Market research report on agricultural machinery market in Ukraine. 2023

Market research report on agricultural machinery market in Ukraine. 2023
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: October 2023 year
Number of pages: 49, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles
Graphs and charts: 11
Tables: 18
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Market description (introduction, methodologies, classifiers)
1.2. Analysis of trends that affected the market, how they manifested and which segments were affected; prerequisites and problems of development: until 2021 and after the start of a full-scale war;
- Global trends in the production and application of SHT are key innovations that can be introduced in Ukraine.
- Trends in local production and dependence on import of components
- trends in consumption (the culture of using technology in the agricultural sector)
- Regulatory trends and analysis of the legislative framework governing the industry
- After 24.02.2022 – the degree of destruction of the equipment park (estimate)
- Support programs (grants, loans and other forms) - if there are specific programs for the purchase of equipment
- the number of SMEs on the market
1.3. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in physical and monetary terms (production + import - export)
1.4. Assessment of the shadow segment on the market (based on expert interviews and the construction of analytical calculation models)
1.5. Segmentation and structuring of the supplied equipment market
- by types of equipment
- by origin in each segment (import dependence, conclusions on which sectors are most dependent)
- New/old equipment
- by power (where relevant)
- share of foreign capital over the market
2. Analysis of market indicators for the sale of Ukrainian SHT
2.1. Sown areas in Ukraine by regions and types of crops
2.3. Value chain analysis in agriculture and processing. Determination of weak points in agricultural machinery
2.4. Analysis of the technological level of agriculture in different countries to determine potential export markets
3. The main market operators (manufacturers) - with a share of SMEs
3.1. List of the main market operators and their structuring
3.2. Market shares of the main market operators in the section of the main segments
4. Production of agricultural machinery in 2017-6 months. 2023
4.1. Dynamics of production in quantitative indicators
4.2. Dynamics of production in value indicators
4.3. Shares of domestic producers
5. Foreign trade and foreign trade
5.1. Export of agricultural machinery from Ukraine in 2017-6 months 2023
- export trends for the Ukrainian manufacturer (what was exported in recent years)
- volumes in dynamics in kind and money;
- export structure by types
- Geography
- the share of Ukrainian exports in imports of products from foreign countries, competition with other suppliers
- Shares of exporters
5.2. Import of SGT to Ukraine in 2017-6 months 2023 (Volumes by category, geography)
- trends in foreign trade in general (in which directions import prevails)
- the main trade partners of Ukraine (the share of imports)
6. Analysis of pricing above the market. Description of factors and components affecting price formation, structure
7. Branding and advertising (analysis of the marketing policy of Ukrainian manufacturers on the market, determination of ways to improve both for export and the domestic market) - analysis of how manufacturers use promotion channels: social networks, blogs, participation in exhibitions
8. Conclusions. Predictive market indicators
8.1. Conclusions and forecast trends of market development in terms of segments and markets of the countries defined in chapter 5
8.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development in 2023-2027. by segments
9. Recommendations from Ukrainian exporters
9.1. Determination of countries for export by product segments and recommendations for promoting products on the market
9.2. Recommendations for the project regarding trade events
9.3. Recommendations of experts

List of Tables:

1. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity based on natural and financial indicators (production + import - export)
2. Capacity of the agricultural machinery market, 2017-2022, in monetary terms, $ million with segmentation by product groups
3. The share of import of agricultural machinery in 2022, in monetary terms, $ million with segmentation by commodity groups
4. Origin of capital of the TOP-10 Ukrainian companies (determined by production volumes in monetary terms in 2021)
5. TOP-30 countries by the level of investment in agricultural machinery in 2022
6. The main operators of the agricultural machinery market in Ukraine
7. Market shares of the main market operators (production – 6 months of 2022, import – 6 months of 2023)
8. Dynamics of production of agricultural machinery by segments, 2017-2022 (2022 calculated on the basis of data for 6 months), in natural terms, units per year,
9. Dynamics of production of agricultural machinery by segments, 2017-2022 (2022 calculated on the basis of data for 6 months), in monetary terms, $ million per year
10. TOP-10 manufacturers of agricultural machinery (according to the data of 6 months of 2022) without segmentation by types
11. Shares of domestic producers in 2021 and 6 months of 2022. in money, thousand hryvnias
12. Shares of domestic producers in 2021 and 6 months. 2022 in natural terms, units of technology
13. Volume of export of agricultural machinery from Ukraine by categories, 2017-6 months. 2023, in natural terms, thousand tons
14. Volume of export of agricultural machinery from Ukraine by categories, 2017-6 months. 2023, in money, $ million
15. Visualization of changes in the volume of exports of agricultural machinery from Ukraine by category, 2017-6 months. 2023, in money, million $, %
16. Structure of export of agricultural machinery from Ukraine by types, 2017-6 months. 2023, in money, $ million
17. Geography of export of agricultural machinery from Ukraine by categories, 2017-6 months. 2023, in money, $ million
18. Geography of import of agricultural machinery to Ukraine by categories, 2017-6 months. 2023, $ million

List of graphs and charts:

1. The share of manufacturers from the region in the total volume of sales of agricultural machinery as of 2021.
2. Distribution of registered companies working in the field of agricultural engineering by the number of employees (according to 2021 data)
3. Sown areas in Ukraine by region, 2022, million hectares, %
4. Sown areas in Ukraine by types of crops, in 2021 and 2022, thousand hectares
5. Shares of exporters of agricultural machinery from Ukraine by types, 6 months. 2023, in money, $ million
6. The main trade partners of Ukraine (as a share of imports)
7. Volume of import of agricultural machinery to Ukraine by categories, 2017-6 months. 2023, in money, $ million
8. The main suppliers of alloy steels to Ukraine in 2022, in monetary terms, $ million.
9. Dynamics of production of metal products 2019–2022, million tons
10. The trend of changes in electricity prices for enterprises in 2021–2023 pp. thousand hryvnias for 1 MW.
11. Forecast of production by product groups until 2027, in natural terms

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