Market research report on road freight transportation. 2020 year

Market research report on road freight transportation. 2020 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: October 2020 year
Number of pages: 32, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles
Graphs and charts: 7
Tables: 16
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
24500 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market of international cargo transportation by road in 2016-2020
1.1. Analysis of market development trends (trends, specifics, features, market problems)
1.2. Factors of influence on the market, macroeconomic indicators as one of the factors of influence on the market
- Foreign trade turnover and balance in Ukraine in dynamics from 2018-1 half. 2020 - with the allocation of the food segment
- The total volume of exports and imports in Ukraine in dynamics from 2018-1 half. 2020 in UAH/USD United States - with a highlight of the food segment
- The volume of exports and imports to Ukraine (according to the TOP-10 countries, as the main trading partners) in dynamics from 2018-1 half. 2020 in UAH/USD United States - with a highlight of the food segment
- Commodity structure of exports and imports to Ukraine (according to the TOP-10 countries, as the main trading partners) in the dynamics of 2018-1 half. 2020 in UAH/USD United States - with a highlight of the food segment
- Conclusions regarding changes in trade relations between Ukraine and countries, as well as a list and characteristics of other factors influencing the market - with the allocation of the food segment
1.3. The volume of the market of international cargo transportation by road in Ukraine by country (export, import) in 2018-1 half. 2020 in physical and monetary terms – estimated
2. Trends in the truck market in Ukraine at the moment:
2.1. Truck fleet in Ukraine in dynamics for 2016-2020 Average age of trucks in Ukraine
2.2. The number of trucks in Ukraine in relation to the turnover. Comparison with European countries
2.3. Tilt trucks (foreign trade code 8704):
2.3.1. The volume of import deliveries in Ukraine in dynamics from 2016 to 2019 (by van type) (used, not used)
2.3.2. TOP-10 main importers of tilt trucks in Ukraine and their shares in the structure of import deliveries in 2016-2019
3. The main logistics operators in the road freight transportation market in Ukraine
3.1. The main market operators - local and international (ratio), their list, brief description, contacts. Number of commercial carriers in Ukraine - total
3.2. TOP-15 logistics companies with their own fleet of trucks
3.3. Segmentation and structuring of the main market operators (by types of services provided, by volume of warehouse space - by availability of information, by regions; owners/forwarders)
3.4. Market shares of the main operators - according to the financial statements in 2017 and 2018
4. Conclusions and forecast indicators of the development of the road freight transportation market in Ukraine in 2020-2022

List of Tables:

1. Foreign trade turnover and foreign trade balance in Ukraine in 2018-1st half. 2020 with the allocation of the food segment, USD billion
2. Volumes of exports and imports in Ukraine in 2018-1st half. 2020 by TOP-10 countries-trading partners with the allocation of the food segment, billion US dollars
3. Volumes of exports and imports in Ukraine in 2018-1 2020 by TOP-10 countries-trading partners with the allocation of the food segment, UAH bln.
4. Commodity structure of exports in Ukraine in 2018-1 2020 according to the TOP-10 trading partner countries with the allocation of the food segment, billion dollars / billion. UAH
5. Commodity structure of imports to Ukraine in 2018-1 2020 according to the TOP-10 trading partner countries with the allocation of the food segment, billion dollars / billion. UAH
6. The volume of exports of goods from Ukraine by road transport according to the TOP-10 countries-trading partners in 2018-1 half. 2020, in physical and monetary terms
7. Volumes of imports of goods from Ukraine by road transport according to the TOP-10 trading partner countries in 2018-1st half. 2020, in physical and monetary terms
8. Volumes of exports and imports of goods in Ukraine by trucks in 2018-1 half. 2020, in physical and monetary terms
9. Freight turnover of Ukraine and some European countries in 2019 in relation to the number of trucks, thousand tkm per piece.
10. Dynamics of imports of tilt trucks in 2016-2019, in kind, pcs.
11. The main importers of tilt trucks and their shares in the import of tilt trucks in 2016-2019, in kind, units, %
12. Segmentation of the main market operators by regions
13. Segmentation of the main market operators by types of services provided
14. Segmentation of the main market operators by the area of ​​warehouse premises
15. The main operators of the market of cargo transportation by road in Ukraine in 2017 and 2018 and their shares, mln.
16. Forecast of the capacity of the trucking market in 2020-2022, in physical and monetary terms, thousand tons, million US dollars

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of average monthly retail prices for diesel fuel in Ukraine in 2019 - 5 months. 2020, UAH per liter
2. International transportation of goods by road in 2016-1 half. 2020, in kind, million tons
3. The total volume of exports in Ukraine in 2018-1 half. 2020 with the allocation of the food segment, USD billion
4. The total volume of imports in Ukraine in 2018-1 half. 2020 with the allocation of the food segment, USD billion
5. Volumes of imports of trucks in 2016-2019, in kind, thousand units
6. Structure of imports of trucks by body type in 2016-2019, in kind, thousand units
7. Valid licenses for the right to carry out business activities for the carriage of goods by road as of 01/01/2020

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