Analysis of the bottled drinking water market. 2021-2024

Analysis of the bottled drinking water market. 2021-2024
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: March 2025 year
Number of pages: 41, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles
Graphs and charts: 19
Tables: 17
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: Ukrainian, Russian, English
34700 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Market description (introductory paragraph with a description of the product, its application, description of the research methodology and classifiers)
1.2. Analysis of market development trends (main factors and trends that influenced the market and the dynamics of their manifestation)
1.3. General market indicators separately in the market of carbonated and non-carbonated water
1.3.1. Calculation of the market capacity in 2021-2024 (using the formula “production + imports - exports”) in physical terms
1.3.2. Sales volume of products in the market in monetary terms
1.4. Segmentation and structuring of the market (by type, origin, assessment of the shadow segment)
2. Key market operators (producers and importers)
2.1. List of major market operators and their structuring (general information, types of activities and specialization; product groups, brands and assortment)
2.2. Market shares of the main market operators (brands, manufacturers)
3. Production of drinking water in Ukraine in 2021-2024.
3.1. Dynamics of production in quantitative terms
3.2. Shares of producers
4. Foreign trade and foreign economic activity
4.1 Exports of drinking bottled water from Ukraine in 2021-2024 (volumes, geography)
4.2 Imports of drinking bottled water to Ukraine in 2021-2024 (volumes, structure, geography, shares of importers)
5. The range of products presented on the market (building assortment maps to determine the saturation of market segments by type and size of packaging, type of water)
6. Price and pricing in the market
6.1. Price dynamics for drinking bottled water (index)
6.2. Average current water prices by product group
6.3. Description of factors influencing price formation, structure
7. Branding and advertising (analysis of competitors' positioning in the market, presence in promotion channels)
8. Analysis of consumption in the market
8.1. Consumer preferences for goods, consumer portrait
8.2. Analysis of the Internet audience in the industry, search queries and competitors' results
8.3. Analysis of unmet needs in the market
8.4. Degree of customer satisfaction (feedback analysis)
9. Product sales channels (description and evaluation of the sales structure by channels)
10. Conclusions. Forecast indicators of the market
10.1. Conclusions and forecast trends in market development
10.2. Building hypotheses of market development. Forecast indicators of market development in 2025-2027.

List of Tables:

1. Classification of bottled drinking water
2. UKTZED codes of the goods under study
3. The capacity of the sparkling water market in Ukraine in 2021-2024, in physical terms, mln. liters
4. Non-carbonated water market capacity in Ukraine in 2021-2024, in volume terms, mln. liters
5. Shares of the main brands in the bottled water market in monetary terms in 2021 - 3Q2024, %.
6. Representation of the studied brands in well-known supermarkets
7. Current average retail prices of mineral water depending on the volume, UAH per bottle
8. Current average retail prices of water depending on the volume and type of packaging material, UAH per bottle
9. Current average retail prices of water by volume and water segment, UAH per bottle
10. Results table of IMC application in the mineral water market
11. Use of the main advertising channels in the water market by operators
12. Analysis of the presence of mineral water market operators in online communication channels
13. Analysis of the activity of market operators in online communication channels
14. Analysis of branding of the main operators of the mineral water market
15. Portrait of the consumer by water categories
16. Dynamics of search queries of the main operators of bottled water in Ukraine, in 2021 - 2024, number of queries
17. Average annual number of TOP-10 search queries by type and type of water in 2021-2024.

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of bottled water sales in Ukraine for 2020 - 9 months of 2024, in monetary terms, UAH billion, %.
2. The structure of the mineral water market by type of water in Ukraine, 2023-2024, in physical terms, %.
3. Production of sparkling water in Ukraine in 2021-2024, mln. dal, %.
4. Production of non-carbonated water in Ukraine in 2021-2024, mln. dal, % 5.
5. Shares of producers in the mineral water market in Ukraine in 2021-2024 in physical terms, %.
6. Exports of bottled drinking water from Ukraine in 2021-2024, in volume terms, mln liters
7. Exports of drinking bottled water from Ukraine in 2021-2024, in monetary terms, USD million, %.
8. Geography of bottled water exports from Ukraine in 2023-2024, in %.
9. Imports of bottled drinking water to Ukraine in 2021-2024 in physical terms, mln liters
10. Imports of bottled drinking water to Ukraine in 2021-2024 in monetary terms, mln. dollars
11. The structure of imported drinking bottled water to Ukraine in 2021-2024 in physical terms, mln liters
12. Geography of bottled water imports to Ukraine in 2021-2024 in physical terms, %.
13. Shares of bottled water importers in value terms in 2021-2024, in %.
14. Price index for soft drinks in 2020-2024, in %.
15. Comparative dynamics of TOP-5 search queries by major operators, in 2021-2024
16. Sales channels of bottled water in Ukraine, %.
17. Forecast of production volumes of carbonated and non-carbonated bottled water in Ukraine for 2025-2027 under the optimistic scenario, mln liters
18. Forecast of production volumes of carbonated and non-carbonated bottled water in Ukraine for 2025-2027 under the baseline scenario, mln liters
19. Forecast of production volumes of carbonated and non-carbonated bottled water in Ukraine for 2025-2027 under the pessimistic scenario, mln. liters

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