8704101019, 8704101011, 8704101021) to Russia in 2018-2020, in physical terms, pcs.
37. Geographical structure of import of mine loaders to Kazakhstan in 2019-2020, in volume terms, units
38. Geographical structure of import of mining dump trucks to Kazakhstan in 2019-2020, in volume terms, pcs.
39. Geographical structure of import of mine loaders to Kyrgyzstan in 2017-2019, in volume terms, pcs.
40. Geographical structure of import of dump trucks (under codes 8704101019, 8704101021) to Kyrgyzstan in 2017-2019, in volume terms, pcs.
41. Geographical structure of import of mine loaders to Uzbekistan in 2017-2018, in volume terms, units.
42. Geographical structure of import of dump trucks (under codes 8704101010, 8704101020) to Uzbekistan in 2017-2018, in volume terms, pcs.
43. Average retail prices for mine loaders according to importers and manufacturers, USD. USA excluding VAT
44. Average retail prices for mine dump trucks according to importers and manufacturers, USD USA excluding VAT
45. Average retail prices for mine loaders according to importers and manufacturers, USD. USA excluding VAT
46. Average retail prices for mine dump trucks according to importers and manufacturers, USD USA excluding VAT
47. Indicators of the extractive industry of Ukraine (with the exception of the extraction of oil, gas, peat, cement), million tons
48. Indicators of the extractive industry of Russia (with the exception of the extraction of oil, gas, peat, cement), million tons
49. Indicators of the extractive industry of Belarus in 2015-2019, in volume terms
50. Indicators of the extractive industry of Kazakhstan (with the exception of the extraction of oil, gas, peat, cement), million tons
51. Indicators of the extractive industry of Tajikistan (with the exception of the extraction of oil, gas, peat, cement), million tons
52. Number of construction machines in contracting organizations for 2017-2019, units
53. State balance of reserves of Kyrgyzstan
54. Indicators of the extractive industry of Kyrgyzstan 2017-2020, in value terms, billion soms
55. Indicators of the extractive industry of Uzbekistan in 2019-2020, in volume terms, billion soms
56. Segmentation of mining companies in Ukraine by income and types of activity in 2019
57. Segmentation of mining companies in Ukraine by the number of economic entities and types of activity in 2019
58. Number of mining enterprises in Kyrgyzstan in 2019
59. SWOT analysis of the client company from the point of view of goals and objectives
60. PEST - analysis of the mine dump trucks and loaders market in Ukraine
61. PEST - analysis of the mine dump trucks and loaders market in Russia
62. PEST - analysis of the mining dump trucks and loaders market in Belarus
63. PEST - analysis of the mining dump trucks and loaders market in Kazakhstan
64. PEST - analysis of the mine dump trucks and loaders market in Tajikistan
65. PEST - market analysis of mining dump trucks and loaders in Kyrgyzstan
66. PEST - analysis of the mining dump trucks and loaders market in Uzbekistan
67. Segmentation of market risks
68. Market risk map of mining dump trucks and loaders in the CIS countries

List of graphs and charts:

1. The dynamics of the production of mine loaders in Belarus in 2017-2019, in volume terms, pcs.
2. The dynamics of the export of mine loaders from Ukraine in 2017-2020, in volume terms, pcs.
3. Dynamics of import of mine loaders in Ukraine in 2017-2020, in volume terms, units
4. Dynamics of import of mine loaders in Ukraine in 2017-2020, in value terms, million UAH
5. Dynamics of import of mine dump trucks in Ukraine in 2017-2020, in volume terms, pcs.
6. Dynamics of import of mining dump trucks in Ukraine in 2017-2020, in value terms, million UAH
7. Dynamics of import of mine loaders to Russia in 2018-2020, in volume terms, units
8. Dynamics of import of mine loaders to Russia in 2018-2020, in value terms
9. Dynamics of import of dump trucks by codes (8704101019, 8704101011, 8704101021) to Russia in 2018-2020, in volume terms, pcs.
10. Dynamics of import of dump trucks by codes (8704101019, 8704101011, 8704101021) to Russia in 2018-2020, in value terms, million dollars
11. Dynamics of import of mine loaders to Kazakhstan in 2017-2020, in physical terms, units
12. Dynamics of import of mine loaders to Kazakhstan in 2017-2020, in value terms, million dollars
13. Dynamics of import of dump trucks by codes (8704101019, 8704101021) in Kazakhstan in 2018-2020, in volume terms, pcs.
14. Dynamics of import of dump trucks by codes (8704101019, 8704101021) in Kazakhstan in 2017-2020, in value terms, million dollars.
15. Dynamics of import of mine loaders in Kyrgyzstan in 2017-2019, in physical terms, units
16. Dynamics of import of mine loaders to Kyrgyzstan in 2017-2019, in value terms, million dollars.
17. Dynamics of import of dump trucks (by codes 8704101019, 8704101021) to Kyrgyzstan in 2017-2019, in volume terms, pcs.
18. Dynamics of import of dump trucks (under codes 8704101019, 8704101021) to Kyrgyzstan in 2017-2019, in value terms, million dollars
19. Dynamics of import of mine loaders to Uzbekistan in 2017-2018, in physical terms, units
20. Dynamics of import of dump trucks (by codes 8704101010, 8704101020) to Uzbekistan in 2017-2018, in volume terms, pcs.
21. Dynamics of import of dump trucks (by codes 8704101010, 8704101020) to Uzbekistan in 2017-2018, in value terms, million dollars
22. Dynamics of imports of all forklifts to Tajikistan (code 842951) in 2017-2020, in physical terms, units
23. Dynamics of imports of all forklifts to Tajikistan (code 842951) in 2017-2020, in value terms, million dollars
24. Dynamics of import of all dump trucks (code 870410) to Tajikistan in 2017-2020, in volume terms, pcs.
25. Dynamics of imports of all dump trucks (code 870410) to Tajikistan in 2017-2020, in value terms, million dollars
26. Dynamics of imports of all forklifts to Belarus (code 842951) in 2017-2020, in volume terms, pcs.
27. Dynamics of import of all dump trucks (code 870410) to Belarus in 2017-2020, in volume terms, pcs.
28. Dynamics of commissioning of residential buildings in Ukraine in 2017-2020, thousand sq. m.
29. Dynamics of commissioning of non-residential buildings in Ukraine in 2017-2020, thousand square meters.
30. Volumes of road construction in Ukraine (repair and construction), thousand km
31. Dynamics of commissioning of residential buildings in Russia in 2017-2020, thousand sq. m.
32. Dynamics of commissioning of non-residential buildings in Russia in 2017-2020, thousand. M sq.
33. Number of single-bucket loaders at enterprises in Russia, pcs
34. The structure of the volume of production of the mining industry in Belarus in 2019
35. Dynamics of commissioning of residential buildings in Kazakhstan in 2017-2020, thousand square meters.
36. Index of physical volume of construction works in Kazakhstan in 2017-2020,%
37. Volumes of construction works in Tajikistan in 2017-2020, in value terms, billion somoni
38. Production of hard coal and lignite in Kyrgyzstan in 2017-2020, in volume terms, million tons
39. Dynamics of commissioning of residential buildings in Kyrgyzstan in 2017-2020, thousand square meters.
40. The volume of contract works performed by own forces in Kyrgyzstan in 2017-2020, in value terms, billion soms
41. Dynamics of the mining industry in Uzbekistan in 2017-2020, in value terms, billion dollars
42. Dynamics of completed construction works in Uzbekistan in 2017-2020, in value terms, billion dollars
43. Forecast of the market capacity of mine loaders in Ukraine in 2021-2025, in volume terms, pcs.
44. Forecast of the market capacity of mine dump trucks in Ukraine in 2021-2025, in volume terms, pcs.
45. Forecast of the market capacity of mine loaders in Russia in 2021-2025, in volume terms, pcs.
46. Forecast of the market capacity of mining dump trucks in Russia in 2021-2025, in volume terms, pcs.
47. Forecast of the market capacity of mine loaders in Belarus in 2021-2025, in volume terms, pcs.
48. Forecast of the market capacity of mining dump trucks in Belarus in 2021-2025, in volume terms, pcs.
49. Forecast of the market capacity of mine loaders in Kazakhstan in 2021-2025, in volume terms, pcs.
50. Forecast of the market capacity of mining dump trucks in Kazakhstan in 2021-2025, in volume terms, pcs.
51. Forecast of the market capacity of mine loaders in Kyrgyzstan in 2021-2025, in volume terms, pcs.
52. Forecast of the market capacity of mining dump trucks in Kyrgyzstan in 2021-2025, in volume terms, pcs.
53. Forecast of the market capacity of mine loaders in Tajikistan in 2021-2025, in volume terms, pcs.
54. Forecast of the market capacity of mining dump trucks in Tajikistan in 2021-2025, in volume terms, pcs.
55. Forecast of the market capacity of mine loaders in Uzbekistan in 2021-2025, in volume terms, pcs.
56. Forecast of the market capacity of mining dump trucks in Uzbekistan in 2021-2025, in volume terms, pcs.

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