Market reseaarch report on world oil prices. 2023 year

Market reseaarch report on world oil prices. 2023 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: December 2023 year
Number of pages: 27, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles
Graphs and charts: 24
Tables: 4
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
29990 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Dynamics of oil prices 2022-2023.
2. analyze the events that led to price hikes (build a chronology of changes). 3.
3. analyze the statements and actions of rf in the oil market and highlight price changes that rf could capitalize on

List of Tables:

1. World interregional crude oil trade, 2022.
2. analyzing the impact of russian politicians' statements on the price of oil
3. Russian crude oil imports, daily flows by geography
14-day moving average in natural units, thousand tons
4. Russian oil imports, daily flows by geography
14-day moving average in monetary units, million euros

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of oil prices for the period January 2022-October 2023, dollar per barrel
2. OPEC*+ oil production dynamics, January 2022-October 2023, mln barrels per day.
3. Dynamics of oil prices for January 2022, dollar per barrel
4. Oil price dynamics for February 2022, USD per barrel
5. Dynamics of oil prices for March 2022, dollar per barrel
6. Oil price dynamics for April 2022, dollar per barrel.
7. Dynamics of oil prices for May 2022, dollar per barrel
8. Dynamics of oil prices for June 2022, dollar per barrel
9. Dynamics of oil prices for July 2022, dollar per barrel.
10. Dynamics of oil prices for August 2022, dollar per barrel
11. Dynamics of oil prices for September 2022, dollar per barrel
12. Oil price dynamics for October 2022, dollar per barrel
13. Oil price dynamics for November 2022, dollar per barrel
14. Dynamics of oil prices for December 2022, dollar per barrel
15. Oil price dynamics for January 2023, dollar per barrel
16. Dynamics of oil prices for February 2023, dollar per barrel
17. Dynamics of oil prices for March 2023, dollar per barrel
18. Dynamics of oil prices for April 2023, dollar per barrel.
19. Dynamics of oil prices for May 2023, dollar per barrel
20. Dynamics of oil prices for June 2023, dollar per barrel
21. Dynamics of oil prices for July 2023, dollar per barrel
22. Dynamics of oil prices for August 2023, dollar per barrel
23. Dynamics of oil prices for September 2023, dollar per barrel
24. Dynamics of oil prices for September 2023, dollar per barrel

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