Market research report on the brick in Ukraine for 2016 - 6 months 2022

Market research report on the brick in Ukraine for 2016 - 6 months 2022
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: July 2022 year
Number of pages: 38, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 16
Tables: 33
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
26750 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the brick market in Ukraine
1.1. Analysis of trends in the development of bricks in 2016 - 6 months. 2022
1.2. General indicators of the market, calculation of the capacity of the brick market in 2016 - 6 months. 2022
2. Production of bricks in Ukraine
2.1. Dynamics of brick production by types in Ukraine in 2016 - 6 months. 2022 in kind
2.2. Dynamics of brick production by types in Ukraine in 2016 - 6 months. 2022 in monetary terms
3. Main market operators
3.1. List of the main market operators and their description (business activity, capacity, location, regions, distribution channels, etc.) - taking into account the impact of the war
3.2. Features of the pricing and marketing policy of competitors (type of competitive behavior, distribution channels, potential "levers" to strengthen the position of competitors in the market)
3.3. Market shares of the main market operators (by main segments and in general)
3.4. The nature of competition in the market
4. Foreign trade in the market
4.1. Export of bricks in 2016 - 6 months 2022 (dynamics, structure by types, prices, geography, shares of exporters)
4.2. Import of bricks in 2016 - 6 months 2022 (dynamics, structure by types, prices, geography, shares of importers)
5. Price and market pricing
5.1. Current brick prices in Ukraine (retail, wholesale)
5.2. Factors influencing the price
6. Consumption in the brick market in Ukraine
6.1. Construction development trends in Ukraine
6.2. Structure of wall materials for construction
7. Sales channels in the brick market. Evaluation of the sales structure (DIY networks, construction companies, exports)
8. Conclusions and recommendations
8.1. Conclusions and Forecast Market Development Trends
8.2. Market development hypotheses. Market capacity forecast for 2022-2025
8.3. Recommendations for entering the market (identification of promising segments, assessment of unsatisfied demand)
9. Investment attractiveness of the market
9.1 SWOT analysis of the brick market
9.2. PEST analysis of the brick market
9.3. Market entry risks and barriers. Building risk maps in the market. Possible Risk Avoidance Strategies

List of Tables:

1. The volume of construction work performed by type of buildings and structures, 2016 - 1 month. 2022, billion UAH
2. The volume of completed construction works by type of buildings and structures, 2016 - 1 month. 2022, billion €
3. The official exchange rate of the hryvnia to the euro according to the NBU, UAH/€
4. Indices of industrial production in consumer sectors for 2016-2021, % compared to the previous year
5. Indicators of the capacity of the brick market in Ukraine by types for 2016 - 2021, in physical terms, million pieces, %
6. Dynamics of brick production by types of products in Ukraine in 2016 - 2021, in kind, million pieces, %
7. Dynamics of brick production by types of products in Ukraine in 2016 - 2021, in monetary terms, mln hryvnia.
8. Dynamics of brick production by types of products in Ukraine in 2016 - 2021, in monetary terms, million €.
9. List of the main operators of the market of ceramic building bricks (non-refractory) with shares for 2021, million pieces, %
10. List of the main operators of the refractory brick market with shares for 2021, million pieces, %
11. Dynamics of export of bricks by types of products in Ukraine in 2016 - 2021, in kind, mln. conditional brick
12. Weighted average export prices for bricks by types for 2016 - 2021, UAH/piece, $/piece, €/piece
13. Geography of exports of building ceramic bricks and blocks in 2016 - 6 months. 2021, in kind, million units conditional brick
14. Rating of exporters of building ceramic bricks and blocks in 2021, in kind, mln. conditional bricks, %
15. Rating of exporters of refractory bricks and blocks in 2021, in kind, mln. conditional brick
16. Dynamics of brick imports by types of products to Ukraine in 2016 - 6 months. 2021, in kind, million units
17. Weighted average import prices in 2016 and 2021, UAH/unit, $/unit, €/unit
18. Geography of imports of bricks and blocks in 2016 - 2021, in kind, mln.
19. Shares of importers of building ceramic bricks and blocks in 2021, in kind, mln.
20. Shares of importers of refractory bricks and blocks in 2021, in kind, mln.
21. Current wholesale prices for ceramic building red full-bodied brick M-100, UAH, piece, €/piece
22. Current wholesale prices for ordinary hollow brick M-100, UAH pcs., €/pcs.
23. Current prices for chamotte fire-resistant brick SHA-5, UAH/piece, €/piece
24. The total area of ​​residential buildings put into operation, by types in 2015 - 3 months. 2022 in Ukraine, million m2
25. The total area of ​​non-residential buildings put into operation, by types in 2017 - 3 months. 2022 in Ukraine, million m2
26. Description of the main wall materials for construction
27. Specifications of the main building materials
28. Structuring of the main operators of the market of ceramic building bricks (not refractory) by distribution channels
29. Structuring of the main operators of the refractory brick market by distribution channels
30. SWOT-analysis on the Ukrainian brick market
31. PEST - analysis of the Ukrainian brick market
32. Segmentation of market risks
33. Risk map of the brick market in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. General indicators of the capacity of the brick market in Ukraine for 2016 - 2021, in physical terms, million pieces, %
2. Shares of domestic and imported bricks in 2021, in kind,%
3. Market segmentation by types (refractory bricks, non-refractory bricks) in 2021, in physical terms, %
4. General dynamics of the production of bricks and blocks (segments under study) in Ukraine in 2016 - 2021, million pieces, %
5. General dynamics of the production of bricks and blocks (segments under study) in Ukraine in monetary terms for 2016 - 2021, UAH bln.
6. General dynamics of the production of bricks and blocks (segments under study) in Ukraine in monetary terms for 2016 - 2021, million €.
7. Regional segmentation of ceramic brick production in 2021, %
8. Regional segmentation of refractory brick production in 2021, %
9. Shares of the main operators of the brick market in 2021, million pieces, %
10. General dynamics of export of bricks and blocks (segments under study) in physical terms for 2016 - 2021, mln. conditional brick
11. General dynamics of imports of bricks and blocks (segments under study) in physical terms for 2016 - 2021, mln.
12. Cost structure of brick production, %
13. Dynamics of energy prices in 2019 - 2021, UAH / 1 MW.
14. Dynamics of the average salary in Ukraine in 2016 - January 2022., UAH.
15. Dynamics of the average salary in Ukraine in 2016 - January 2022, €
16. Forecast trends in the development of the brick market, in natural terms, mln.

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