Analysis of the market for outsourcing accounting services. 2019 year

Analysis of the market for outsourcing accounting services. 2019 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: November 2019 year
Number of pages: 24, ppt
Graphs and charts: 10
Tables: 3
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: russian
9700 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Trends in electric warm floor systems market in Ukraine in 2018-8 months 2019
1.2. Calculation of the electric warm floor systems market capacity in Ukraine in 2018-8 months 2019
2. Major market operators
2.1. Major market operators and their description
2.2. Major Operators (Importers) Market Share
3. Foreign trade in the market
3.1. Product import in 2018-8 months 2019 (dynamics, structure (cable / mat), geography)
4. Price and pricing in the market
4.1. Electric warm floor systems average prices Analysis by major operators and products types (current)
4.2. Factors affecting pricing Description, structure
5. Products Consumption in the market
5.1. Consumer Benefits over Product, Consumer Portrait
6. Products Sales channels in the market (estimation of sales structure through DIY, markets, Internet, branded stores)
7. Conclusions and recommendations. Market development forcast Indicators in 2019-2021

List of Tables:

1. Calculation of the electric warm floor systems market capacity in Ukraine in 2018-8 months 2019. (in UAH and USD)
2. Electric worm floor systems Average prices Analysis in the context of major operators and types of products (at the moment) (heating mats, heating single-core and two-core cables)
3. Description of factors affecting pricing (structure)

List of graphs and charts:

1. Geography of export of warm floors,%
2. Structure of exports by trade marks,%
3. Major operators Share in the market in 2018-8 months 2019, %
4. Products Import in 2018-8 months 2019 (dynamics), in UAH and USD
5. Products Import in 2018-8 months 2019 (structure),%
6. Products Import in 2018-8 months 2019 (geography),%
7. Products sales Scheme
8. Market development forecasts for 2019-2021 (optimistic forecast)
9. Market development forecasts for 2019-2021 (pessimistic forecast)
10. Market development forecasts for 2019-2021 (realistic forecast)

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