Market research of tractors, agricultural machinery and automotive components in Ukraine. 2013

Market research of tractors, agricultural machinery and automotive components in Ukraine. 2013
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: May 2013 year
Number of pages: 23, Arial, 1 interval, 10 font  
Graphs and charts: 91
Tables: 68
Payment method: prepayment
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10000 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the tractor market, agricultural machinery and automotive components in Ukraine in terms of product groups

1.1. Analysis of market trends, tractors, agricultural machinery and automotive components in the 2008-2012 period.
1.2. General market indicators, the calculation capacity of the tractor market, agricultural machinery and automotive components in the 2008-2012 period.
1.2.1. Volumes of production of tractors, agricultural machinery and automotive components in the 2008-2012 period.
1.2.2. Export volumes of tractors, agricultural machineryagricultural machinery and automotive components in the 2008-2012 period.
1.2.3. The volume of imports of tractors, agricultural machinery and automotive components in the 2008-2012 period.
1.3. Segmentation and structuring of the tractor market, agricultural machinery and automotive components
1.3.1. Market structure by commodity groups
1.3.2. Market structure of origin
1.3.3. Market structure by brands
2. Analysis of competitors in the market of tractors, agricultural machinery and automotive components in Ukraine
2.1. A list of key competitors and their description
2.2. Analysis of foreign trade activities of major competitors (the volume of imported products, foreign contractors, the geography of deliveries, the average price range of imports, etc.).
2.3. Structuring competitors (by segment, groups, specialization, regionally
2.4. Market shares of major competitors
2.5. The strengths and weaknesses of competitors in the market. Mapping competitive advantage
2.6. The degree of competition and risks
3. Price and market pricing of tractors, agricultural machinery and automotive components in Ukraine
3.1. Dynamics of average prices of tractors and tractor parts agricultural machinery
3.2. Price comparison for tractors, agricultural machinery and automotive components with average market prices
4. Conclusions and recommendations. Prospects for the development of the tractor market, agricultural machinery and automotive components in the years 2013-2016.
4.1. Forward-looking indicators of the tractor market, agricultural machinery and automotive components in the years 2013-2016.
4.2. SWOT-analysis of market direction
4.3. Defining the position of companies in the market of tractors, agricultural machinery and automotive components
4.4. Recommendation development

List of Tables:

1. The dynamics of  market capacity of tractors and agricultural machinery in 2008-2012.

2. The dynamics of market capacity of tractors and agricultural machinery in 2008-2012.
3. The dynamics of market capacity of spare parts in Ukraine in 2008-2012, mln. UAH.
4. The dynamics of market capacity of tires in 2008-2012. in Ukraine in kind, thousand pieces
5. The dynamics of market capacity of tires in 2008-2012. in Ukraine in terms of money, mln.
6. The dynamics of market capacity of motor oil in 2008-2012. in Ukraine in kind, thousand tons
7. The dynamics of market capacity of starter batteries in 2008-2012. in Ukraine in kind, thousand pieces
8. The dynamics of market capacity of starter batteries in 2008-2012. in Ukraine in terms of money, mln.
9. Dynamics of production of tractors and agricultural machinery in 2008-2012., Ed.
10. Dynamics of production of tractors and agricultural machinery by major segments of 2008-2012., Ed.
11. Dynamics of production of spare parts for tractors and agricultural machinery, cars and trucks for the 2008-2012 period. in Ukraine in terms of money, mln.
12. Volumes of production of the main producers of parts of Ukraine in 2011 in terms of money, th.
13. Dynamics of production of tires in 2008-2012. in Ukraine in kind (thousand pcs.) and money (mln.) expression
14. Volumes of production of the major tire manufacturers in Ukraine for 2008-2011 years. in kind, thousand pieces.
15. Dynamics of production of autos in physical terms in 2008-2012
16. Dynamics of production of the main producers of autos in physical terms in 2008-2011
17. Dynamics of production of starter batteries in 2008-2012. in Ukraine in kind (thousand pcs.) and money (mln.) expression
18. Volumes of production of starter batteries for major manufacturers of Ukraine 2008-2011 in-kind pieces.
19. Dynamics of export of tractors and agricultural machinery in 2008 - 2012 years., In real terms, units.
20. Dynamics of export of tractors and agricultural machinery in 2008 - 2012 years., in monetary terms, th.
21. Dynamics of export of spare parts in 2008 - 2012 years., In monetary terms, mln.
22. Dynamics of export of tires for the 2008-2012 period. from Ukraine in kind (thousand pcs.) and money (mln.) expression
23. Dynamics of export of motor oil in 2008 - 2012 years., In kind, thousand tons
24. Dynamics of import of tractors and agricultural machinery in 2008 - 2012 years., In real terms, units
25. Dynamics of import of tractors and agricultural machinery in 2008 - 2012 years., In monetary terms, th.
26. Dynamics of import of spare parts in the context of spare parts for cars, trucks, tractors and agricultural machinery in 2008-2012. from Ukraine in terms of money, mln.
27. Dynamics of import of tires in 2008-2012. from Ukraine in kind (thousand pcs.) and money (mln.) expression
28. Dynamics of import of motor oil in 2008-2012. from Ukraine in kind, thousand tons
29. Major operators and their brands on the market of starter batteries
30. Range of products on the market of Ukraine starter batteries in the context of brands
31. A list of the main suppliers of tractors, agricultural machinery  and automotive components in the Ukraine in 2012
32. The volume of imports of the main suppliers of tractors and agricultural machinery the Ukrainian market in 2012, th.
33. Foreign contractors and supplies its main importers of tractors and agricultural machinery on the Ukrainian market
34. Average prices of imports on the Ukrainian market of tractors and agricultural machinery, th
35. The volume of imports of spare parts for cars and agricultural machinery in Ukraine from the CIS countries by major operators on the results of 2012 in terms of money, mln.
36. Foreign agents, and supplies its range of imports of the main suppliers of spare parts for tractors and agricultural machinery on the Ukrainian market in 2012
37. Average prices for spare parts for tractors and agricultural machinery main importers in 2012, Rs. / Pcs.
38. The volume of imports of the main suppliers of autos on the Ukrainian market
39. Foreign contractors and supplies its main importers of autos on the Ukrainian market
40. Foreign contractors and supplies its main importers of autos on the Ukrainian market
41. The volume of tire imports to Ukraine by major operators on the results of 2012 in terms of money, mln.
42. The volume of tire imports to Ukraine by major counterparties at the end of 2012 in terms of money, mln.
43. Average prices of tire imports to Ukraine in 2008-2012.
44. The volume of imports of starter batteries in the Ukraine in the context of the main operators on the results of 2012 in real terms (thousand pcs.) And money (mln.) Expression
45. Segmentation of the companies in the context of market segments agricultural machinery and tractors, compare offers an assortment
46. Segmentation of the operators in the market of agricultural machinery, depending on the level of cooperation with the manufacturers
47. Segmentation of companies by country - senders
48. Structuring the main operators of the market of spare parts for trucks, tractors and agricultural machinery Ukraine on financial performance in 2011, Rs.
49. A comparison of import supplies of the main operators of the market of spare parts for cars and agricultural machinery by type of production in Ukraine
50. Segmentation of the companies in the context of the nomenclature of groups of goods suppliers of spare parts for tractors and agricultural machinery, a comparison of the assortment offers
51. Structuring of the main operators in the tire market of Ukraine for financial performance in 2011, Rs.
52. Compare offers an assortment of basic operators of the tire market in Ukraine
53. Compare range of imports of tires the main market operators in the context of products
54. Segmentation of the major suppliers of oil depending on the type of product
55. Leading operators and brands on the market of Ukraine autos
56. Segmentation of the main suppliers of starter batteries, depending on the type of product
57. Risks to the tractor market and agricultural machinery, as well as automotive components Ukraine
58. The price index for car parts in the context of product groups in 2010 - 2012 years.
59. Dynamics of prices manufacturers, exporters and importers of tires in 2008-2012. Ukraine, UAH. / pcs.
60. Dynamics of prices of domestic producers of starter batteries in 2008-2012. Ukraine, UAH. / pcs.
61. Dynamics of prices of imports and exports of starter batteries in 2008-2012. Ukraine, UAH. / pcs.
62. Forward-looking indicators of the market spare parts for cars, tractors and SHT in Ukraine for 2013-2016. in terms of money, thousand pieces.
63. Forward-looking indicators of the tire market in Ukraine for 2013-2016. in real terms (thousand pcs.) and money (mln.) expression
64. Forward-looking indicators of the starter battery market in Ukraine for 2013-2016. in real terms, thousand pieces.
65. SWOT-analysis of the overall market of tractors, agricultural machinery and automotive components in Ukraine
66. Key indicators of the Ukrainian market of automotive components by segment
67. The criteria for evaluation of the main indicators of development of this market segment
68. Assessment of segment performance parts for tractors and agricultural machinery, trucks and passenger cars as well as automotive components (tires, avtomasla, starter batteries) in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Major indicators of the tractor market and agricultural machinery in Ukraine in 2008-2012. in monetary terms, mln.

2. The dynamics of the vehicle fleet in Ukraine in 2007-2012. in kind, thousand.
3. Key indicators of production, export and import of tires in Ukraine in 2008-2012. in-kind
4. Key indicators of production, export and import of motor oil in Ukraine in 2008-2012. in kind, thousand tons
5. Key indicators of production, export and import of starter batteries in Ukraine in 2008-2012. in-kind
6. The dynamics of the market capacity of tractors and agricultural machinery in 2008-2012, mln. UAH
7. The dynamics of the market capacity of tractors and agricultural machinery groups in the context of the nomenclature of goods 2008-2012, mln. UAH
8. The dynamics of the market capacity of automotive components by segment for the period 2008-2012., Mln.
9. Structuring the spare parts market by segment for up to 2012 years.,%
10. The dynamics of the market capacity of motor oil in 2008-2012, th. Tons
11. Dynamics of production of autos in physical terms in 2008-2011, ths. Tons
12. Dynamics of export of motor oil in 2008-2012. from Ukraine in kind, thousand tons.
13. Dynamics of export of motor oil by type for 2011-2012. from Ukraine in kind, thousand tons.
14. Dynamics of import of motor oil in 2008-2012. from Ukraine in kind, thousand tons
15. Dynamics of import of motor oil by type for 2011-2012. from Ukraine in kind, thousand tons
16. Dynamics of import of starter batteries in 2008-2012. to Ukraine in kind (thousand pcs.) and money (mln.) expression
17. The structure of the tractor market and agricultural machinery by product groups in 2008 - 2012 years., In monetary terms,%
18. The structure of the tractor market and agricultural machinery by product groups in 2012, in terms of money,%
19. The structure of imports of tractors and agricultural machinery by product groups in 2012, in terms of money,%
20. The general structure of the aftermarket by product groups in 2012, in terms of money,%
21. Comparison of the structure of import of spare parts (production of CIS countries) by product groups in 2012, in terms of money,%
22. Market structure parts for tractors and agricultural machinery (other countries) by product groups in 2012, in terms of money,%
23. The structure of tire production in Ukraine in terms of species on the basis of 2012. (In real terms),%
24. The structure of the tire market in Ukraine in terms of species on the basis of 2012. (In real terms),%
25. Comparison of the overall structure of imports by types of tires on the results of 2012. (In real terms),%
26. Structure of the motor oil market by product groups in 2011 - 2012 years., In real terms,%
27. Comparison of the overall structure of imports by types of autos on the results of 2012. (In real terms),%
28. Structure of production of starter batteries in Ukraine by type in 2008-2012. (In real terms),%
29. The market structure of starter batteries in Ukraine in terms of species for 2009-2012. (In real terms),%
30. The structure of the tractor market and agricultural machinery in the context of the origin of products in 2012, in terms of money,%
31. Structure of imports of tractors and agricultural machinery in the context of the origin of products in 2012, in terms of money,%
32. Structure of the market of spare parts for tractors and agricultural machinery-CIS countries in the context of the origin of products in 2012, in terms of money,%
33. Structuring the tire market in Ukraine in the context of domestic and imported products in 2008-2012. (In bulk and in money terms),%
34. Structuring of imported products in the context of the country of origin in Ukraine in 2009-2012. in bulk and in money terms,%
35. Structure of the market of motor autos in the context of the origin of products in 2012, in real terms,%
36. The market structure of transmission of autos in the context of origin in 2012, in real terms,%
37. Structuring the starter battery market of Ukraine in the context of imported and domestic products in 2008-2012. (In real terms),%
38. Structuring the starter battery market of Ukraine in the context of imported and domestic products in 2008-2012. (In monetary terms),%
39. Structuring the import of starter batteries by country of origin in Ukraine up to 2012 in bulk and in money terms,%
40. The structure of the tractor market in the context of TM in 2012, in terms of money,%
41. Structure of imports of tractors in the context of TM in 2012, in terms of money,%
42. The structure of the market for grain processing and seeding equipment in the context of the origin of products in 2012, in terms of money,%
43. Structure of imports of grain processing and seeding equipment in the context of TM in 2012, in terms of money,%
44. Market structure and forage harvesting equipment in the context of domestic and imported products in 2012, in terms of money,%
45. Market structure and forage harvesting equipment in the context of TM in 2012, in terms of money,%
46. The structure of the spare parts market (code 8708 Code of Ukraine) for motor vehicles, tractors and SHT by the enterprises in 2012, in terms of money,%
47. The structure of the spare parts market (code 91 Code of Ukraine 8409) for motor vehicles, tractors and SHT by the enterprises in 2012, in terms of money,%
48. The structure of the spare parts market (code 30 Code of Ukraine 8413) for motor vehicles, tractors and SHT by the enterprises in 2012, in terms of money,%
49. The structure of the spare parts market (code 8511 Code of Ukraine) for motor vehicles, tractors and SHT by the enterprises in 2012, in terms of money,%
50. Comparison of the structure of the market of imported (CIS), spare parts for tractors and SHT in the context of TM in 2012, in terms of money,%
51. Comparison of the structure of the market of imported (Other countries) spare parts for tractors and SHT in the context of TM in 2012, in terms of money,%
52. Structuring of imported products in the market of Ukraine in the context of tire manufacturers on the basis of 2012 in bulk and in money terms,%
53. Structure of the market of motor oils in the context of TM in 2012, in real terms,%
54. The market structure of gear oils in the context of TM in 2012, in real terms,%
55. Structuring of imported products in the market of starter batteries in the context of Ukraine's producers on the basis of 2011-2012, in bulk and in money terms,%
56. Pricing policies of companies in the segment of motor autos in 2012, Rs. / Kg
57. Pricing policies of companies in the segment transmission autos in 2012, UAH / kg
58. Dynamics of import supplies starter batteries in the Ukraine in the context of the main supplying countries for 2009-2012. in real terms,%
59. Segmentation import starter batteries in the context of product mix on the basis of 2012. in real terms,%
60. Structuring the Ukrainian market operators spare parts for passenger cars on a geographical criterion on the basis of 2012
61. Geographical location of the major importers of spare parts for tractors and agricultural machinery
62. Structuring domestic operators by an assortment of supply of starter batteries
63. Shares of the main operators of the tractor market in Ukraine in 2012, in terms of money,%
64. Shares of major market operators zemleobrabatyvayuschey and seed production in Ukraine in 2012, in terms of money,%
65. Shares of major market operators harvesting and forage harvesting equipment in Ukraine in 2012, in terms of money,%
66. Shares of major importers of spare parts for trucks in Ukraine up to 2012 in real terms,%
67. Shares of major market operators parts for trucks, tractors and agricultural machinery in Ukraine up to 2012 in terms of money,%
68. Shares of major importers of tires in Ukraine up to 2012 in real terms,%
69. Shares of major importers of tires in Ukraine up to 2012 in terms of money,%
70. Market shares of the main operators of autos in Ukraine in 2012, in real terms,%
71. Shares of major importers of starter batteries in the Ukraine up to 2012 in real terms (thousand pcs.) And money (mln.) terms,%
72. Map competitive advantage of market operators parts for cars and agricultural machinery CIS in Ukraine in 2012
73. Map competitive advantage of market operators tires for cars in Ukraine in 2012
74. Map of competitive advantage for market operators autos cars in Ukraine in 2012
75. Map competitive advantage of market operators starter batteries in the Ukraine in 2012
76. Dynamics of prices on the domestic tractor and agricultural machinery in 2008-2012.
77. Dynamics of prices for imported tractors and agricultural machinery in 2008-2012.
78. The index of producer prices of spare parts for transport in Ukraine, to the previous year,%
79. The growth rate of car parts by groups of goods in 2010 - 2012 years.
80. Dynamics of prices of domestic avtomasla in 2008-2012.
81. Dynamics of prices for imported avtomasla in 2008-2012.
82. Price comparison for tractors and agricultural machinery with average market prices
83. Price comparison for motor oils with average market prices
84. A comparison of import prices of the main operators in the tire market by the end of 2012
85. A comparison of import prices of the main market operators starter batteries up to 2012
86. A comparison of retail prices for starter batteries as of 2013
87. Forward-looking indicators of the tractor market and agricultural machinery in Ukraine for 2013-2016. in monetary terms, mln.
88. Forward-looking indicators of the market spare parts for cars, tractors and agricultural machinery in Ukraine for 2013-2016. in terms of money, thousand pieces.
89. Forward-looking indicators of the tire market in Ukraine for 2013-2016. in kind, thousand pieces.
90. Forward-looking indicators of the motor oil market in Ukraine for 2013-2016. in kind, thousand tons
91. Forward-looking indicators of the starter battery market in Ukraine for 2013-2016. in kind, thousand pieces.
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