Market research report on children's goods in Ukraine. 2020 year

Market research report on children's goods in Ukraine. 2020 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: December 2020 year
Number of pages: 61, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 45
Tables: 21
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
29600 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Description of the market (history of development, specifics)
1.2. Analysis of market development trends (influence factors, development problems)
1.3. General market indicators
· Volume of sales of children's goods in Ukraine (+ offline)
· Volume of sales of children's goods in online
The number and attendance of advertisements for children's stores
The number and attendance of online stores with competing volumes and assortment (Rozetka,
1.4. Market segmentation and structuring
By product groups according to the classification of the customer
By sales channel (estimate)
By regions (Kyiv, Millionniki, regional centers, others)
· By brands in categories (estimated according to import and production data)
1.5. Analysis of sales of used children's goods in Ukraine - analysis of sites and forums, comparison of the number of ads with sales volume and assessment of such a segment in Ukraine
2. Main market operators (websites of children's goods and strong indirect competitors, up to TOP-7 in terms of traffic)
2.1. Comparative characteristics by criteria
Experience in the market, site traffic and format of work
Features of payment and delivery (presence of own service, partner services)
• Availability and quality of applications and work in social networks
Assortment (number of categories and brands)
Sales volumes (estimate or financial statement data)
・Rating and reviews
Integral assessment of sites to determine shares and prospects
2.2. Shares of the main market operators (as a conclusion from previous types of analysis)
2.3. Degree of competition and risks. Factor analysis of market shares of competitors (intensity of competition, market saturation)
3. Price and market pricing
3.1. Comparison of competitors' pricing policies. Prices for key positions in each of the categories on the sites of TOP competitors.
3.2. Description of factors influencing price formation, structure
3.3. Promotions and discounts (according to social networks)
4. Consumers and their preferences (desk analysis)
4.1. Demographic profile (birth rate, parental age, purchasing power, income level)
4.2. Buyer's preferences regarding the product, a portrait of the consumer.
Features of use by region (with an emphasis on cities with a population of over a million)
Features of use in the context of product categories
Features of use in the context of channels
4.3. Analysis of search queries and the issuance of competitors for them
4.4. Structuring and consumption segment
5. Sales channels for products (description and assessment of the sales structure by channels, allocation of an online channel)
6. Conclusions. Forecast indicators
6.1. Conclusions and Forecast Market Development Trends
6.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development in 2021 (several market development scenarios)
6.3. Market Development Recommendations for Pampik
Recommendations in terms of development in the regions (logistics, consumers)
Recommendations for new assortment groups
Other recommendations

List of Tables:

1. The structure of total expenditures of households with children (on average per month per household) in the 1st half. 2019 - 1st half of 2020
2. Costs during pregnancy and the first year of a child's life, UAH
3. Capacity of the toy market in Ukraine 2018-2020
4. Market capacity of diapers in 2017-2019
5. Capacity of the baby food market in Ukraine 2018-2020
6. Attendance of online stores, million
7. Characteristics of market operators
8. Terms of delivery and payment of market operators
9. Social media and loyalty program
10. Number of categories and brands of market operators
11. Online sales volumes of direct competitors in the children's goods market in Ukraine, 2019
12. Analysis of the degree of consumer satisfaction with the level of goods and services provided
13. Assessment of competitors
14. Ratio-weighted evaluation of competitors on the main criteria
15. Interesting features of the Antoshka online store
16. Profitability of the main competitors in the segment of children's goods, 2019
17. Prices for the most popular products, by main competitors
18. Analysis of promotional and discount offers
19. 4P Diaper Marketing Complex
20. Structure of the child population in Ukraine, by regions
21. Key differences in the organization of the process of delivery of goods by our own service and on the condition of outsourcing

List of graphs and charts:

1. Birth rate in Ukraine in 2016 - 9 months. 2020
2. Birth rate in Ukraine by regions for 9 months. 2020
3. The volume of the market of children's toys in Ukraine in 2016-2020, in monetary terms, million dollars
4. Amounts spent on the purchase of toys
5. The most popular online stores that sell children's products according to consumers
6. Categories of baby food
7. The main consumers of children's cosmetics
8. Structuring of diapers according to the weight of the child, %
9. Brands of strollers that are presented on the Ukrainian market of goods
10. Sales channels for toys in Ukraine in 2018-2020
11. The number of ads for the sale of children's goods, by region, as of November 2020
12. Number of advertisements per person, by region
13. Structure of TOP-10 diaper brands in 2019, %
14. The structure of the used children's goods market
15. Attendance of the main online stores of children's goods in Ukraine, October 2020
16. Overview of the application of the online store "Budinok igrashok"
17. Redesign of the Antoshka online store
18. Pampik online store redesign
19. Polygon of competition in the market of children's goods among online stores
20. Audience reach in the online segment, %
21. Sales volume, %
22. Online sales by channels, %
23. Shares of online stores by revenue from online sales, %
24. The structure of the population of Ukraine by age groups (as of February 1, 2020)
25. Structure of consumers of the main age groups by regions of Ukraine (as of February 1, 2020), in kind, thousand people
26. Structure of consumers in the age group 20-55 by gender (as of February 1, 2020)
27. Average salary in Ukraine for 10 months. 2020, by regions
28. The main motives for choosing toys for purchase
29. Distribution of factors by importance when choosing a toy, %
30. Structure of preferences in choosing baby carriages in 2020, %
31. Structure of preferences in the choice of toys in 2020,%
32. Structure of preferences in choosing baby food in 2020, %
33. Structure of preferences in the choice of diapers in 2020,%
34. Structure of preferences in choosing an online store for children's goods in 2020,%
35. The structure of search queries in the context of competitors for 11 months. 2020
36. Structure of search queries by product groups for 11 months. 2020
37. The structure of purchases in the context of online / offline consumer preferences in 2020
38. Segmentation of online / offline purchases by age groups of consumers in 2020
39. Segmentation of Google queries, by regions of Ukraine in 2020
40. Traffic sources, %
41. Device for entering the site
42. Percentage of mothers for whom this source of information is very important, %
43. Conversion rates by channel
44. Sales channels for toys in Ukraine in 2018-2020
45. Forecast indicators of sales volume for 2020-2023, UAH bln

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