Market research report on cement in Ukraine. 2023 year

Market research report on cement in Ukraine. 2023 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: December 2023 year
Number of pages: 17, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 3
Tables: 12
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
35500 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the cement market in 2021-6 months. 2023
2. Market volume in value and natural indicators (separately for each of the Periods).
3. List of sellers (suppliers, manufacturers), buyers (consumers) of the product (product group) - potential competitors, buyers who can sell (supply, produce), purchase (consume, use) the same and/or similar product on the market ( separately for each of the Periods) and assessment (in terms of value and, if possible, in physical terms) of the market shares of competitors (including importers) (separately for each of the Periods) by separating the shares of the participants of the transaction
4. Assessment of the level of competition in the cement market (high, moderate, insignificant), plowing through each period, with justification of the answer.
5. Assessment of the level of competitive pressure within Ukraine in each of the Periods, with justification of the answer.
6. Description of the market demand structure, including:
- Estimates of the market development phase
-Description of benefits for buyers (for example, belonging to the brand, providing related services before and after the purchase, providing a full range of products, the presence of a network benefit effect, etc.)
-Assessment of customer costs associated with a change of supplier (in terms of time and money costs)
-Degree of concentration of consumers
- Possibility to segment buyers into different groups with a description of a typical buyer for each group
- Assessments of the impact of state bodies, bodies of administrative and economic management and control on the formation of demand.
7. Evaluation of the effect of the Planned Transaction, signs of problems according to the HHI (Herfindahl-Hirschman index). If there is a negative effect, description and assessment of probability.
8. Description of the prospects and trends of the development of competition in the cement market in Ukraine for the next 3-5 years
- projected growth/decrease in production/realization volumes (with reasons indicated)
- projected volumes of increase/decrease in consumption (with reasons indicated)
- forecast of the shares of the main market participants
- predicted price changes (with reasons indicated)
- probabilities and reasons for the appearance of new manufacturers/suppliers on the market (indicating the grounds for such conclusions; the time required for this; the costs associated with this; whether it will be timely and sufficient; whether such business entities will create competition for the participants of the concentration, i.e. will be "effective")

List of Tables:

1. Openness of the cement market in 2021 – 6 months. 2023
2. Estimate of the volume of the cement market in Ukraine in 2021 - 6 months. 2023 in natural terms, thousand tons
3. Estimate of the volume of the cement market in Ukraine in 2021 – 6 months. 2023, in monetary terms, UAH million.
4. The share of the main cement producers in Ukraine in 2021 – 6 months. 2023, %
5. Concentration index on the cement market in 2021 – 6 months. 2023; concentration factor CR4
6. The main indices of competition in the cement market in 2021 – 6 months. 2023; the intensity of competition, calculated on the basis of the degree of similarity of competitors' shares
7. Assessment of the level of competition (high, moderate, insignificant) in the cement market
in the period of 2021 – 6 months. in 2023
8. Assessment of the development phase of the cement market
9. Barriers and costs of switching suppliers in the market
10. Regional structure of product consumption on the market
11. Assessment of the difficulty of the Planned Transaction according to the NNI (Herfindahl-Hirschman index)
12. The projected share of the main cement producers in Ukraine in 2026-2028, %

List of graphs and charts:

1. The share of cement producers in Ukraine by industrial group in 2021 – 6 months. 2023, %
2. The share of cement producers in Ukraine in 2023 (6 months) by region, %
3. Forecast of cement production volumes in natural terms for 2021-2029, million tons

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