Market analysis of float glass in Ukraine. 2020 year

Market analysis of float glass in Ukraine. 2020 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: March 2020 year
Number of pages: 77 Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 28
Tables: 39
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
24000 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the float-glass market in Ukraine
1.1. Analysis of market development trends in 2014-2019 (main trends, market features and other factors influencing the market)
1.2. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in 2019 (in volume and value terms)
1.3. Segmentation and structuring of the market (by type of glass - based on foreign economic activity data
1.4. Raw material base (updating import prices for raw materials based on the results of 2018 without quarterly segmentation): Soda, limestone, dolomite, batt, sodium sulfate
1.5. Seasonality in the float glass market and analysis factors - seasonality update for 2019 based on import data
1.6. Manufacturers of equipment for the production of float glass in the world - to determine if there are new ones in 2018-2019
2. Government regulation of the industry
- The specifics of taxation depending on the volume of investments
- The specifics of taxation depending on the number of jobs created
- Customs duties applicable for companies exporting to the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation. Plans to change fees3. The dynamics of production in Ukraine - absent
4. The main operators of the float-glass market in Ukraine. Changes in shares among players for the full year 2019.
5. Foreign trade in the Ukrainian market
5.1. Export of products in 2018 (volumes, prices, geography, main exporters)
5.2. Imports in 2014-2019 (volumes, prices, geography, main importers)
6. Price and pricing in the market
6.1. Comparison of average current wholesale prices for various types of float glass with imported ones for the full year 2019 by operators (upon request from the company, depending on those who provide information)
6.2. Production cost, productivity (including logistics resources) - calculation into account changes in some indicators
6.3. Prices for new types of float glass - laminated glass, coated glass, colored glass and others
7. Consumption of products in the market - the volume of sales of some consumer companies in 2019
8. TOP 10 largest importers of float glass in the world in 2019. Also changes in import duties in some neighboring countries
9. The dynamics of housing commissioning in 2018 and the average current price for 4 mm float glass in the following countries: Belarus, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey
10. Conclusions, recommendations, forecasts:
10.1. Conclusions on the development of the market based on the analysis made and forecast indicators until 2020. (optimistic, pessimistic, real scenario), as well as price forecast - actualization.
10.2. Independent recommendations regarding further actions for the Customer
11. Investment attractiveness of the industry
11.1. SWOT analysis of the market direction (not updated)
11.2. Risks and barriers to market entry - updating data on the dynamics of import-export of float glass in neighboring countries for Ukraine in 2019, as well as possible changes to the plan in these countries

List of Tables:

1. The volume of residential space accepted for operation in Kyiv and the region 2014-9 months. 2019, m2
2. Volumes of office space put into operation in Kyiv 2014-9 months 2019, m2
3. Business centers, announced openings for the second half of 2019-2020
4. The volume of retail space put into operation in Kyiv 2014 - 9 months. 2019, m2*
5. Shopping centers announced for opening in 2019-2020 in Kyiv, m2
6. Dynamics of the Ukrainian float glass market capacity in 2015-2019 in physical terms, thousand m2 and in tons
7. Dynamics of the float glass market capacity in Ukraine in monetary terms, UAH mln. that million USD
8. Distribution of quartz sand reserves by administrative districts as of 01/01/2019, thousand tons
9. Locations of carbonate raw materials suitable for lime firing in Ukraine
10. Distribution of reserves of carbonate raw materials for roasting for lime by administrative regions as of 01/01/2019, thousand tons
11. Distribution of dolomite reserves by grade as of 01/01/2019, thousand tons
12. List of the main State standards of Ukraine, valid for the glass industry
13. Tax rates for air emissions of certain pollutants by stationary sources of pollution for 2019
14. Tax rates for air emissions from stationary sources of pollution of pollutants (compounds) that are not included in the above list of pollutants for 2019.
15. Tax rates for air emissions from stationary sources of pollution, depending on the established approximately safe levels of exposure to such substances for 2019.
16. Tax rates for discharges of certain pollutants into water bodies for 2019.
17. Tax rates for emissions into water bodies depending on the established approximate safe levels of exposure to such substances for 2019.
18. The main importers of float glass to Ukraine
19. Dynamics of export deliveries of float glass from Ukraine, in volume and value terms for 2014 – 2019
20. The main exporting companies (re-exporters) in 2016 - 2019, in, volume terms sq. m
21. Dynamics of average export prices for float glass from Ukraine in the period from 2016-2019, UAH per m2 and USD per sq. m. m
22. Dynamics of imports of float glass by the main importers in 2016-2019, in volume terms, thousand square meters m
23. Import factory and wholesale prices for float glass PE "Zakham"
24. Import factory and wholesale prices for float glass "Busel Trading House"
25. Import factory and wholesale prices for float glass "Gualos"
26. The cost of raw materials for the production of float glass in Ukraine
27. Cost of production and profitability in the float glass market in Ukraine
28. Top 10 consumer companies by revenue in 2018
29. Rating of the TOP-10 largest importers of float glass in the world in 2014-2019
30. Dynamics of commissioning of residential premises
31. Dynamics of the issuance of building permits and the area of objects
32. Average price for 4 mm float glass, UAH per m2
33. Import duties on the import of float glass in neighboring countries
34. Assortment of sheet glass of the main market operators *
35. Forecast of price changes in the float glass market in 2020-2021, UAH per m2 and USD per m2
36. Forecast of recommended sales prices for the main types of glass in 2020-2021, USD
37. SWOT analysis of the market direction
38. Risks in the Ukrainian float glass market
39. Dynamics of import-export of float glass in neighboring countries for Ukraine, in 2015-2019

List of graphs and charts:

1. Segmentation of the float glass market with the separation of energy-saving glass, in volume terms, %
2. Segmentation of the float glass market with the separation of coated glass, in volume terms, %
3. Segmentation of the float glass market with the separation of solar control glass, in volume terms, %
4. Segmentation of the float glass market with the separation of glass with tinting, in volume terms %
a. Segmentation of the float glass market by glass thickness, in volume terms, %
5. Proportions of raw materials for the production of float glass by Nippon Sheet Glass Co. Ltd, %
6. Proportions of raw materials for the production of float glass using equipment from NOVEX Technology Co, %
7. Map of deposits of quartz sand for glass in Ukraine in 2019
8. Dynamics of import prices for soda in 2014-2019, thousand UAH per ton and USD
9. Geographical structure of soda imports to Ukraine in 2016-2018, in volume,%
10. Dynamics of import prices for lime for the glass industry, in thousand UAH. per ton and USD per ton
11. Dynamics of import prices for dolomite for the glass industry, thousand UAH per ton and thousand US dollars per ton
12. Dynamics of import prices for cullet, UAH ths. per ton and USD per ton
13. Dynamics of import prices for sodium sulfate, thousand UAH per ton and USD per ton
14. Seasonality of imports of float glass to Ukraine in 2016–2019, mln. sq m
15. Dynamics of float glass sales in Ukraine for 2014 - 2019 in value terms, million hryvnia.
16. Shares of operators in the Ukrainian float glass market in 2016-2019, in volume terms, sq. m
17. Geographical structure of float glass exports from Ukraine in 2016–2019, in volume terms, sq. m
18. Dynamics of imports of float glass to Ukraine in 2014-2019, in volume terms, mln. m
19. Dynamics of float glass imports to Ukraine in 2014-2019 in value terms, mln. UAH and million USD
20. Geographic structure of float glass imports to Ukraine in 2016-2019 in volume terms, sq. m
21. The structure of imports of PE "Zakhid" for the thickness of glass, in 2018-2019, in volume terms, m2
22. Import structure of Busel Trading House LLC by glass thickness in 2018-2019, in volume terms, m2
23. The structure of imports of Gualos LLC by glass thickness in 2018-2019, in volume terms, m2
24. Structure of importers of float glass in the world in 2018-2019,in volume terms, %
25. Consumption of float glass in Ukraine and the European Union per year in 2016-2019, m2 per capita
26. Forecast indicators of the development of the float glass market in 2020-2021 (real scenario)
27. Forecast indicators of the development of the float glass market in 2020-2021 (optimistic scenario)
28. Forecast indicators of the development of the float glass market in 2020-2021 (pessimistic scenario)

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