Analysis of the cement market in Ukraine. 2020 year

Analysis of the cement market in Ukraine. 2020 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: June 2020 year
Number of pages: 95, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 65
Tables: 55
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the cement market in Ukraine in 2015-2019
1.1. Description of the market, analysis of trends and prospects for the development of the market in Ukraine
1.2.1. Analysis of possible products and / or components of substitutes, the appearance of which may lead to the replacement of production technologies (analytics on alternative and energy efficient technologies in Ukraine that reduce production costs)
1.3. General market indicators, market capacity calculation
1.4. Segmentation and structuring of the cement market
1.5. Availability and location of cement grinding stations and import terminals in Ukraine
2. State regulation of the industry (availability of industry support programs, prospects for demand from road construction, government strategies, etc. Import duties
3. Production and sales dynamics in 2015-2019
3.1. Volume and dynamics of production in quantitative terms
3.2. Volume and dynamics of production in value terms
4. Main market operators
4.1. Enumeration of the main market operators and their description
4.2. Structuring operators (by segments, groups, specializations, regionally)
4.3. Market shares of major operators
4.4. Degree of competition and risks
4.5. Competitive advantages of the main players (for example, the availability of energy-saving technologies, etc., which makes it possible to reduce production costs and the price of goods, respectively)
5. Foreign trade in dynamics in 2015-2019
5.1. Export (volume in natural units and monetary terms, structure, prices, geography of deliveries by country, main exporting companies)
5.2. Import (volume in physical units and monetary terms, structure, prices, geography of deliveries by countries, main exporting companies)
6. Price and pricing in the cement market
6.1. Price dynamics for products in 2015-2019
6.2. Description of factors influencing price formation, structure
6.3. Cost of production by components, profitability, gross margin, EBITDA - calculations averaged over the market and for the TOP 5 largest manufacturers based on financial data. market leader reporting
7. The range of products that are on the market
7.1. Cement and cement clinkers - packaging, labeling, etc.
8. Consumption in the cement market
8.1. Analysis of the development of cement consumer areas in Ukraine in 2015-2019 (construction industry: construction of residential buildings, industrial buildings, roads, etc.)
8.2. Logistics processes in the cement market: the volume of freight traffic, logistics features
9. Conclusions on the prospects of investing in the Ukrainian cement market in order to build a plant
9.1. Conclusions and Forecast Trends in the Development of the Cement Market in Ukraine
9.2. Forecast for the development of the cement market in Ukraine for 2020-2025 based on a multivariate model
9.3. Collection of expert opinions regarding the development of the cement market in Ukraine - based on media analysis, upon request
10. Investment attractiveness of the industry
10.1. SWOT - market direction analysis
10.2. Existing risks and barriers to market entry

List of Tables:

1. Information about limestone sources that are being developed by enterprises
2. Tariffs for the carriage of goods by special railway wagons in 2017 and 2019
3. Dynamics of construction work in Ukraine in 2015-2019
4. Large-scale construction projects 2019 - 2020
5. Dynamics of cement clinker market capacity in 2015-2019, in physical terms
6. Dynamics of market capacity of Portland cement and aluminous cement in 2015-2019, in natural terms
7. Dynamics of the market capacity of cement clinkers in 2015-2019, in monetary terms, million dollars USA
8. Dynamics of the market capacity of Portland cement and aluminous cement in 2015-2019, in monetary terms, million dollars USA
9. TOP - 20 railway stations for cement loading in Ukraine and load volume in 2019
10. TOP - 20 railway stations for unloading cement in Ukraine and the volume of unloading in 2019
11. Rates of import duties on cement, depending on the UKTVED code
12. The main necessary procedures for passing customs control when importing cement to Ukraine
13. Advantages and disadvantages of cement concrete road pavement
14. Structuring of cement industry enterprises by owners as of 2019
15. The main operators of the cement market
16. List of production capacities of operators, with the allocation of cement and concrete production
17. Production capacities of the main cement plants in Ukraine, and their load at the end of 2019
18. Segmentation of manufacturers by product type in 2019
19. Structuring of existing cement plants according to the method of cement production at the end of 2019
20. Production volumes and shares of the main operators of the cement market in Ukraine in 2015-2019, in physical terms, thousand tons, %
21. Volume of production and shares of the main operators of the cement market (final companies - owners) in Ukraine in 2015 - 2019, in kind, thousand tons %
22. Dynamics of production of cement clinkers and Portland cement for 4 months. 2019 - 2020, production forecasts in 2020
23. Shares of enterprises for the production of cement in Ukraine in 2019 in physical terms,%
24. Volume and dynamics of cement exports by types, to Ukraine, for 2015-2019, thousand tons.
25. Volume and dynamics of cement exports to Ukraine, for 2015-2019, mln. USD
26. Cement exporting companies in Ukraine, for 2015-2019, in monetary terms, %
27. Ukrainian cement importing companies, for 2015-2019, in physical terms. thousand tons
28. Main customs posts through which cement is exported, address and share
29. Countries importing cement from Ukraine, for 2015-2019, in monetary terms, %
30. Dynamics of the volume and structure of exports of Portland cement and other cements in 2015-2019 by country
31. Dynamics of volume and structure of export of cement clinkers in 2015-2019 by country
32. Volume and dynamics of cement imports to Ukraine, by types for 2015-2019, thousand tons
33. Volume and dynamics of cement imports to Ukraine, by types for 2015-2019, mln. USD
34. Geographical structure of cement imports to Ukraine, for 2015-2019, in physical terms
35. Geographical structure of cement imports to Ukraine, for 2015-2019, in physical terms, thousand tons.
36. Main customs posts through which cement is imported to Ukraine, address and share
37. Clinker import volumes in physical and monetary terms, for 2015-2019
38. Volumes of imports of clinker in physical terms by country for 2015-2019
39. Clinker import volumes in kind by importing companies for 2015-2019
40. Profitability, gross margin, EBITDA by TOP 5 large producers in Ukraine USD
41. Production cost by components of the 5 largest cement producers in Ukraine, %, for 2018
42. Structuring of existing cement plants by the range of cement produced as of June 2020
43. The total area of residential buildings put into operation, by types in 2015-2019 in Ukraine, mln m2
44. The total area of residential buildings put into operation, by types in 2017-2019, by regions of Ukraine, thousand m2
45. The total area of non-residential buildings put into operation, by types in 2018-2019 in Ukraine, mln m2
46. The total area of non-residential buildings put into operation in 2018-2019 in Ukraine, by regions, thousand m2
47. The total area of non-residential buildings put into operation in 2019 in Ukraine, by type, thousand m2
48. Dynamics of construction works (engineering buildings) in Ukraine in 2015-2019, in monetary terms, mln. USA
49. Dynamics of construction works (engineering buildings) in Ukraine in 2015-2019, in monetary terms by region, mln. USA
50. The length of local roads by region as of 01/01/2019, km.
51. Scope of work on loading / unloading cement in the seaports of Ukraine in 2014-2019
52. Scope of work on loading / unloading cement in the seaports of Ukraine in 2014-2019
53. Logistics and infrastructure capacities of cement manufacturing companies
54. SWOT-analysis of the market
55. Risks and barriers to entering the cement market for a new operator

List of graphs and charts:

1. Map of deposits of raw materials for cement that are being developed
2. Map of metallurgical enterprises - the main slag producers in Ukraine
3. Structure of slag production by metallurgical companies in 2018
4. Dynamics of production of limestone, flux and other limestone for the manufacture of lime and cement in Ukraine in 2015-2019, million tons
5. Dynamics of imports of limestone flux, limestone in 2015-2019
6. Map of the main coal reserves in Ukraine
7. Dynamics of the structure of the Ukrainian market of cement clinkers by the criterion of product origin, based on physical terms, %
8. Dynamics of the structure of the Ukrainian market of Portland cement and aluminous cement by the criterion of product origin, based on physical terms, %
9. Dynamics of the structure of the Ukrainian market by the criterion of the type of cement, in physical terms, %
10. Map of TOP-20 stations by cement load in 2019
11. Map of TOP-20 cement unloading stations in 2019
12. Dynamics of Portland cement production in Ukraine in 2015 - 2019, in physical terms, thousand tons
13. Dynamics of production of aluminous cement, clinker-free slag cement and similar hydraulic cements in Ukraine in 2015 - 2019, in physical terms, thousand tons
14. Dynamics of cement clinker production in Ukraine in 2015 - 2019, in kind, thousand tons
15. Share of sold products in the structure of production in 2015-2019 by types of products in physical terms, %
16. Monthly dynamics of cement clinkers sales in Ukraine in 2019, in physical terms, thousand tons
17. Monthly dynamics of Portland cement sales in Ukraine in 2019, in physical terms, thousand tons
18. Map of deposits of raw materials for cement that are not being developed
19. Dynamics of Portland cement production in Ukraine in 2015 - 2019*, in monetary terms, mln USD USA
20. Dynamics of production of aluminous cement, clinker-free slag cement and similar hydraulic cements in Ukraine in 2015 - 2019, in monetary terms, mln USD USA
21. Dynamics of production of cement clinkers in Ukraine in 2015 - 2019, in monetary terms, million dollars USA
22. Structure (%) and production volume (tons) of cement and cement clinkers in 2019
23. Production structure of the main operators of the cement and cement clinkers market in 2019
24. Regional location of cement plants of the main market operators in Ukraine
25. The structure of production of Portland cement and other cements by regions of Ukraine in 2019, in physical terms,%
26. Volume and dynamics of cement exports to Ukraine, for 2015-2019, thousand tons.
27. Main customs posts through which cement is exported
28. Volume and dynamics of cement imports to Ukraine, for 2015-2019, thousand tons.
29. Main customs posts through which cement is imported
30. Invoice value (DAF delivery terms) of export cement for 2015-2019, usd\ton.
31. Invoice value of imported cement for 2015-2019, USD\tons on Prozorro government purchases for 2015-2020, USD\tons.
32. Average cost of cement in medium and large wholesale for 2015-2020, USD \ tons.
33. Structure of construction works in Ukraine in 2015-2019, in monetary terms, %
34. Structure of building construction in physical and monetary terms in 2017-2019, %
35. Dynamics of construction works (buildings) in Ukraine in 2015-2019, in monetary terms, billion dollars USA
36. Dynamics of construction works (engineering structures) in Ukraine in 2015-2019, in monetary terms, billion dollars USA
37. Structure of public roads of national importance in Ukraine in 2019, %
38. Structure of public roads by type of coverage in Ukraine, %
39. Map of the state of Ukrainian roads
40. Length of constructed and repaired roads in Ukraine in 2015-2019, thousand km
41. Geographical distribution of production facilities and representative offices of the company "Beton ot Kovalskaya"
42. Geographic location of the production facilities of the company "Orientir-Budelement"
43. Geographical location of production facilities and representative offices of the company "Khmelnitskzhelehobeton"
44. Geographical location of the production facilities of the Aerok company
45. Geographic location of production facilities of the company "Association Dneproenergostroyprom"
46. Geographic location of production facilities "Zhilstroy-1"
47. Geographical location of production facilities "HK "Kyivmiskstroy"
48. Geographical location of production facilities "Intergal-Bud"
49. Geographical location of production facilities "KANBUD"
50. Map of implemented projects of Avtomagistral-South LLC
51. Map of production capacities of Avtomagistral-South LLC
52. Geography location of the company "Altcom"
53. Office (Odessa) and production bases of the company "Rostdorstroy"
54. Structure of cement transportation by mode of transport in 2019, in physical terms, %
55. Geographical location of sea and river ports
56. Geographical location of seaports associated with transshipment of building materials
57. The structure of the volumes of processing building materials in the seaports of Ukraine in 2018-2019
58. Scope of work on loading / unloading cement in the seaports of Ukraine in 2014-2019
59. Dynamics of volumes of cement transportation by rail in Ukraine, in 2015-2019, million tons
60. Dynamics of monthly volumes of cement and grain transportation by rail in Ukraine in 2019, million tons
61. Main highways in Ukraine
62. Dynamics of volumes of cement transportation by road in Ukraine, in 2017-2019, million tons
63. Location of cement terminals of the main market operators
64. Dynamics of nominal GDP of Ukraine in 2015-2019, billion dollars USA
65. Forecast of cement market capacity in 2020-2025, in physical terms, million tons

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