Analysis of the sugar beet, corn, wheat and their waste market in Ukraine. 2019

Analysis of the sugar beet, corn, wheat and their waste market in Ukraine. 2019
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: August 2019 year
Number of pages: 78, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 18
Tables: 40
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: russian
14100 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General chectareracteristics of the beet, corn, wheat market in Ukraine
1.1. Analysis of market development trends in 2017-2018 in Ukraine
1.2. Overall market indicators, area and crops dynamics in 2017-2018 in kind in Ukraine by regions:
* beets
* corn
* wheat
1.3. Dynamics of the researched products market volume (production + import-export) in 2017-2018 in Ukraine
1.4. Segmentation and structuring of the researched products market in Ukraine in 2017-2018:
* selection of the domestic and imported products shectarere
* segmentation by section of the researched products
2. State regulation of the researched products market in Ukraine: restrictions and / or quotas on export of beet, corn, wheat from Ukraine (if available)
3. Dynamics of beet, corn, wheat production in 2017-2018 in Ukraine
3.1. Volume of cultivation in kind in 2017-2018 in Ukraine by regions in terms of:
* beets
* corn
* wheat
3.2. Segmentation of cultivation in kind in 2017-2018 in Ukraine by regions by section:
* beets
* corn
* wheat
4. Major producers in beet, corn, wheat market in Ukraine
4.1. Major market operators and their brief description (TOP-3 for each region)
* beets
* corn
* wheat
4.2. Segmentation and structuring of major operators (by types of cultivated products, by types of additional activities (eg processing, etc.)
4.3. Market shares of major operators in Ukraine
5. Foreign trade in the market of beets, corn, wheat in 2017-2018
5.1. Exports of the researched products in 2017-2018 (Volumes, geography of deliveries by countries, major exporters and their shares, short description of TOP-10 traders)
5.2. Imports of researched products in 2017-2018 (Volumes, geography of deliveries by countries, major importers and their shares)
6. Analysis of the major types of beet, corn, wheat processing, as well as their wastes in Ukraine
6.1. The most popular processing types of beets, corn, wheat in Ukraine (a brief description of each product, a list of industries and types of processed products for each industry)
6.2. Types of waste resulting from the processing of beets, corn, wheat in Ukraine and their further use (types of industries)
6.3. Estimation of waste production volumes which are result of processing of beets, corn and wheat in Ukraine in 2017-2018
6.4. Analysis of waste which is result beet, corn and Wheat Processing foreign trade in Ukraine in 2017-2018:
6.4.1. Waste exports in 2017-2018 (Volume, geography of deliveries by countries, major exporters and their shares)
6.4.2. Waste imports in 2017-2018 (Volume, geography of supply by countries, major importers and their shares)
7. Conclusions. Forcast Market Indicators for 2019-2020
7.1. Conclusions and forecast market development tendencies
7.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forcast Market Indicators for 2019-2021 in Ukraine
8. Investment attractiveness of the industry
8.1. SWOT - market orientation analysis
8.2. PEST - market orientation analysis

List of Tables:

1. Dynamics of sugar beet acreage in Ukraine by region, in 2017-2018, thousand hectares
2. Dynamics of sugar beet hectarervest in Ukraine by regions, in 2017-2018, tons per hectare
3. Dynamics of corn sown areas in Ukraine by regions, in 2017-2018, thousand hectares
4. Dynamics of corn yield in Ukraine by regions, in 2017-2018, tons per hectare
5. Dynamics of wheat acreage in Ukraine by regions, in 2017-2018, thousand hectares
6. Dynamics of wheat yield in Ukraine by regions, in 2017-2018, tons per hectare
7. Dynamics of sugar beet market volumes in 2017-2018, in kind, thousand tons
8. Dynamics of corn market volumes in 2017-2018, in kind, thousand tons
9. Dynamics of wheat market volumes in 2017-2018, in kind, thousand tons
10. Export and import duties of researched products in Ukraine
11. Volume of sugar beet cultivation in Ukraine, by regions, in 2017-2018, ths. tons
12. Volume of corn cultivation in Ukraine, by region, in 2017-2018, ths. Tons
13. Volume of wheat cultivation in Ukraine, by regions, in 2017-2018, ths. Tons
14. Average current prices for the researched crops as of August 19, 2019, by regions, VAT included, UAH. per ton, USD per ton
15. Sugar beet major producers by regions
16. Corn major producers by regions
17. Major wheat producers by regions
18. Segmentation of major operators by types of cultivated products
19. Segmentation of major operators by types of additional activity
20. Households shares in the researched crops production
21. Major operators market shares in 2018, in kind,%
22. Export of the researched products in 2017-2018, in kind, thousand tons
23. Exports of the researched products in 2017-2018, in monetary terms, million UAH
24. Supplies and shares of the largest corn exporters in 2017, ths tons and %
25. Supplies and shares of the largest wheat exporters in 2017, ths. Tons and %
26. Top 10 exporters of wheat and corn in 2017-2018
27. Imports of the researched products in 2017-2018, in kind, thousand tons
28. Imports of researched products in 2017-2018, in monetary terms, million UAH
29. Supplies and shares of the largest corn importers in 2017-2018, tons and %
30. Supplies and shares of the largest wheat importers in 2017-2018, tonnes and %
31. Natural sources of biopolymers
32. Cost of different types of beet, corn and wheat processing waste in Ukraine (from distributors), UAH / ton, USD / ton
33. Researched processed crops waste Production volumes in 2017-2018, in kind, ths. Tons
34. The average enterprises selling price of the processed crops wastes in 2017-2018, UAH / ton
35. Export of the researched products in 2017-2018, in kind, thousand tons
36. Exporters of selected types of researched products in 2017-2018, in kind,%
37. Exports of the researched products in 2017-2018, in kind, tons
38. Importers of selected types of researched products in 2017-2018, in kind,%
39. SWOT analysis of market orientation
40. PEST analysis of impact factors

List of graphs and charts:

1. Sugar production in Ukraine in 2012-2018, in kind, thousand tons
2. Short-term storage bread and bakery products manufacturing in Ukraine in 2012-2018, in kind, million tons
3. Segmentation of corn and wheat markets by origin in Ukraine, in 2017-2018, in kind,%
4. Segmentation of the researched cultures markets in Ukraine, in 2017-2018, in kind, %
5. Segmentation of beet growing in Ukraine by regions, in 2017-2018, in kind,%
6. Segmentation of corn growing in Ukraine by regions, in 2017-2018, in kind,%
7. Segmentation of wheat growing in Ukraine by regions, in 2017-2018, in kind,%
8. Geographic directions of corn exports in Ukraine, in 2017-2018, in kind,%
9. Geographic directions of wheat exports in Ukraine, in 2017-2018, in kind,%
10. Geographic directions of corn imports in Ukraine, in 2017-2018, in kind,%
11. Geographic directions of wheat imports in Ukraine, in 2017-2018, in kind,%
12. Regional segmentation of beet processing waste production in 2017-2018, in kind,%
13. Regional segmentation of corn processing wastes production in 2017-2018, in kind,%
14. Regional segmentation of wheat processing waste production in 2017-2018, in kind,%
15. Export segmentation of wheat, corn and sugar beet processing waste in 2018, in kind,%
16. Geographic directions of wheat, corn and sugar beet processing waste exports in 2017-2018, in kind,%
17. Geographic directions of wheat and corn processing wastes imports in 2017-2018, in kind,%
18. Basic forecast of sugar beet, corn and wheat production in Ukraine in 2019-2021, in kind, thousand tons

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