Analysis of the bitumen market in Ukraine in 2017-1 half year 2019

Analysis of the bitumen market in Ukraine in 2017-1 half year 2019
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: September 2019 year
Number of pages: 22, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles
Graphs and charts: 11
Tables: 11
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: russian
12050 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Dynamics of bitumen market volumes in 2017-1 half 2019. in kind (production + import-export)
2. Supply sources in 1 half 2019:
* the major companies producing bitumen in Ukraine (company name, region of the plant)
* major foreign suppliers of bitumen to Ukraine (company name, country of delivery)
3. Dynamics of bitumen deliveries by months in 2018-1 half 2019. In the kind:
* imported bitumen
* domestic bitumen
4. Top 20 bitumen suppliers in 2017-2018 in kind: foreign and domestic (list, summary and market shares)

5. Top 20 bitumen consumers in 2018 (based on import and government tenders data)
6. Analysis of financial indicators (analysis of profitability, net margin, cumulative income after taxation of the TOP-10 Ukrainian distributors) according to Financial statements of 2017
7. Business development scenarios:
7.1. Analysis of market trends in 2017-1 half 2019
7.2. State regulation of the market - planned changes and laws for market development
7.3. Conclusions and hypotheses about the scenario of the bitumen market development in Ukraine

List of Tables:

1. Dynamics of the bitumen market capacity in Ukraine in 2017 - 1 half 2019, in kind, thousand tons
2. Domestic companies producing bitumen, geography and production volumes, 1 half 2019, thousand tons
3. Volume of bitumen deliveries in Ukraine, thousand tons, 1 half 2019
4. List and description of domestic bitumen suppliers in Ukraine
5. List and description of the largest bitumen traders in Ukraine
6. Bitumen Traders in Ukraine: Geography of Supplies, 2018, thousand tons
7. List and shares of companies-winners of state tenders for the purchase of bitumen 70/100 in 2018 - August 2019. according to Prozorro
8. List and location of the largest bitumen consumers of 2018 based on import data
9. Financial indicators of major Ukrainian traders in the bitumen market in 2017 in Ukraine
10. Technical classification of roads in a car / day
11. Scope of road bitumen

List of graphs and charts:

1. Structure of the bitumen market in Ukraine in 1 half 2019, in kind,%
2. Dynamics of the bitumen market capacity in Ukraine in 2017-1 half 2019, in kind, thousand tons
3. Bitumen producers Shares, in Ukraine, in kind,%
4. Geography of bitumen supply, Ukraine % (thousand tons)
5. Structure of major foreign bitumen suppliers in Ukraine share, in kind,%
6. Dynamics of bitumen deliveries in Ukraine by months in 2018 - 1st half of 2019, in kind, thousand tons
7. Dynamics of domestic bitumen production volumes by months in 2018 - 1st half of 2019, thousand tons
8. Largest bitumen traders shares in 2017-2018, % (thousand tons)
9. Largest bitumen consumers Shares from 2018 to August 2019,% (thousand tons)
10. Largest bitumen consumers shares in 2018 based on import data, in kind,%
11. Forecast dynamics of the bitumen market capacity in Ukraine in 2019 - 2023, in kind, thousand tons

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