Market research of liquefied carbon dioxide in Ukraine. 2020 year

Market research of liquefied carbon dioxide in Ukraine. 2020 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: May 2020 year
Number of pages: 42, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 14
Tables: 18
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
23700 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the liquefied carbon dioxide market in Ukraine in 2018-1 quarter. 2020
1.1. Analysis of trends in the development of the liquefied carbon dioxide market (problems; factors influencing development, development of the food industry as a whole (mineral water, production of beer market, etc.), as one of the factors influencing the market).
1.2. Technical characteristics and features of carbon dioxide production depending on the method of application. Features of storage, use and consumption of carbon dioxide
1.3. General indicators, calculation of the capacity of liquefied carbon dioxide in 2018-1 quarter. 2020 - assessment based on the database of production, consumption, market operators
1.4. Market segmentation:
- by fields of application (food industry, medicine, others);
- by origin (domestic/imported)
2. State regulation of the market. Legislation, taxes and fees in the market
3. Production of liquefied carbon dioxide production in 2018-1 quarter. 2020
3.1. The volume of production and sale of products in value and volume terms - assessment based on the financial statements of companies in 2017-2018, according to the development of consumption spheres
3.2. Market segmentation on - assessment based on consumption
4. The main operators of the liquid carbon dioxide market
4.1. The list of the main operators of the market and their description (manufacturers, importers) - TOP-10 operators: list; contacts; assortment (if available)
4.2. Shares of the main market operators - assessment based on the financial statements of companies in 2017-2018.
4.3. Competition and development risks in the market
5. Price and pricing on the liquid carbon dioxide market
5.1. Current average foreign trade prices and current wholesale and retail prices by species - upon request from the company or based on public data
5.2. Description of factors affecting price formation
6. Market consumption of liquefied carbon dioxide
6.1. The main consumers of carbon dioxide in the B2B segment:
- trends in the development of sectors of carbon dioxide consumption;
- producers of mineral water, beer, frozen vegetables and fruits (TOP-5 producers for each of the 3 segments - according to financial reporting data);
- a complete list of Ukrainian companies whose main activity is the production of mineral water, beer and frozen fruit in Ukraine (table-appendix in Excel format)
- total number of greenhouse complexes in Ukraine, determination of TOP-10 operators;
- TOP-10 operators in the medicine market for pharmaceuticals, the total number of companies in the market of Ukraine;
- TOP-10 operators in the field of chemical and cosmetic industry;
6.2. Consumption in the B2G segment: number of tenders, participants, trading volumes, amount, winner, customer, regional distribution.
7. Sales channels on the liquid carbon dioxide market
7.1. The main channels, their characteristics,
7.2. Advantages and disadvantages of the main sales channels; determining the main sales channels that correspond to the main market operators
7.3. Estimation of sales volumes of products by channels
8. Conclusions. Forecast indicators of the liquefied carbon dioxide market in Ukraine
8.1. Conclusions and forecast trends of market development
8.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development in 2020-2021.
8.3. Recommendations on the development of the market from the point of view of the manufacturing company
9. Investment attractiveness of the industry
9.1. SWOT analysis of market direction
9.2. PESTLE analysis of factors affecting the market of liquefied carbon dioxide
9.3. Construction of a map of risks in the market of liquefied carbon dioxide

List of Tables:

1. Retail turnover of retail trade enterprises, million hryvnias
2. Technical characteristics of liquefied carbon dioxide
3. General indicators of the liquefied carbon dioxide market
4. Consumption on the market of liquefied carbon dioxide in Ukraine in 2018-1 quarter. 2020
5. The main operators of the liquid carbon dioxide market
6. Evaluation of the competitive environment in the market according to M. Porter's method
7. Average prices of foreign trade in liquefied carbon dioxide, hryvnias/kg, dollars/kg
8. Average current prices of carbon dioxide, UAH/ton
9. Production of pharmaceuticals by group in 2017-2019 in volume terms, thousand tons
10. Production of cosmetics in Ukraine in 2017-2019
11. TOP-5 producers of mineral water, beer, frozen vegetables and fruits
12. TOP-10 operators in the field of chemical and cosmetic industry
13. TOP-10 organizers of state purchases of carbon dioxide in 2018-2020.
14. Winners of state purchases of carbon dioxide in 2018-2020.
15. SWOT analysis of carbon dioxide in Ukraine
16. PESTLE analysis of carbon dioxide in Ukraine
17. Risk segmentation
18. Carbon dioxide market risk map

List of graphs and charts:

1. Segmentation of the carbon dioxide market in Ukraine by areas of application, in natural terms, %
2. Segmentation of the carbon dioxide market in Ukraine by origin, in volume terms, %
3. Production of carbon dioxide in Ukraine in 2018-1 quarter 2020, in natural terms, thousand tons
4. Realization of carbon dioxide in Ukraine in 2018-1 quarter. 2020, in volume and value terms, thousand tons and million UAH
5. Segmentation of carbon dioxide production in Ukraine, in natural terms, %
6. Shares of the main operators of the liquefied carbon dioxide market in 2019, in natural terms, %
7. Production of mineral water in Ukraine in 2017-2019 million dal
8. Beer production in Ukraine in 2017-2019 million dal.
9. Production of frozen fruits and vegetables in Ukraine in 2017-2019 thousand tons
10. Production of frozen semi-finished products in Ukraine in 2016 - 9 months. 2019 thousand tons
11. Number of carbon dioxide procurement tenders, procedures
12. Volumes of state purchases of carbon dioxide in value terms, million hryvnias
13. Structure of sales volumes of carbon dioxide by channels, %
14. Forecast indicators of market capacity in 2020-2021, thousand tons

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