Market research report on euroroofing material and bituminous shingles in Ukraine. 2021 year

Market research report on euroroofing material and bituminous shingles in Ukraine. 2021 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: June 2021 year
Number of pages: 35, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 2
Tables: 19
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
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Detailed contents:

1. The volume of production of the Goods.
2. Cost (cost) of production of the Goods / Weighted average cost of production by country.
3. The volume of sales of the Goods by country.
4. The cost of selling the Goods by country / The weighted average cost of selling by country.
5. The total volume of exports of the Goods by country.
6. Export price of the Goods by countries.
7. The total volume of imports of the Goods by country.
8. Import price of the Goods by country.
9. The volume of consumption of the Goods in Ukraine.
10. The main consumers of the Goods in Ukraine.
11. The cost of bitumen for the production of the Goods for the Period in Ukraine, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus.
12. Production capacities for the production of the Goods by country.
13. What volume of the Goods Ukrainian producers and main importers of the Goods in Ukraine can potentially produce per year and how much capacity is currently loaded for the production of goods.
14. Components of the cost of production (raw materials, energy, etc.) of the goods.

List of Tables:

1.1. Production volumes of bituminous tiles and euroroofing material in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus in natural and monetary terms, mln m²; million UAH (excluding VAT).
1.2. Euroruberoid production volumes in Ukraine by enterprises, mln m².
1.3. Production volumes of bituminous tiles in Ukraine by enterprises, mln m².
2.1. The cost (cost) of the production of euroroofing material and bituminous tiles, UAH / m².
3.1. The volume of consumption of euroroofing material and bituminous tiles in physical terms, t, m².
4.1. The cost of selling euroroofing material and bituminous tiles by country, UAH.
5.1. The volume of exports of euroroofing material and bituminous tiles in monetary terms, million rubles
5.2. The volume of exports of euroroofing material and bituminous tiles in monetary terms, thousand US dollars.
5.3. The volume of exports of euroroofing material and bituminous tiles in physical terms, t.
6.1. Export price for roofing felt and shingles by countries, USD/kg.
7.1. The volume of imports of euroroofing material and shingles by countries in monetary terms, thousand dollars
7.2. The volume of imports of euroroofing material and shingles by country in physical and monetary terms, thousand tons, million rubles
8.1. The price of import of euroruberoid and shingles by enterprises by country, UAH / kg.
9.1. The volume of consumption of euroroofing material and bituminous tiles in Ukraine in physical and monetary terms, tons, thousand m, thousand US dollars.
10.1. Consumers of Euroroofing material and bituminous tiles in Ukraine.
11.1. The cost of bitumen for 2017-2020 by country, UAH
12.1. Production capacities of the main producers of euroroofing material and bituminous tiles.
13.1. The workload of the production capacities of the main producers of euroroofing material and bituminous tiles, %.
14.1. The cost of production of goods by components, thousand UAH.

List of graphs and charts:

1. Shares of euroroofing material producers in the total production of euroroofing material in Ukraine, mln m², %
2. Dynamics of the average import cost of bitumen in 2017-2020, USD/kg

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