Market analysis of mixed feeds and premixes in Ukraine. 2020 year

Market analysis of mixed feeds and premixes in Ukraine. 2020 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: October 2020 year
Number of pages: 50, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 43
Tables: 10
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
23300 UAH
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Detailed contents:

3.1. General characteristic of the market of combine feeds and premixes of ukraine
3.1.1. Description and key factors of market development (technologies, features of market beginning, raw materials and other factors)
3.1.2. Analysis of market development trends in 2015 - 6 months 2020 yy. Fodder market trends (including description of factors affecting price formation (prices for meals, additives)) Livestock market trends (head and intensity of application of compound fodder on one head of livestock)
3.1.3. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in 2015 - 6 months 2020 yy. (production + import - export)
3.1.4. Market segmentation
- for purpose: for cats / pigs / birds / other animals
- by origin
- by raw materials (available)
3.2. State regulation of the market
- features of market regulation (laws and regulations)
- import duties
3.3. Dynamics of production and sale of feed and premixes
3.3.1. Dynamics of production of feed and premixes by species in 2015 - 6 months 2020 yy. In volume indicators
- production dynamics by feed types
- dynamics of the production of feeds that are sent to the market (without feeds produced for own needs)
3.3.2. Dynamics of feed sales by species in 2015 - 6 months 2020 yy. In value terms indicators (excluding companies that produce for own needs)
3.3.3. Shares of producers on the market
3.4. Major market operators (feed producers, importers)
3.4.1. Major market operators and their description List of the largest companies that work for self-support of feeds, belonging to group of companies and volumes)
3. 4.1.2. List and description of the largest manufacturers and importers of feed and premixes and their description
3.4.2. Segmentation and structuring of major market operators
- by feed types
- by region
- available for export directions
- at prices
3.4.3. Market shares of major operators in the Ukrainian market (by production volume and foreign trade) - excluding companies working for self-support
3.4.4. Degree of competition and risks. Factor analysis of market shares of operators.
3.5. Foreign trade in the market
3.5.1. Export of products in 2015 - 6 months 2020 yy. (volumes, structure, geography, major exporters)
3.5.2. Import of products in 2015 - 6 months 2020 yy. (volumes, structure, geography, main importers)
3.6. Price and pricing on the market
3.6.1. Dynamics of product prices (prices of manufacturers and importers) in 2015-2020
3.6.2. Average current product prices
3.7. Consumption of products on the market
3.7.1. Analysis of trends in the livestock segment
3.7.2. Dynamics of the head of agricultural animals
3.7.3. Analysis of consumption potential. Comparison of consumption of combined feeds per cattle in Ukraine and developed countries
3.7.4. Analysis of the need for combined feeds
3.8. Conclusions. Forecast indicators of feed and premix in Ukraine
3.8.1. Conclusions and forecasting market development trends
3.8.2. Construction of the market development hypotheses. Forecast market development indicators in 2020-2025.
3.8.3. Recommendations for development in the market (from the point of view of construction of a new plant)
3.9. Investment attractiveness of the industry
3.9.1. Swot analysis of the market direction
3.9.2. Pestle-analysis of factors of impact on the market
3.9.3. Existing risks and barriers to market entrance. Building a market risk map

List of Tables:

1. The main indicators of the mixed feed market in Ukraine involume terms in 2017 - 9 months. 2019, thousand tons
2. Help on UKTVED of the investigated group of goods
3. Main producers and importers of mixed feed and premixes in Ukraine
4. Segmentation of the largest market operators by product segments as of 2019
5. Factor analysis of the dynamics of market share
6. Average prices for products in 2019 - 6 months. 2020, UAH / kg
7. SWOT-analysis of the Ukrainian feed and premixes market
8. PESTLE - analysis of the mixed feed and premixes market in Ukraine
9. Segmentation of market risks
10. Map of risks for the mixed feed and premixes market in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. The structure of the livestock of farm animals in Ukraine (except birds) at the end of the year 2017 - 1 half. 2020,%
2. Dynamics of the intensity of the use of compound feed per head of livestock for 2017 - 2019, centners of feed. units
3. Dynamics of the capacity of the mixed feed market in Ukraine in volume termsin 2015 - 6 months. 2020, thousand tons
4. Dynamics of the capacity of the premixes market in Ukraine in volume terms in 2015 - 6 months. 2020, thousand tons
5. Structure of compound feed production by types of farm animals in Ukraine in 2017-6 months. 2020,%
6. Structure of compound feeds and premixes by origin in Ukraine for 2019, million tons
7. Structure of feed by raw material
8. Structure of feed costs for feeding farm animals in 2019,%
9. Dynamics of production of premixes for farm animals in Ukraine in 2015 - 6 months. 2020 in volume terms, thousand tons
10. Dynamics of production of feed for pigs in Ukraine in 2015 - 6 months. 2020 in volume terms, thousand tons
11. Dynamics of production of feed for cattle in Ukraine in 2015 - 6 months. 2020 in volume terms, thousand tons
12. Dynamics of production of feed for poultry in Ukraine in 2015 - 6 months. 2020 in volume terms, thousand tons
13. Dynamics of production of feed for other animals in Ukraine in 2015 - 6 months. 2020 in volume terms, thousand tons
14. Dynamics of sales of feed for pigs in Ukraine in 2015 - 6 months. 2020 in value terms, UAH mln.
15. Dynamics of sales of feed for cattle in Ukraine in 2015 - 6 months. 2020 in value terms, UAH mln.
16. Dynamics of sales of feed for poultry in Ukraine in 2015 - 6 months. 2020 in value terms , UAH mln.
17. Dynamics of sales of feed for other animals in Ukraine in 2015 - 6 months. 2020 in value terms, UAH mln.
18. Shares of feed manufacturers on the Ukrainian market in 2020 (holdings),%
19. Shares of feed manufacturers on the Ukrainian market in 2020 (factories),%
20. Shares of the largest companies that work on self-sufficiency in feed
21. The structure of the main operators on the Ukrainian market (excluding self-sustaining companies) for 2018 and 2019,%
22. Dynamics of export of compound feed from Ukraine in 2015-6 months. 2020 in volume terms, thousand tons
23. Dynamics of export of premix from Ukraine in 2015-6 months. 2020 in volume terms, thousand tons
24. The structure of exports of compound feed and premix from Ukraine for 2018 and 2019. In volume terms,%
25. The structure of exports of compound feed and premix by animal species from Ukraine for 2018 and 2019. In volume terms,%
26. The structure of export of compound feed from Ukraine in the context of recipient countries for 2018 -2019. In volume terms,%
27. Structure of premix export from Ukraine in the context of recipient countries for 2018 and 2019. In volume terms,%
28. The structure of exports of mixed feed and premix from Ukraine in the context of exporting companies in 2019 in volume terms,%
29. Dynamics of imports of compound feed to Ukraine in 2015-6 months. 2020 in volume terms, thousand tons
30. Dynamics of import of premix to Ukraine in 2015-6 months. 2020 in volume terms, thousand tons
31. Structure of imports of compound feed and premix to Ukraine for 6 months. 2019 and 6 months 2020 in volume terms,%
32. The structure of imports of compound feed by animal species in Ukraine for 2018 and 2019. In volume terms,%
33. The structure of imports of compound feed and premix to Ukraine in the context of countries of origin for 2018 - 1 half. 2020 in volume terms,%
34. The structure of imports of compound feed to Ukraine in the context of importing companies in 2019 in volume terms,%
35. Structure of imports of premix to Ukraine in the context of importing companies in 2019 involume terms,%
36. Basic index of consumer prices for products in 2020,%
37. Dynamics of the number of pigs in Ukraine at the end of the year in 2017-1 half. 2020, thousand heads
38. Dynamics of the number of cattle in Ukraine at the end of the year in 2017-1 half. 2020, thousand heads
39. Dynamics of the poultry population in Ukraine at the end of the year in 2017-1 half. 2020, million heads
40. Dynamics of the livestock of sheep and goats in Ukraine at the end of the year in 2017-1 half. 2020, thousand heads
41. The structure of the livestock of farm animals in Ukraine by region as of September 1, 2020,%
42. The structure of the livestock of farm animals in Ukraine by region as of September 1, 2020,%
43. Forecast of the market capacity of mixed feed and premixes in Ukraine in 2020-2025, thousand tons

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