Analysis of the market for elevators in Ukraine in 2016 - 5 months 2019

Analysis of the market for elevators in Ukraine in 2016 - 5 months 2019
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: August 2019 year
Number of pages: 68, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles
Graphs and charts: 52
Tables: 39
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: russian
14600 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the elevators market in Ukraine and in the researched region
1.1. Analysis of market development trends in 2016-5 months 2019 (trends, specifics, factors of influence on the market, problems).
1.2. Impact of seasonality on the elevators market in Ukraine overall (in terms of harvesting and crops export)
1.3. The location and capacity of the elevators commissioned and constructed in 2016 - 5 months 2019 in the researched region. Data for new elevators construction intentions in Ukraine and in the region (based on open sources, construction permits bases, design, state programs - if information available)
2. Analysis of competitors in the elevators market in Ukraine and in the researched region
2.1. List and segmentation of elevator operators:
Owner / location / load and storage capacity
* Major activities (crops)
* Transportation
* Revenue for 2016-2017 (Companies' Shares), 2018 - estimate
2.2. Large agricultural holdings' Sown lands in the researched region (according to open sources data)
3. Assessment of the consumer segment
3.1. The main requirements for elevators - from the open sources in general
3.2. Selection of the largest grain traders in Ukraine (by types of grain, volumes and availability of own elevators) - based on FEA data for 2016 - 5 months 2019.
4. Condition of the AIC segment in the researched region. The structure of crops gross harvest by species in the researched region in 2016-5 months 2019.
5. Dynamics of crops export volumes in the researched region for 2016-5 months 2019.
* Export of companies registered in the researched region
* Export of companies with Zembank in the researched region - estimation according to paragraph 2.2.
6. Price and pricing in the market
6.1. Current prices for basic elevator services - an average in Ukraine and in the researched region. Current prices for drying and cleaning among elevators in the researched region (on request and by open source data)
6.2. Description of factors affecting pricing, structure (according to the financial statements)
7. Transportation channels on the market (railway and auto) distribution on the map with reference to existing and being constructed (if any) elevators
8. Conclusions and strategic recommendations for development
8.1. Conclusions and forecast tendencies of the elevators development in Ukraine and the researched region in 2019-2023
8.2. Customer's Elevator Position on the Market (SWOT Analysis)
8.3. Identification of perspective directions of the elevator development in relation to competitors

List of Tables:

1. Distribution of current elevators number by capacity in the section of the researched areas, units.
2. List of basic elevator capacities of Poltava region
3. Location and description of the facilities upgraded / commissioned in the researched regions
4. List of approved construction projects in the regions researched
5. List and segmentation of elevator operators by owner, location, load and storage capacity
6. List and segmentation of elevator operators by type of activity
7. Transport features of the major elevator market operators
8. Largest agricultural holdings Revenue dynamics in the researched regions in 2016-2018 *, mln. UAH
9. Comparison of grain storage methods
10. Dynamics of grain exports from Ukraine in 2016-2017, million tons
11. The list of the largest traders-exporters of grain from Ukraine for 5 months 2018 - 5 months 2019, thousand tons
12. Dynamics of crop acreage in Poltava region in 2016-2018, thousand hectares
13. Grain harvest dynamics in Poltava region in 2016-2018, centner / hectare
14. Dynamics of grain production in Poltava region in 2016-2018, thousand tons
15. Dynamics of grain availability at the agro-industrial enterprises sector of Poltava region in 2017-2018, thousand tons
16. Dynamics of crops and legumes production in the enterprises of Poltava region and in the Gadiatsky district in 2017-2018.
17. Dynamics of registered in the researched regions companies exports in 2016-2018, thousand tons
18. Dynamics of registered in the researched regions companies' export volumes in 2016 - 5 months 2019, thousand tons
19. Enterprises' export volumes and their shares, registered in Poltava region in 2019
20. Companies Export volumes Dynamics with Zembank in the researched regions, thousand tons
21. Current prices for major types of elevators services by region of Ukraine
22. Average tariffs level for basic elevators operations in Ukraine and Poltava region in 2019
23. Description of macro- and microenvironment tariff formation factors at elevators in Ukraine
24. Indicators of grain transportation in Ukraine in 2017, tons / day
25. SWOT-analysis of the customer's elevator situation in the market

List of graphs and charts:

1. Major market operators by the number of elevators in Ukraine, units.
2. Ranking of market operators by elevators capacity in Ukraine, thousand tons
3. Dynamics of grains and grains-legumes gathering in Ukraine by months in 2016-2018, million tons
4. Shares Dynamics by months in the structure of grain harvesting in 2016-2018, million tons
5. Dynamics of wheat grain availability at the enterprises by their content and processing by months in 2017-2018, million tons
6. Dynamics of corn grain availability at the enterprises by their content and processing by months in 2017-2018, million tons
7. Dynamics of barley grain availability at the enterprises by their content and processing by months in 2017-2018, thousand tons
8. Granaries capacity structure in Ukraine,%
9. Structure of the existing elevator capacities of Ukraine in section of regions, million tons
10. Distribution of elevators number by section of the researched areas
11. Dynamics of the largest agricultural holdings share's structure of the researched regions by revenue in 2016-2018 * years, in kind,%
12. Rating of the largest agroholdings by volume of land bank, thousand hectares
13. Shares of the largest agricultural holdings by volume of land bank, in kind,%
14. Dynamics of main types of grain export structure from Ukraine for 5 months 2018-2019, thousand tons
15. Shares of the largest wheat exporters from Ukraine for 5 months 2018-2019, thousand tons
16. Shares of the largest corn exporters from Ukraine for 5 months 2018-2019, thousand tons
17. Shares of the largest barley exporters from Ukraine for 5 months 2018-2019, thousand tons
18. Shares of the largest soybeans exporters from Ukraine for 5 months 2018-2019, thousand tons
19. Shares of the largest rapeseed exporters from Ukraine in 5 months 2018-2019, thousand tons
20. Shares of the largest sunflower exporters from Ukraine for 5 months 2018-2019, thousand tons
21. The volume of wheat harvesting in Ukraine in 2016 - 2018, million tons
22. Share of wheat growing volumes in Ukraine by classes,%
23. Volume of 2nd class wheat growing in Ukraine in 2016 - 2018, million tons
24. Volume of 3rd class wheat growing in Ukraine in 2016 - 2018, million tons
25. Volume of 6th class wheat growing in Ukraine in 2016 - 2018, million tons
26. The volume of fodder barley growing in Ukraine in 2016 - 2018, million tons
27. Volume of malt barley growing in Ukraine in 2016 - 2018, million tons
28. Volume of corn growing in Ukraine in 2016 - 2018, million tons
29. The volume of rapeseed growing in Ukraine in 2016 - 2018, million tons
30. The volume of sunflower growing in Ukraine in 2016 - 2018
31. Volume of soybean growing in Ukraine in 2016 - 2018
32. Volume of wheat growing in Ukraine by regions in 2018
33. Volume of barley growing in Ukraine by regions in 2018
34. Volume of corn growing in Ukraine by regions in 2018
35. Volume of rapeseed growing in Ukraine by regions in 2018
36. The volume of sunflower growing in Ukraine by regions in 2018
37. Volume of soybean growing in Ukraine by regions in 2018
38. Share of households grown grains in Ukraine by types in 2018
39. Structure of agricultural lands, in kind,%
40. Structure of grain acreage in Poltava region in 2018, in kind,%
41. Grain yield structure in Poltava region in 2018, in kind,%
42. Structure of grain production in Poltava region in 2018, in kind,%
43. Structure of Hadyatskyi district agricultural sector by major activities,%
44. Dynamics of grains winter crops acreage in agricultural enterprises of Poltava region and Gadyatsky district in 20017-2018, thousand hectares
45. Dynamics of basic grains and oilseeds export volumes from Ukraine in 2016-5 months 2019, in kind, million tons
46. ​​Dynamics of basic grain and oilseeds exports from Ukraine in 2016-5 months 2019, In monetary terms, billion UAH
47. Dynamics of basic grain and oilseeds exports by the researched regions of Ukraine in 2016-5 months 2019, in kind, million tons
48. Dynamics of basic grain and oilseeds export structure by the researched regions of Ukraine and species, in kind,%
49. Dynamics of the researched agroholdings export structure by types of products, in kind in 5 months 2018-19, %
50. Structure of operating costs for grain drying service in 1 unit of calculation, 1 ton /% drying
51. Distribution of elevators capable of rail shipment in the researched regions
52. Distribution of elevators capable of auto-shipment in the researched regions

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