Analysis of the market of alcohol in Ukraine. 2022 year

Analysis of the market of alcohol in Ukraine. 2022 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: February 2022 year
Number of pages: 78, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 30
Tables: 13
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
30150 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Analysis of strong alcohol market development trends in Ukraine (influence factors, development problems)
1.2. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in 2019-1H2021 (production + import - export)
1.3. Market segmentation and structuring (by type, origin)
2. Production in 2019-1H2021
2.1. Dynamics of production in quantitative terms
2.2. Dynamics of production in value terms
2.3. Particle manufacturers
3. Main market operators (manufacturers and importers)
3.1. List of the main market operators and their structuring (legal information, activities and specialization; product groups, brands and assortment; regional representation)
3.2. Market shares of the main market operators
4. Foreign trade
4.1. Export of strong alcohol from Ukraine in 2019-1 half of 2021 (volumes, structure (by types), geography, shares of exporters, shares of TM)
4.2. Import of strong alcohol to Ukraine in 2019-1 half of 2021 (Volumes, structure, geography, shares of importers)
5. Branding and advertising (analysis of the positioning of competitors in the market, presence in promotion channels)
6. Consumers and their preferences
6.1. Consumer preferences for the product, consumer portrait
6.2. Analysis of the Internet audience in the industry, search queries and the issuance of competitors
6.3. Structuring and segmentation of consumption
7. Sales channels for products (description and assessment of the sales structure by channels)
8. Conclusions. Forecast indicators
8.1. Conclusions and Forecast Market Development Trends
8.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development in 2021-2023
8.3. Recommendations for development in the market
9. Investment attractiveness of the industry
9.1. SWOT-analysis of the market direction / the Customer's company in the market
9.2. PESTLE-analysis of factors influencing the market
9.3. Existing risks and barriers to entry into the market. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

by type of product in physical/value terms in 2019 - H1 2021, %
7. The structure of strong alcohol imports to Ukraine by type of product in physical/value terms in 2019 - H1 2019 2021, %
8. Visualization of the competitive landscape of the TOP-10 TM in the category "liqueurs and aperitifs" by the total number of visits and the growth of the main players in the liqueurs and aperitifs market in Ukraine over the last 6 months of 2021
9. SERP Review for “Liquor”
10. Growth rate of the strong alcoholic beverages market by type of product in physical terms in 2021-2023, %
11. SWOT analysis of the market direction
12. PESTLE-analogues of factors influencing the strong alcohol market
13. Ranging the risks of the strong alcoholic beverages market in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

2. Representation of spirits on Rozetka by category
3. Representation of spirits on Rozetka by country of origin
4. Structure of representation by product type on the market of liqueurs and aperitifs, %
5. Shares of strong alcoholic drinks on Rozetka to taste, %
6. Dynamics of the production of strong alcoholic beverages in quantitative terms for 2019 - 1st half. 2021, million dal
7. Dynamics of the production of strong alcoholic beverages in value terms for 2019 - 1st half. 2021, billion UAH
8. Shares of producers of strong alcoholic products in Ukraine in physical terms in 2019 - H1 2021, %
9. Regional representation of the main market operators in terms of production volumes in physical terms for 2019 - H1 2021, %
10. Market shares of strong alcoholic beverages in real terms in Ukraine in 2019 - H1 2021, %
11. Dynamics of strong alcohol exports to Ukraine in physical terms in 2019 - H1 2021, million dal
12. Dynamics of strong alcohol exports to Ukraine in value terms in 2019 - H1 2021, mln hryvnia
13. Geography of exports of strong alcoholic beverages to Ukraine in physical terms in 2019 - H1 2021, %
14. Geography of strong alcohol exports to Ukraine in value terms in 2019 - H1 2021, %
15. TOP 10 exporters of strong alcohol in Ukraine in physical terms in 2019 - 1st half. 2021, %
16. TOP 10 exporters of hard alcohol in Ukraine in value terms in 2019 - H1 2021, %
17. Dynamics of imports of strong alcohol to Ukraine in physical terms in 2019 - 1st half. 2021, million dal
18. Dynamics of strong alcohol imports to Ukraine in value terms in 2019 - H1 2021, mln hryvnia
19. Geography of strong alcohol imports to Ukraine in physical terms in 2019 - H1 2021, %
20. TOP 10 importers of strong alcohol to Ukraine in physical terms in 2019 - 1 half. 2021, %
21. TOP 10 importers of strong alcohol to Ukraine in value terms in 2019 - H1 2019 2021, %
22. Demand trend for alcoholic beverage "tincture" in 2021
23. Preferences of Ukrainians for the use of alcoholic beverages, %
24. Reasons for Ukrainians to drink alcohol, %
25. Frequency of alcohol consumption “several times a month” by gender and age group, % of all respondents
26. Frequency of consumption of strong alcoholic beverages by article, % of all respondents
27. Frequency of consumption of strong alcoholic beverages by age, % of all respondents
28. Consumption of strong alcoholic beverages by region, % of all respondents
29. Structure of food retail sales by modern/traditional spirits stores in Ukraine in 2020, %
30. Forecast indicators of the development of the strong alcoholic beverages market in Ukraine in physical terms in 2021-2023, million decalitres

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