Analysis of the tourist tours online booking system potential in Ukraine. 2019

Analysis of the tourist tours online booking system potential in Ukraine. 2019
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: November 2019 year
Number of pages: 37, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 16
Tables: 13
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: russian
13650 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Online commerce in Ukraine as a whole
1.1. Major trends in the online commerce development
1.2. Market major indicators. Dynamics of online sales in 2016-2018. Structure of the online commerce market by key segments. Selection of tourism share
1.3. Major market operators and their innovations for 2018-2019 (which could have contributed to the growth of online sales)
2. Online travel sales market Tendencies Analysis in Ukraine in 2016-2019 (factors of influence on the market, problems of development)
3. The volume of online travel sales in Ukraine
4. Market segmentation
* Selection of the tourism market online sales shares as a whole
* Sales structure by type (accommodation only / package deals; corporate segment / travel)
* Sales structure in the corporate and travel segments by type of services (transport / placement / other)
5. Major market operators
5.1. List of major market operators and their description
5.2. Structuring of operators (by services, price segment, TA)
5.3. Major operators Market share (estimation by revenue, popularity in social networks, sales features, by target audience)
5.4. TOP-5 operators Shares dynamics in online sales. Analysis of the companies positioning by changes in online sales in 2016-2018.
5.5. Competition Features and Risks. Analysis of competitors market shares
6. Assortment and pricing in the market
6.1. Analysis of the online booking market operators in the following directions: France, Switzerland and Italy - Alps, ski holidays; Turkey, Greece, Sicily, Maldives, Dominican - supply structure, competitive advantages
6.2. Cost of tours by destinations
7. Consumers and their benefits (in a cabinet way)
7.1. Consumer Benefits of Services, Consumer Portrait (estimation of population structure by income, determination of TA premium segment)
7.2. Analysis of online travel requests (requests dynamics by countries / vocation formats)
8. Competitor promotion channels (analysis of existing promotion channels (social networks, corporate offers, video advertising, ancillary channels (togather with tourism destination countries)) Analysis of the online booking promotion focus.
9. Conclusions. Forecast indicators
9.1. Conclusions and Forecasting Trends development in Online Booking Market
9.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forcast Market development Indicators (with premium segment Selection) in 2019-2022
9.3. Recommendations for market development (for and against arguments of the online booking development on the tour operator's website)
10. Factors and risks of market development
10.1. PEST-analysis of factors of influence on the market
10.2. Existing risks and barriers to online booking segment entry. Building a risk map

List of Tables:

1. Major market operators
2. Structuring of operators by services
3. Structuring of operators by price segment
4. TOP-5 operators shares dynamics in online sales,%
5. Factor analysis of operators' shares in 2017-2018
6. Analysis of the online booking market operators occupation in the major directions
7. Minimum cost of tours by destinations
8. Online requests for ski tours Dynamics, number of requests per month
9. Internet requests Dynamics by countries, number of requests per month
10. Competitors Promotion
11. PEST-analysis of factors of influence on the market
12. Market risk segmentation
13. Risk Map of the Premium Segment Travel Online Sales Market

List of graphs and charts:

1. Internet users share in Ukraine, depending on the type of settlement,%
2. The volume of e-commerce sales in Ukraine in 2016-2018, in monetary terms, billion UAH.
3. Segmentation of e-commerce sales in Ukraine in 2018, in monetary terms,%
4. The 10 most visited marketplaces in Ukraine in October 2019, millions of visitors
5. Travel Sales volume through mobile applications in Ukraine in 2016-2018, in monetary terms, million UAH.
6. Number of tourists who went abroad with the help of tour operators and travel agencies in Ukraine in 2016-2018, million people.
7. The volume of online travel sales in Ukraine in 2016-2018, in monetary terms, million UAH.
8. Online travel sales volume in Ukraine in 2016-2018, in monetary terms, USD million
9. Online sales Share in the tourism market in Ukraine in 2016 and 2018, in monetary terms,%
10. Sales structure by types in the tourism market in Ukraine in 2016 and 2018, in monetary terms,%
11. Sales structure by type (recreation and business) in the tourism market in Ukraine in 2016 and 2018, in monetary terms,%
12. Structure of online sales in the corporate (business) segment in Ukraine in 2016 and 2018, in monetary terms,%
13. Structure of online sales in the travel (recreation) segment in Ukraine in 2016 and 2018, in monetary terms,%
14. Major operators Market shares, in monetary terms,%
15. Forecasts of the online travel sales market development in Ukraine in 2019-2022, million UAH.
16. Forecasts of the online travel sales premium segment development in Ukraine in 2019-2022, million UAH.

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