Market research report on hotels in Bulgaria and Greece. 2023 year

Market research report on hotels in Bulgaria and Greece. 2023 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: May 2023 year
Number of pages: 34, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 21
Tables: 9
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
39700 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Opportunities and prospects for commercial operations in the field of hotel services
1.1. Greece
1.2. Bulgaria
2. Economic factors influencing business
2.1. Trends in the local currency exchange rate
2.2 Inflation
2.2.1. Inflation rates in the countries of the research
2.2.2. Comparative characteristics of inflation rates in the countries under research
2.3. State regulation
2.3.1 Taxation
2.3.2. Local legislation
2.3.3 Licenses and certifications (for doing business)
3. Degree of business activity in the market
4. State of the market in relation to the economic and seasonal cycle (dynamics of changes in demand for this type of service)
5. Culture of the country, the mentality of the people for quality branding
5.1. Greece
5.2. Bulgaria
6. Customer segmentation, identification of the target audience for further selection of the market positioning strategy
7. Possibility, relevance, and effectiveness of advertising campaigns
8. Key players in the markets of the countries under study
8.1. Greece
8.2. Bulgaria
9. Level of competition by country
10. Market share of the largest networks (estimate)
11. The ratio of demand and supply of services (through the vacancy rate and number of rooms (if available))
12. Main trends in the market and hotel services
13. Trends that may affect the field of hotel services in the future in 2023-2024.
14. Risk research, the degree of riskiness of entering the market
14.1. SWOT analysis of the market direction / Customer's company in the market
14.2. PESTLE-analysis of factors influencing the market
14.3. Existing risks and barriers to market entry. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

1. Tourist traffic to Greece in 2022, million tourists
2. Inflation rate in Greece and Bulgaria 2021-forecast 2023
3. Segmentation of foreign tourists in Greece by country of origin, 2021-2022, %.
4. Segmentation of foreign tourists in Bulgaria by country of origin, 2021-2022, %.
5. Major operators in the 5-star hotel market in Greece, 2022
6. Key operators in the 5-star hotel market in Bulgaria, 2022
7. SWOT analysis of the market
8. PESTLE-analysis of factors influencing the market
9. Market risk map

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of the euro against the US dollar, 2019-2023
2. Dynamics of the Bulgarian lev exchange rate against the US dollar, 2019-2023
3. Average annual inflation rate in Greece, compared to the previous year, %.
4. Average annual inflation rate in Bulgaria, compared to the previous year, % 5.
5. Number of accommodation facilities in Greece, 2019-2022, units.
6. The number of hotel establishments in Greece, 2019-2022, units.
7. Number of accommodation establishments in Bulgaria, 2021-2022, units.
8. Saturation of accommodation establishments in Bulgaria by regions, 2022
9. Number of hotel establishments in Bulgaria, 2019-2022, units.
10. Distribution of tourists during 2022 by the number of arrivals and nights spent in Greece (share of the month relative to the whole year), %.
11. Distribution of tourists during 2022 by the number of arrivals and nights spent in Bulgaria (share of the month relative to the whole year), %.
12. Segmentation of hotels by number of stars in Greece, 2022, %.
13. Segmentation of hotels by number of stars in Bulgaria, 2022, %.
14. Segmentation of 5-star hotels by region in Greece, 2022
15. Geography of 5-star hotels in Greece, 2022
16. Segmentation of 5-star hotels by regions in Bulgaria, 2022
17. Geography of 5-star hotels in Bulgaria, 2022
18. Share of the largest chains among 5* hotels in Greece, 2022, %.
19. The share of the largest chains among 5* hotels in Bulgaria, 2022, %.
20. Room occupancy in Greek hotels by month, %.
21. Occupancy rate in Bulgarian hotels by month, %.

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