Analysis of the market of boilers in Ukraine. 2019

Analysis of the market of boilers in Ukraine. 2019
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: December 2019 year
Number of pages: 54 Arial,1 spacing, 10 pins
Graphs and charts: 18
Tables: 35
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: russian
12700 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Analysis of boiler equipment market development trends (factors of influence, problems and prerequisites for development)
1.1. Overall market indicators, calculation of boiler market capacity in 2017-2019 (production + import - export)
1.2. Market segmentation and structuring (by type of boiler (fuel), origin (import / domestic production), power, shadow segment estimation (counterfeit, smuggling, handicraft production)
2. Production and dynamics of sales in 2017-2019
2.1. Dynamics of production in quantitative terms
2.2. Dynamics of production in value terms
2.3. Boiler equipment manufacturers Share in Ukraine (by type)
3. Major market operators (manufacturers and importers)
3.1. Characteristics of the major market operators and their description (TOP-5 manufacturers and TOP-15 importers)
• Contacts
• Trademarks
• Importing countries
• Activity
• Types of boilers (fuel, power)
• Range (color scheme, design, power range)
• Pricing policy
• Sales channels (DIY, specialized dealers-installers, other channels),
• Market share
• Volume and share dynamics for 2017-2019.
• Product reviews
• Consolidated assessment based on multifactor model (competition risk for new player)
4. Foreign trade
4.1. Exports of boilers from Ukraine in 2017-2019 (6 months 2019) (volumes, structure, geography, exporters shares)
4.2. Import of boilers to Ukraine in 2017- 9 months 2019. (volumes, structure, geography, importers share)
5. Average current prices for boilers by type and capacity. Determination of price segments
6. Consumers and their benefits (including online)
6.1. Consumer Benefits from the Product, Consumer Portrait (Boiler Requirements Analysis Based on Reviews and Forums)
6.2. Analysis of online requests and issuance of competitors
6.3. Structuring and segmentation of consumption (by types of boilers and power)
6.4. Content analysis of materials for boiler choosing - recommendations, brands, etc.
7. Sales channels (description and evaluation of sales structure by channels)
8. Conclusions and recommendations
8.1. Conclusions and forecast tendencies of market development
8.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forcast Market Indicators for 2020-2023
8.3. Recommendations for market development (based on the analysis of the industry as a whole - the expedience of investing in production - and based on the analysis of competitors' work)
9. Investment attractiveness of the industry
9.1. SWOT analysis of market orientation
9.2. PESTLE analysis of market impact factors
9.3. Existing risks and barriers to market entry. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

1. Dynamics and volume of the boiler market capacity in Ukraine for 2017 - 1-3 quarters 2019, in kind, pcs.
2. Shares and volumes of boiler equipment manufacturers in Ukraine for 2016-2018, in kind (units), and in monetary terms million UAH
3. Description of major operators in the boiler market of Ukraine
4. Top 10 boiler importers in Ukraine in 2017-2019 and their main characteristics
5. Major manufacturers' and importers' Shares in the market (based on 2018 data)
6. Summary table of researched factors
7. Evaluation of the researched indicators
8. Evaluation of enterprise competitiveness criteria (qualitative and quantitative parameters)
9. Evaluation of enterprise competitiveness criteria (integral indicator)
10. Structure of boilers export deliveries, with power up to 100 kW, by types of fuel used, in kind, pieces,%.
11. Geographic structure of boiler exports in Ukraine with power up to 100 kW, for 2017 - 1-3 quarters 2019, in kind, pieces,%.
12. Shares and volumes of boilers importing companies in Ukraine with power up to 100 kW, for 2017 - 1-3 quarters 2019, in kind, pieces,%
13. Structure of imported shipments of boilers, power up to 100 kW, by types of fuel used, in kind, pcs,%.
14. Geographic structure of boiler imports in Ukraine with power up to 100 kW, for 2017 - 1-3 quarters 2019, in kind, pieces,%.
15. Shares and volumes of companies importing boilers in Ukraine with power up to 100 kW, for 2017 - 1-3 quarters 2019, in kind, pieces,%
16. Major market operators Prices for boilers in Ukraine as of December 2019
17. Average prices for boilers in Ukraine as of December 2019
18. Consumer preferences and factors that influence customer choice
19. "boilers" Internet requests Indicators for the Period from November 1, 2018 to October 31, 2019
20. Keyword Analysis of TOP-6 Boiler Manufacturers in Ukraine from November 1, 2018 to October 31, 2019
21. Keyword Analysis of Top 5 Boilers Importers in Ukraine from November 1, 2018 to October 31, 2019
22. Indicators of residential buildings commissioning by types of buildings (apartments and private houses) by type of central heating in Ukraine, for 2016 -1 half 2019
23. Structure of Vaillant Group Ukraine popular boilers, for 2017 - 1-3 quarters 2019, by TM, power, and boiler model, in kind
24. Structure of LLC Robert Bosch Ukraine popular boilers, for 2017 - 1-3 quarters 2019, by TM, power, and boiler model, in kind
25. Structure of LLC Ariston Thermo Ukraine popular boilers, for 2017 - 1-3 quarters 2019, by TM, power, and boiler model, in kind
26. Structure of LLC Garner and LLC Wirax popular boilers, for 2017 - 1-3 quarters 2019, by TM, power, and boiler model, in kind
27. Popular boilers among major boiler manufacturers based on online inquiries
28. Advantages and disadvantages of different types of boilers
29. The best boilers manufacturers and models, depending on the type
30. Major universal sites for the products sale
31. Partner-companies of major boiler manufacturers in Ukraine
32. Partner companies of major importers of boilers in Ukraine
33. SWOT-analysis of the boiler market of Ukraine
34. Risk map for the researched asset
35. A range of various types boilers, major manufacturers and importers in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Structure of boiler production in Ukraine in 2017-2018
2. Market structure of boilers by origin (import / export) for 2017 - 3 quarters 2019, in kind,%
3. Production volume of central heating boilers in Ukraine, for 2016 - 3 quarters 2019, in kind, pcs.
4. Production volume of central heating boilers in Ukraine, for 2016 - 3 quarters 2019, In monetary terms, million UAH.
5. Boiler equipment manufacturers' shares by type of boilers (by type of fuel used) for 2018, in kind,%
6. Major market operators matrix
7. Volume and dynamics of boilers with power up to 100 kW export in Ukraine for 2017 - 6 months 2019, in kind, pcs
8. Volume and dynamics of boilers with power up to 100 kW export in Ukraine for 2017 - 6 months 2019, in monetary terms, mln USD
9. Volume and dynamics of boilers with power up to 100 kW export in Ukraine for 2017 - 6 months 2019, in monetary terms, mln UAH
10. Volume and dynamics of boilers with power up to 100 kW import in Ukraine for 2017 - 9 months 2019, in kind, pcs.
11. Volume and dynamics of boilers with power up to 100 kW import in Ukraine for 2017 - 9 months 2019, in monetary terms, million USD
12. Volume and dynamics of boilers with power up to 100 kW import in Ukraine for 2017-9 months 2019, in monetary terms, million UAH
13. Number of searches by TM of TOP-5 boiler manufacturers and importers on the Google Search Network in Ukraine from November 1, 2018 to October 31, 2019
14. Structure of heating in new buildings in Kyiv and Kyiv region
15. Private homes Area structure in Ukraine
16. Structure of cottage town heating in Kyiv and Kyiv region
17. Structure of boilers consumption by type of real estate (private homes, apartments, secondary real estate market), in kind,%
18. Forecasts indicators of the boilers market capacity in Ukraine, for 2019-2021, in kind, thousand pieces.

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