Market Analysisof payment aggregators Ukraine. 2020 year

Market Analysisof payment aggregators Ukraine. 2020 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: February 2020 year
Number of pages: 40, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 15
Tables: 26
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
19150 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Political, economic, legal, social, technological and demographic factors influencing customer behavior. Opportunities and threats for products caused by the influence of the factor.
1.2. Analysis of market development trends (trends, influencing factors, development problems)
1.3. General market indicators 2018-2019
1.4. State regulation of the industry. Prospects for changes in legislation regarding payment systems (according to data from open sources)
2. Main market operators
2.1. List of main market operators and their description
2.2. Structuring and competitive analysis of operators
• Website, branding, logo
• Company news (reputation and cases that may have a negative impact)
• Segmentation and types of payments that are emphasized (in terms of positioning)
• Exclusive services
• Company, ultimate beneficiaries, origin
• How easy it is to create an account (test registration to check the time and number of steps)
• Bank commissions for basic payments
• Ability to connect multiple cards
• Availability of support (online, telephone)
Financial indicators (revenue, net profit)
• Other factors to be determined during the study
2.3. Market shares of the main market operators
• According to financial indicators
• According to the multi-factor model of paragraph 3.2 (assigning each factor a weight and multiplying by the value to determine the overall indicator)
2.4. The level of competition and risks. Factor analysis of market shares of competitors
3. Price and pricing in the market. Commissions for various payments. Influence of factors on the commission (amount, counterparty, service)
4. Consumers and their preferences
4.1 Analysis of the requirements of the target audience for electronic tools based on expert assessment
4.2 Analysis of possible changes in needs (sources of changes) - based on monitoring changes in Western companies
4.3 Consumer preferences regarding the product, consumer portrait
4.4. Structuring and segmentation of consumption (volume and average receipt of payments by types of services)
5. Conclusions. Forecast indicators
5.1. Conclusions and Forecast Market Development Trends
5.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development in 2020-2025
5.3 Recommendations for development in the market
6. Investment attractiveness of the industry
6.1 SWOT Market Analysis
6.3 PESTLE Analysis of Market Influence Factors
6.3 Existing risks and barriers to market entry. Risk map

List of Tables:

1. Factors affecting the behavior of customers in the payment aggregator market
2. Legislative changes that the NBU plans to introduce in the field of licensing
3. Characteristics of the main market operators
4. Information about the site, branding and logo of the company (products)
5. Information about news and cases on the Internet that have affected companies
6. Types of payments offered by market operators to customers
7. Exclusive services provided by market operators
8. Information about the company, ultimate beneficiaries and origin
9. Description of the registration process
10. The size of the commission for the main payments of the studied market operators
11. Information about the availability of customer support
12. Financial indicators of the main market operators
13. Ways to pay for goods on the Internet offered by the studied operators
14. Criteria for factors’ estimation
15. Evaluation of the investigated aggregators of payment systems
16. Shares of the main operators in the market of payment systems in Ukraine in 2018 in monetary terms, %
17. Factor analysis of the dynamics of the market share of operators from 2017 to 2018
18. Commissions on various payments
19. Commissions for various payments by aggregators
20. Factors and their influence on the size of the commission
21. Market indicators of e-commerce for business in Europe
22. Basic consumer requirements for payment aggregators
23. SWOT analysis of the payment aggregator market
24. PESTLE - market analysis of payment aggregators
25. Segmentation of market risks
26. Risk map for the payment aggregator market

List of graphs and charts:

1. Business model of dispatcher companies in the payment services market of Ukraine
2. Number of Internet subscribers in Ukraine in 2016-2019*
3. Structure of Internet services sold in 2018, in kind
4. Structure of non-cash transactions using payment cards depending on the volume and number of transactions in 2018
5. Dynamics of changes in the number of payment system operators in Ukraine in 2015 - 2019
6. Structure of volumes of non-cash transactions using the card in 2019, %
7. Structure of the number of non-cash transactions using the card in 2019, %
8. Dynamics of the number of "e-wallets" in Ukraine in 2016 - 2018
9. Market structure based on the number of transactions in physical terms in 2017-2019, %
10. Shares of the main market operators
11. Average monthly number of Internet requests for the name of popular payment aggregators
12. Dynamics of the volume of non-cash payments using cards in 2017-2019
13. Dynamics of changes in the average check for cashless payments on the Internet when paying for goods/services in 2017-2019
14. Dynamics of changes in the average size of non-cash money transfers from card to card
15. Forecast of organic growth of the market of cashless payments

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