Date of Preparation: | November 2024 year |
Number of pages: | 18, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles |
Graphs and charts: | 8 |
Tables: | 22 |
Payment method: | prepayment |
Production method: | e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form |
Report language: | ukrainian, russian, english |
1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Market description (introductory paragraph with product description, research methodology, information sources and classifiers)
1.2. Analysis of market development trends (factors influencing the market and their manifestation during the study period: macro factors, state of related industries and suppliers, changes in consumer behavior; problems and prerequisites for development)
1.3. General market indicators
1.3.1. Calculation of market capacity in 2019–9 months of 2024 (according to the formula "production + import – export") in physical terms
1.3.2. volume of product sales on the market in monetary terms;
1.4. Market segmentation and structuring (by type, origin (share of imported products), assessment of the shadow segment on the market)
2. Main market operators
2.1. List of main market operators and their structuring (general information, types of activity and specialization; product groups, trademarks and assortment; regional representation)
2.2. Shares of the main market operators (manufacturers taking into account exports and importers)
3. Production of products in 2019-9 months of 2024
3.1. Dynamics of production in quantitative indicators
3.2. Shares of manufacturers
4. Foreign trade
4.1. Export of products from Ukraine in 2019-9 months of 2024 (volumes, structure, geography, shares of exporters)
4.2. Import of products to Ukraine in 2019-9 months of 2024 (volumes, structure, geography, shares of importers)
5. Price and pricing on the market
5.1. Domestic prices
5.2. Foreign economic activity prices in dynamics
6. Conclusions. Forecast market indicators
6.1. Conclusions and forecast trends of market development
6.2. Construction of hypotheses of market development. Forecast indicators of market development in 2025-2029
6.3. Recommendations for development on the market
1. UKT VED and NPP codes used to analyze the walnut market in Ukraine
2. Factors influencing the walnut market in Ukraine
3. Capacity of the walnut market in Ukraine, 2019-9 months, in physical terms, thousand tons
4. Structure of walnut exports from Ukraine in 2019-9 months. in physical terms, thousand tons
5. Product range and trademarks of COMPANY X
6. Product range and trademarks of COMPANY X
7. Product range and trademarks of COMPANY X
8. Product range and trademarks of COMPANY X
9. Product range and trademarks of COMPANY X
10. Product range and trademarks of COMPANY X
11. Product range and trademarks of COMPANY X
12. Product range and trademarks of COMPANY X
13. Regional representation (production, offices, branches) of the main operators in the walnut market
14. Shares of the main operators of the walnut market in Ukraine in 2023, in physical terms, thousand tons, %
15. Shares of walnut producers in Ukraine in 2023, in physical terms, thousand tons, %
16. Structure of walnut exports from Ukraine in 2019-9 months. in physical terms, thousand tons
17. Geography of walnut exports from Ukraine in 2019-9 months, in physical terms, thousand tons
18. Main exporters of walnuts from Ukraine in 2019-9 months, in physical terms, thousand tons
19. Structure of walnut imports to Ukraine in 2019-9 months, in physical terms, tons
20. Geography of walnut imports to Ukraine in 2019-9 months, in physical terms, tons
21. Main importers of walnuts to Ukraine in 2019-9 months, in physical terms, tons
22. Current prices for walnuts in Ukraine, as of November 2024, wholesale and retail, UAH/kg with VAT
1. Walnut sales volumes in Ukraine, 2019-9 months of 2024, in monetary terms, UAH million
2. Dynamics of walnut production in Ukraine in 2019-9 months of 2024, in physical terms, thousand tons
3. Dynamics of walnut exports from Ukraine in 2019-9 months of 2024, in physical terms, thousand tons
4. Dynamics of walnut imports to Ukraine in 2019-9 months of 2024. 2024, in physical terms, tons
5. Export prices for walnuts in Ukraine 2019-2024, UAH/kg excluding VAT
6. Import prices for walnuts in Ukraine 2019-2024, UAH/kg excluding VAT
7. Forecast indicators (capacity) of the walnut market in Ukraine 2025-2029 according to the pessimistic scenario, in physical terms, thousand tons
8. Forecast indicators (capacity) of the walnut market in Ukraine 2025-2029 according to the optimistic scenario, in physical terms, thousand tons