Market research of the Ukrainian market of tires for passenger cars. 2012

Market research of the Ukrainian market of tires for passenger cars. 2012
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: December 2012 year
Number of pages: , Arial, 1 interval, 10 font
Graphs and charts: 26
Tables: 9
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5600 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the Ukrainian car tire market during 2008-2012
1.1. Market description (general market description, its specifications and problems)
1.2. Analysis of market development tendencies
1.3. General market indices, calculation of market capacity (in pieces)
1.4. Market segmentation and structuring (including range of car tires and top-10 marketable tire sizes for summer and winter seasons
2. State regulation of the sector
3. Production of car tires on the market of Ukraine in 2008-2012.
3.1. Volume of production in units (in pieces)
3.2. Volumes of production in monetary terms
4. Key operators of car tires market in Ukraine
4.1. List of key market operators and their description
4.2. Structuring of operators (by segment, group, specialization, and regionally)
4.3. Market shares of key market operators and brands (in units and monetary terms) and level of competition on the market in 2012
5. Export trade on the Ukrainian market of car tires in 2008-2012.
5.1. Export (volumes in units, structure, geography of deliveries by countries)
5.2. Import (volumes in units, structure, geography of deliveries by countries)
6. Consumption of car tires on the Ukrainian market
6.1. Consumers’ preferences for products, consumer description
6.2. Structuring and segmentation of consumers
6.3. Necessity in products and level of customer satisfaction
7. Branding and products advertisement
8. Conclusions and recommendations. Forecast indices for development of the market in 2012-2017 (in pieces) 
9. Investment attractiveness of the sector
9.1. SWOT-analysis of the market
9.2. Existing risks and market entry barriers

List of Tables:

1.  Main factors which influence development perspectives of the car tire market in Ukraine in 2012
2. The balance of the Ukrainian market of passenger tires in 2008-2012 in natural terms, million units
3. The balance of the Ukrainian market of passenger tires in 2008-2012 in monetary terms, million USD
4. Structure of passenger tires market in Ukraine in context of trademarks and range of products
5. Top 10 most popular sizes of tires
6. Structuring of main operators of passenger tires market in Ukraine in the context of trade direction and financial indicators in 2011
7. Average monthly wage in Ukraine in context of regions for 1 half-year 2012, UAH for 1 person per month
8. Key entry barriers of the car tire market
9. SWOT-analysis of the market

List of graphs and charts:

1. Structure of production on the market of tire in Ukraine by types of products for 9 months of 2012, in natural terms, %
2. Capacity of passenger tires market in Ukraine in 2008-2012 in natural terms, million units
3. Capacity of passenger tires market in Ukraine in 2008-2012 in monetary terms, million USD
4. Ukrainian passenger tires market structure in the context of the product origin in 9 month of 2012, in natural terms, %
5. Structure of passenger tires market in Ukraine in context of price segments, %
6. Structure of passenger tires market in Ukraine in context of diameter in 9 month of 2012, in natural terms, %
7. Structure of passenger tires market in Ukraine in context of the size in 9 month of 2012, in natural terms, %
8. Structure of passenger tires market in Ukraine according to seasonally in 9 month of 2012, in natural terms, %
9. Dynamics of production on tires market in Ukraine in 2008-2012 in natural terms, million units
10. Dynamics of production on tires market in Ukraine in 2008-2012 in monetary terms, million USD
11. Shares of main operators of the passenger tires market in Ukraine in 2012 in natural terms, %
12. Shares of main operators of the passenger tires market in Ukraine in 2012 in monetary terms, %
13. Shares of main producers on passenger tires market in Ukraine in 2012 in natural terms, %
14. Shares of main producers on passenger tires market in Ukraine in 2012 in monetary terms, %
15. Shares of brands on the passenger tires market in Ukraine in 2012 in natural terms, %
16. Shares of brands on the passenger tires market in Ukraine in 2012 in monetary terms, %
17. Export of passenger tires from Ukraine in 2008 – 9 month of 2012 in natural terms (million units) and monetary terms (million USD)
18. Geographic structure of export of passenger tires from Ukraine for 9 month of 2011 and 2012 in natural terms, %
19. Geographic structure of export of passenger tires from Ukraine for 9 month of 2011 and 2012 in monetary terms, %
20. Import of passenger tires into Ukraine in 2008 – 9 month of 2012 in natural terms (million units) and monetary terms (million USD)
21. Geographic structure of import of passenger tires into Ukraine for 9 month of 2011 and 2012 in natural terms, %
22. Geographic structure of import of passenger tires into Ukraine for 9 month of 2011 and 2012 in monetary terms, %
23. Preferences of customers on passenger tires market in Ukraine in 2012 in the context of brands, %
24. Preferences of customers on passenger tires market in Ukraine in 2011 in the context of brands, %
25. Average index of the wage in context of regions for first 6 month of 2012, thousands UAH, %
26. Forecast of passenger tires market capacity in Ukraine in 2012-2017 in natural terms, million units 
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