Quick and Tasty. Quick and Efficient Fast Food Opening


80% to 20% - this is the current ratio of main catering segments on the market of Ukraine. Restaurants have 80%, and fast food points have 20% of the market. Share of fast food coffee houses seems to be not so large, nevertheless, this direction is very promising. The most important is to state about yourself and to open the point attracting the people. And we’ll tell you how to do that right.

                     The Features of Ukrainian Fast Food Market

Trends on the market of fast food or street food undergo the constant changes depending on the customers’ preferences.

Quick service is a particular feature of fast food point which maximizes the revenue of coffee house or restaurant of this type. The people come there mainly to eat tasty (66%), location is also important for some of them (30%), and only a small part of visitors (4%) pays attention at the status or popularity of the certain point.

The youth of 16-24 years old is the most active target audience of fast food points. The men prefer to buy pizza, hot dogs and hamburgers much more often than women.

Frequency of visits to fast food by different categories of population


The History of Fast Food Development in Ukraine

Fast food started its development from the patties filled with meat, jam and rice at the epoch of perestroika, and well-known Kyivska perepichka appeared soon. In 90ies it became less popular because of appearance of the points selling hot dogs, gyro and round fried meat pies.

The market of street food is actively growing at the moment; its capacity amounts approximately to $700 mln. (75% of the market is concentrated in the capital). Each year the market volume grows for 30%. Despite such active growth of volume, fast food market of Kyiv is saturated for only 25%. 

Burger and cheburek coffee houses, together with the points offering the dishes of different kitchens of the world are the most popular fast food points. Coffee houses or the points offering tea, coffee and pastry are popular as well; average bill there amounts to UAH: 25.


Operating Model


It is better to launch fast food point, as well as any other business, starting from the business plan development, calculation of necessary expenditures and future revenues. The specialists of Pro-Consulting company will help you to do that.

There are permanent and mobile fast food points which have formed the section of their permanent clients. Permanent establishments are located in the central and residential quarters of the city, they are often united in the chains. There are Ukrainian chain points and foreign chain points purchased on the terms of franchising. Mobile points are located at the city streets. They include auto cafeterias, stands, kiosks, and pavilions. There are the chains offering hot dogs, pizza and patties.

Opening of the fast food point is more than profitable due to the many reasons. If you decided to open such point in the capital, select the central districts with large traffic of people (about 700 persons per hour). Main products are hot dogs, deep-fried potatoes, and sandwiches. Total amount of start-up costs is within the range of $10 - $15 thsnd. Payback period is about 16 months.


Date of placement: 06.09.2016

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