Ukrainian float-glass market report. 2018

Ukrainian float-glass market report. 2018
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: March 2018 year
Number of pages: 67, Arial, 1 interval, 10 point
Graphs and charts: 32
Tables: 44
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: English
13750 UAH
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Detailed contents:

Overview of Ukrainian market of float-glass
1. General characteristic of Ukrainian market of float-glass
1.1. Analysis of market development trends in 2014 - 2017 (main trends, market characteristics, the reason for the absence of domestic producers, other factors, which influence on the market)
1.2. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in 2014 - 2017 (natural terms (square meters or tons) and monetary terms (UAH or USD)
1.3. Segmentation and market structuring (segregation of a share of energy-saving glass, glass for automobiles and glass with spraying) - on the basis of FEA data
1.4. Raw materials base (volumes of stocks of raw materials by regions of Ukraine - if information is available, average import prices for raw materials in dynamics in 2014 – 2017), technology and the production process (steps). Analysis of perspective regions in Ukraine for the extraction of raw materials, their vicinity, optimal placement of production facilities to reduce costs
1.5. Seasonality in the market of float-glass and influences on it - based on production data for 2016 monthly data in physical terms or according to FEA data in the absence of production
1.6. TOP-10 manufacturers of equipment for the production of float-glass in the world (a list of the largest, brief characteristics, contacts)
2. State regulation of the industry (problems and influence of the government, features of antimonopoly legislation (limitation, documentation and other features, requirements for the quality of goods)
3. Dynamics of production in Ukraine
3.1. Dynamics of production in physical terms in 2014 - 2017 (square meters or tons)
3.2. Dynamics of production in monetary terms in 2014 - 2017 (UAH or USD)
4. The main operators of the float-glass market in Ukraine
4.1. The main operators of the market and their description (producers and importers)
4.2. Segmentation and structuring of the main market operators (by segments, specialization and regionally)
4.3. Market share of the main operators
4.4. Degree of competition and risks
5. Foreign trade in the Ukrainian market
5.1. Export of products in 2014 –2017 (volumes, prices, geography of deliveries by country, main exporters)
5.2. Import of products in 2014 – 2017 (volumes, prices, geography of deliveries by country, main importers)
6. Price and pricing in the market
6.1. Dynamics of average prices (retail, invoice import) for products in 2016 - 2017. The prices for equipment - according to the availability of information - must be requested from the market operators
6.2. Description of factors affecting the formation of prices, structure
6.3. Cost of production, profitability (including logistics costs)
7. Consumption of products on the market
7.1. Consumers preferences regarding products, consumer portrait
7.2. Segmentation and structuring of consumption (factors)
8. Sales channels of products on the market (fields, including information about perspective foreign markets, which could become consumers of Ukrainian product) - in terms of imports in countries at 2014-2016
9. Assortment of products on the market 53
10. Conclusions, recommendations, forecasts:
10.1 Conclusions on the development of the market on the basis of the analysis done and the forecast indicators until 2020. (Optimistic, pessimistic, realistic scenario)
11. Investment attractiveness of the industry
11.1. SWOT- analysis of market
11.2. PEST – analysis of the production of float-glass
11.3. Risks and barriers to market entry (description of each risk and possible solutions for these problems)

List of Tables:

1. The amount of commissioned space for living in Kyiv in 2014 – 3Q 2017, square meters
2. The amount of commissioned space for offices in Kyiv in 2014 – 3Q 2017, square meters
3. The amount of commissioned space for trading in Kyiv in 2014-2017, square meters
4. Shopping centers, declared for opening in 2018, square meters
5. Dynamics of the capacity of the float-glass market of Ukraine, natural terms, thousand square meters and in tons
6. Dynamics of the capacity of the float-glass market of Ukraine, monetary terms, million UAH and million USD
7. Segmentation of quartz sand reserves by administrative regions in 2014, thousand tons
8. Locations of carbonate raw materials fields for calcination for limestone in Ukraine
9. Segmentation of carbonate raw materials reserves for calcination of limestone by administrative regions in 2014, thousand tons
10. Segmentation of dolomite reserves by classes in 2014, thousand tons
11. List of normative acts for the glass industry in Ukraine
12. Tax rates for emissions of certain pollutants into the air from stationary sources of pollution
13. The tax rates for emissions into the ambient air by stationary pollution sources of pollutants (compounds) that do not include the above-mentioned list of pollutants
14. The tax rate for the emission of pollutants into water bodies
15. The main importers of float-glass in Ukraine
16. Commodity segmentation of float-glass market operators in Ukraine
17. Geographic segmentation of float-glass market operators in Ukraine
18. The basic parameters of an estimation of the competitive environment in the investigated market
19. Assessment of the competitive environment for float-glass in Ukraine
20. The results of the assessment of the competitive environment in the float-glass market of Ukraine
21. Dynamics of export deliveries of float-glass from Ukraine, in natural terms and in monetary terms
22. The main exporting companies (re-exporters) in 2016 - 2017, in natural terms, square meters
23. Dynamics of average export prices of float-glass from Ukraine in the period from 2016 - 2017, UAH per square meter and USD per square meter
24. Dynamics of imports of float-glass to Ukraine by main importers in 2014 - 2017 in physical terms, thousand square meters*
25. Dynamics of imports of float-glass to Ukraine by main importers in 2014 - 2017 in monetary terms, million UAH and million USD *
26. Imported textured and wholesale prices for float-glass of Private company "Zahid"
27. Imported textured and wholesale prices for float-glass of Trading House "Busel"
28. Imported textured and wholesale prices for float-glass of "Hiualos"
29. The cost of raw materials for the production of float-glass in Ukraine
30. Cost of production and profitability in the market of float-glass in Ukraine
31. Segmentation of float-glass consumers
32. TOP-10 of the largest importers of float-glass in the world in 2014-2016
33. Dynamics of commissioning of residential premises, thousand square meters
34. Dynamics of commissioning of non-residential premises, thousand square meters
35. The average price for 4 mm float-glass, UAH per square meter
36. Import duties on the import of float-glass in the neighboring countries
37. Assortment of sheet glass of the main operators of the market*
38. Forecast of price changes on the float-glass market in 2018-2020, UAH per square meter and USD per square meter
39. Forecast of recommended prices for the sale of major types of glass in 2018-2020, USD
40. SWOT- analysis of market
41. Calculation of the degree of influence of environmental factors on the float-glass market in Ukraine
42. Ranking of factors relative to the weight of importance and a description of their impact on the market
43. Risks in the market of float-glass of Ukraine
44. Dynamics of import-export of float-glass in neighboring countries for Ukraine in 2014-2016

List of graphs and charts:

1. Segmentation of the float-glass market with the segregation of energy-saving, natural terms, %
2. Segmentation of the float-glass market with the segregation of glass with spraying, natural terms, %
3. Segmentation of the float-glass market with the segregation of sun-protection glass, natural terms, %
4. Segmentation of the float-glass market with the segregation of tinted glass, natural terms, %
5. Segmentation of the float-glass market with the segregation of glass thickness, natural terms, %
6. The proportion for the composition of the mixture to create a float-glass by Nippon Sheet Glass Co. Ltd, %
7. The proportion of raw materials for float-glass produce using equipment of NOVEX Technology Co, %
8. Map od fields of quartz sand for glass in Ukraine
9. Dynamics of import prices for soda in 2014 - 2017,
10. thousand UAH per ton and USD per ton
11. The geographical structure of imports of soda into Ukraine in 2017, in natural terms, %
12. Dynamics of import prices for lime in 2014 - 2017, thousand UAH per ton and USD per ton
13. Dynamics of import prices for dolomite in 2014 - 2017, thousand UAH per ton and USD per ton
14. Dynamics of import prices for cullet in 2014 - 2017, thousand UAH per ton and USD per ton
15. Dynamics of import prices for sodium sulfate in 2014 - 2017, thousand UAH per ton and USD per ton
16. Seasonality of imports of float-glass to Ukraine in 2016 - 2017, million square meters
17. Sales volumes dynamic of float-glass in Ukraine in 2014- 2017 in monetary terms, UAH million
18. Shares of operators in the float-glass market of Ukraine in 2016-2017,
19. In natural terms, square meters
20. Geographic structure of exports of float-glass from Ukraine in 2016 - 2017, in natural terms, square meters
21. Dynamics of imports of float-glass to Ukraine in 2014 - 2017 in natural terms, million square meters
22. Dynamics of imports of float-glass to Ukraine in 2014 - 2017 in monetary terms, million UAH and million USD
23. Geographical structure of float-glass to Ukraine in 2014 - 2017 in physical terms, million square meters
24. Structure of imports of PC "Zahid" by the thickness of glass, in natural terms, square meters
25. Structure of imports of Trading House "Busel" by the thickness of glass, in natural terms, square
26. meters
27. Structure of imports of "Hiualos" by the thickness of glass, in natural terms, square meters
28. The structure of the influence of factors on the cost of production of float-glass
29. Structure of active enterprises, which are potential consumers of float-glass in Ukraine
30. Scheme of entering the market
31. Consumption of float glass in Ukraine and the European Union in 2016, square meters per capita
32. Forecast indicators of the development of the float-glass market in 2018-2020 (Real scenario)
33. Forecast indicators of the development of the float-glass market in 2018-2020 (Optimistic scenario)
34. Forecast indicators of the development of the float-glass market in 2018-2020 (Pessimistic scenario)

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