Market analysis of the of granite products and services for its processing in Ukraine in 2017- 1 quarter 2020

Market  analysis of the of granite products and services for its processing in Ukraine in 2017- 1 quarter 2020
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: June 2020 year
Number of pages: 57 Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pins
Graphs and charts: 33
Tables: 30
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
19100 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market of products from granite and services for its processing in Ukraine
1.1. Analysis of trends and prospects for the development of the market for granite products and services for its processing in 2017-4 months. 2020 in Ukraine (specifics, problems, factors of influence on the market). Deposits of granite in Ukraine.
1.2. General market indicators, dynamics of the granite market volumes as raw materials and finished products from granite in 2017-1 quarter. 2020 (production + import-export).
1.3. Market segmentation and structuring in 2019:
- by types of granite products: granite blocks/slabs and other granite products
- by origin (domestic and imported)
2. State regulation of the industry: analysis of export duties, quotas, plans to change them
3. Dynamics of production volume in physical and monetary terms in 2017-1 quarter 2020 in Ukraine:
- granite as raw material
- finished products from granite
4. The main operators in the granite market in Ukraine
4.1. TOP-10 manufacturers in Ukraine, their contacts and a brief description in the context:
- granite mining companies
- companies producing products from granite
- granite processing companies
4.2. Segmentation and structuring of the main market operators (by segments, specialization, assortment and regions)
4.3. Market shares of the main companies in the mining of granite and the production of granite products in Ukraine in 2019. The dynamics of revenue of the TOP-10 companies that provide granite processing services in Ukraine in 2017-2018.
5. Foreign trade in the market of granite and granite products in 2017-1 quarter. 2020 in Ukraine:
5.1. Export analysis (volumes, structure, geography of deliveries by countries, main exporters and their shares)
5.2. Analysis of imports (volumes, structure, geography of deliveries by country, main importers and their shares)
6. Market consumption of granite products
6.1. Domestic market: the state of the construction industry, features and main areas of consumption in Ukraine
6.2 Export market: TOP-5 countries-buyers of Ukrainian products + 3 neighboring countries that are not included in the TOP
6.3 TOP-10 companies abroad that buy granite products in Ukraine. Enumeration, characteristic and contact information of companies.
6.4. Consumption in the B2G sector. Analysis of public tender purchases (volumes, structure by regions, organizers and participants) for granite products
7. Prices on the market (average wholesale - according to trading floors), export and import prices by segments (by size and price)
8. Conclusions. Forecast indicators of market development in 2020-2021
8.1. Conclusions and forecast trends in the development of the market for granite products and granite processing services
8.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development in 2020-2021 in Ukraine. The impact of the pandemic on the further development of the market for granite products and consumer industries.
8.3. Recommendations for the development in the market and the most optimal cities for the location of a manufacturing enterprise. Identification of the most promising export destinations (from the studied + neighboring countries with high potential)
9. Investment attractiveness of the industry
9.1. SWOT - market direction analysis
9.2. PEST - market direction analysis
9.3. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

1. The main types of granite and their characteristics
2. General indicators of the market for rough or rough crushed granite in 2017-Q1 2020 in physical terms, thousand tons
3. General indicators of the market for rough or rough crushed granite in 2017-Q1 2020 in monetary terms, thousand UAH.
4. General indicators of the market of products from granite in 2017 - 1 quarter 2020 in physical terms, thousand tons
5. General indicators of the market of products from granite in 2017 - 1 quarter. 2020 in monetary terms, thousand UAH
6. Interstate free trade agreements of Ukraine
7. Volumes of production in physical and monetary terms of Ukraine for 2016-2018
8. Volumes of production in kind in Ukraine for 2016-1 quarter. 2020
9. TOP-10 granite mining companies in Ukraine
10. TOP-10 companies producing granite products
11. TOP-10 companies providing granite processing services
12. Revenue dynamics of the TOP-10 Ukrainian companies that provide granite processing services for 2017-2018
13. The main exporters of raw or coarsely crushed granite of Ukraine for 2017-2019, thousand tons
14. The main exporters of granite products in Ukraine for 2017-2019, thousand tons
15. Importers of raw or roughly crushed granite in kind for 2017-2019, tons
16. The main importers of granite products in physical terms for 2017-2019, tons
17. Index of construction works in Ukraine for 2016-2019 (to the corresponding period of the previous year), %
18. The volume of construction work performed in Ukraine by main types, for the first 3 quarters of 2019, UAH mln.
19. Top-5 countries-buyers of Ukrainian raw granite, thousand tons
20. Top 5 countries-buyers of Ukrainian products from granite, thousand tons
21. The main characteristics of the TOP-10 companies that import Ukrainian granite
22. Tender purchases on the granite market in Ukraine for 2019 - Q1 2020
23. Tenders on the granite market in Ukraine in 2019
24. Wholesale prices for granite in Ukraine in 2020, UAH/m2
25. Average prices for imported granite products for 2017-2019, USD US/kg
26. Average prices for granite export products for 2017-2019, USD US/kg
27. SWOT - analysis of the granite market
28. PEST - analysis of the granite market
29. Segmentation of market risks
30. Risk map of the granite market

List of graphs and charts:

1. Territorial distribution of granite deposits on the territory of Ukraine
2. The number of enterprises for the processing of granite in Ukraine for 2010-2018
3. Segmentation of the market of products from granite by type, in physical terms
4. Segmentation of the market of raw or rough crushed granite by origin, in kind
5. Segmentation of the market of products from granite by origin, in physical terms
6. Volumes of production of raw or roughly crushed granite in kind in Ukraine for 2017-1 quarter. 2020, million tons
7. Volumes of production of raw or roughly crushed granite in monetary terms in Ukraine for 2017-1 quarter. 2020, mln UAH
8. Segmentation of the production of raw or coarsely crushed granite by regions of Ukraine for 2019
9. Volumes of production of granite products in kind in Ukraine for 2017-1 quarter. 2020, thousand tons
10. Volumes of production of granite products in monetary terms in Ukraine for 2017-1 quarter. 2020, million UAH
11. Segmentation of the production of processed stone for monuments or construction from granite, as well as products from it by regions of Ukraine for 2019
12. Segmentation of the market operator by segments for 2019
13. The structure of the granite market by the range of operators in 2019
14. Segmentation of manufacturers in the market of granite products by region in 2019
15. The main market operators that mine granite in Ukraine
16. The main market operators that specialize in granite products in Ukraine
17. Shares of the main market operators for the extraction of granite in Ukraine for 2019, %
18. Shares of the main market operators of companies producing granite products in Ukraine for 2019, %
19. Dynamics of export of raw granite in Ukraine in 2017- 1st quarter 2020, in kind
20. Geography of exports of raw or roughly crushed granite from Ukraine for 2017-2019, in physical terms,%
21. Dynamics of exports of granite products in Ukraine in 2017- 1st quarter 2020, in kind
22. The structure of exports of granite products in Ukraine in 2017 and 2019, in physical terms
23. Geography of exports of granite products from Ukraine for 2017-2019, in physical terms,%
24. Dynamics of imports of raw or roughly crushed granite in Ukraine in 2017- 1st quarter 2020, in kind, tons
25. Geography of imports of raw or roughly crushed granite of Ukraine for 2017-2019, in physical terms,%
26. Dynamics of imports of granite products in Ukraine in 2017- 1st quarter 2020, in kind
27. Structure of imports of granite products in Ukraine in 2017 and 2019, in kind
28. Geography of imports of products from granite of Ukraine for 2017-2019, in physical terms,%
29. Structure of tenders for goods for 2019 - Q1 2020
30. Structure of tenders by regions for 2019
31. Structure of tenders by participants for 2019
32. Forecasts of the market capacity of rough granite in Ukraine in 2020 - 2022, million tons.
33. Forecasts of the market capacity of granite products in Ukraine in 2020 - 2022, thousand tons

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