Analysis of Medical and Special Purpose Gloves Market in Ukraine. 1-2 Q 2019

Analysis of Medical and Special Purpose Gloves Market in Ukraine. 1-2 Q 2019
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: July 2019 year
Number of pages: 40, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 11
Tables: 22
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: russian
13400 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the medical and specialized gloves market in Ukraine
1.1. Short trends and changes that have occurred in the med. and special. gloves market for 1-2 quarters 2019, including features of tenders
1.2. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity for 6 months 2019 in kind and in monetary terms (production + import-export) broken down by:
• Medical gloves
• Specialized gloves
1.3. Segmentation and structuring of the medical and specialized gloves market (based on FEA data) for 1-2 quarters 2019 (compared to 1-2 quarters 2018)
By Types of Material: + Identification of the most popular glove brands, shares and import volumes
By TM, depending on the kind and type of gloves (selection of the most popular brands, their shares and volumes in the structure of imported supplies)
2. Production volume in the medical and specialized gloves market in Ukraine in kind and monetary (estimate) terms for 1-2 quarters 2019 - Assessment and Comparison with SPLY 2018
3. Major operators of the medical and specialized gloves market in Ukraine
3.1. Major market operators and their descriptions (medical: manufacturers, importers, large government hospitals, drugstore chains; specialized: manufacturers, importers, large retail chains, drogerie) - if there were changes (new ones appearence, old ones disappearence)
3.2. Major operators market shares - importers for 1-2 quarters 2019 (compare to 1-2 quarters of 2018)
4. Foreign trade in the medical and specialized gloves market in Ukraine
4.1. Export of products for 1-2 quarters 2019 (compare to 1-2 quarters of 2018) - volumes for calculating market capacity
4.2. Import of products for 1-2 quarters 2019 (compare to 1-2 quarters 2018) - monthly (volumes, changes in average import prices depending on the type of gloves, geography of deliveries by countries)
5. Dynamics of average products retail prices as of the end of the second half of 2019
6. Conclusions and Forecast Market Development Indicators in 2019-2021 Based on a Multifactor Model

List of Tables:

1. List of medical gloves market major operators in Ukraine
2. TOP-5 state-owned companies by number of medical gloves tenders for 1-2 quarters 2019
3. Top - 10 players in the private medical services market in Kyiv in 1-2 quarters 2019
4. The most profitable private healthcare institutions according to the financial statements in 2017, by regions
5. List of the largest drugstore chains by the number of locations in Ukraine as of January 2019
6. List of specialized gloves market major operators in Ukraine in 1-2 quarters 2019
7. List of the largest FMCG, DIY and home goods retailers, Drogerie in Ukraine in 1-2 quarters 2019
8. List of major online trading venues
9. Current average prices for medical gloves in 2 quarters 2019, in monetary terms, UAH
10. Selection of factors of influence and their specific weight on the forecast model of the medical gloves market development in Ukraine in 2019 - 2021
11. Selection of factors of influence and their specific weight on the forecast model of the market of specialized gloves development in Ukraine in 2019 - 2021

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of the contracts amount by tenders' procedures in 1-2 quarters 2018 and 1-2 quarters 2019., In monetary terms, mln.UAH
2. Dynamics medical gloves public procurement participants in 1-2 quarters 2018 and 1-2 quarters 2019
3. Shares of the largest state institutions which are participants in medical gloves public purchases for 1-2 quarters 2018 and 1-2 quarters 2019, in monetary terms,%
4. Dynamics of Medical Gloves Market Capacity in Ukraine for 1-2 quarters 2018 - 1-2 quarters 2019, in kind and monetary terms, tons and millions of UAH.
5. Dynamics of the specialized gloves market capacity in Ukraine for 1-2 quarters 2018 and 1-2 quarters 2019, in kind and in monetary terms, tons and millions UAH.
6. Dynamics of world commodity prices for latex rubber in 2018 - 1-2 quarters 2019, In monetary terms, thousand USD / t.
7. Segmentation of the medical and specialized gloves market in Ukraine, for 1-2 quarters 2018-2019, in kind,%
8. Shares of the gloves leading brands by type in 1-2 quarters 2018 - 1-2 quarters 2019, in kind,%
9. Dynamics of specialized gloves production in Ukraine in 1-2 quarters 2018 - 1-2 quarters 2019., In kind and in monetary terms, tons and millions UAH.
10. Major operators of the medical gloves market Shares in Ukraine in 1-2 quarters 2018 - 1-2 quarters 2019. in kind,%
11. Major operators of the specialized gloves market Shares in Ukraine in 1-2 quarters 2018 - 1-2 quarters 2019. in kind,%*
12. Dynamics of medical gloves export from Ukraine in 1-2 quarters 2018 - 1-2 quarters 2019, in kind and monetary terms, tons and millions UAH.
13. Dynamics of specialized gloves export from Ukraine in 1-2 quarters 2018 - 1-2 quarters 2019, in kind and monetary terms, tons and millions of UAH.
14. Dynamics of medical gloves imports into Ukraine in 1-2 quarters 2018 - 1-2 quarters 2019, in kind and monetary terms, tons and millions UAH.
15. Dynamics of specialized gloves imports into Ukraine in 1-2 quarters 2018 - 1-2 quarters 2019, in kind and monetary terms, tons and millions UAH. *
16. Geographic structure of medical gloves imports into Ukraine in 1-2 quarters 2018 - 1-2 quarters 2019, in kind,%
17. Geographical structure of specialized gloves import into Ukraine in 1-2 quarters 2018 - 1-2 quarters 2019, in kind,%
18. Dynamics of average import prices for medical gloves for 1-2 quarters 2018-2019, UAH kg.
19. Dynamics of average import prices for specialized gloves in 1-2 quarters 2018 - 1-2 quarters 2019, UAH / Kg *
20. Dynamics of average prices for medical gloves in Ukraine in 2018-1-2 quarters 2019, UAH for a couple
21. Estimated values ​​of the medical gloves market capacity in Ukraine in 2019-2021 in kind, tons
22. The forecast values ​​of the specialized gloves market capacity in Ukraine in 2019-2021, in kind, t

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