Market research of branded stores selling meat and meat products in Kiev. 2020 year

Market research of branded stores selling meat and meat products in Kiev. 2020 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: July 2020 year
Number of pages: 56, Arial, 1 interval, 10 point
Graphs and charts: 26
Tables: 19
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
17990 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the franchising market in Ukraine
1.1. Analysis of trends in the development of the franchising market in Ukraine in 2015-2019 (specifics and problems of the market, factors of influence on the market)
1.2. General indicators of the Ukrainian franchising market, dynamics of the franchising market in 2015-2019 in Ukraine: the number of existing franchises in the market; the number of franchisors; assessment of the number of franchise outlets in Ukraine.
1.3. Market segmentation (by origin of the franchise: foreign / domestic company; by areas) - assessment; only shares
1.4. Dynamics and trends in demand for the purchase of a franchise in Ukraine in 2015-2019, the issuance of TOP operators - based on an analysis of the analysis of franchise catalog sites, the number of search queries on the Internet
2. General characteristics of the market of franchises of sports clubs for children and, in general, franchises of services for children in Ukraine (comparison with the franchise of the Customer company)
2.1. Analysis of trends in the development of franchises of services for children in Ukraine in 2017-2019 (specifics and problems of the market, factors of influence on the market).
2.2. General indicators of the market of sports clubs for children in Ukraine - dynamics of the volume of services provided in 2017-2019 - assessment based on the number of operators, their students and the cost of services, financial results of operators
3. The main market operators are companies that sell franchises of services for children (domestic operators, selection of TOP companies in the CIS with a head office not in Ukraine, which have their own franchise in the Ukrainian market)
3.1. List, contacts and description of the main market operators - up to TOP-10 offers. Segmentation and structuring of the main operators by: presence in the regions of Ukraine and other countries; specializations.
3.2. Competitive analysis of market operators. Formation of a multi-factor analytical model with an assessment of the parameters of companies' work with further calculation of the overall assessment:
- The list and features of services in the range;
- The main indicators of the franchise (royalty, lump sum, total investment, offer (support) of a potential partner - franchisee, requirements for a potential partner)
- Activity on the Internet and social networks. Availability of other marketing activities (promotions, etc.);
- Price segment of services;
- Number of outlets in the network (own and franchise outlets);
- Number of students;
- Offer and mechanisms for retaining a partner;
- Interesting USPs of competitors - highlighting interesting cases, atypical cases
3.3. SWOT-analysis of TOP-3 companies according to the calculations of item 3.2.
3.4. Market shares of the main operators - assessment based on the financial performance of companies for 2017-2018, multi-factor assessment of the activities of operators
3.5. Stage of competition and risks
4. Marketing channels
4.1. List, description, advantages and disadvantages of websites of companies that promote franchises, analysis of the main platforms for selling franchises in Ukraine and the CIS
5. Branding and advertising
5.1. Analysis of advertising of the main market operators; highlighting interesting cases
5.2. Advertising channels used by the main operators, their description and segmentation - based on data from open sources and Google Analytics
5.3. Analysis of the Internet audience of buyers of services in the field of buying a franchise: the average monthly number of requests; issuance of TOP operators upon request - based on Google Analytics
6. Conclusions. Forecast indicators of market development in 2020-2022
6.1. Conclusions and Forecast Market Development Trends
6.2. Building market development hypotheses in 2020-2022 Market potential. Factors influencing market development and capacity building
6.3. Recommendations for entering and further development in the market
7. Investment attractiveness of the industry
7.1. SWOT analysis of the market direction
7.2. Existing risks and barriers to work in the market. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

1. Average salary of full-time employees in Kyiv and factors affecting purchasing power in 2015 – 2019
2. The main characteristics and indicators of the development of the franchising market in the leading countries in the development of the franchising model
3. TOP-10 global franchises that are represented in Ukraine by country of origin, development industry and the number of outlets in the network
4. TOP 10 franchises of children's sports clubs in the world
5. Operators of the franchise market of sports football clubs for children in Ukraine
6. Key indicators of franchises of children's football schools in Ukraine
7. Key indicators of TOP-10 franchises of children's football schools in Russia
8. Methodology and criteria for assessing the factors under study
9. Evaluation of the studied criteria for the main market operators
10. Evaluation of the criteria under study for the main market operators, taking into account their weight and conditional indicator
11. Assessment of the competitiveness of the main market operators (group indicator)
12. SWOT-analysis of the franchise of the company "FUTBIK"
13. SWOT-analysis of the franchise of the company "Children's Football Academy"
14. SWOT analysis of Championika franchise
15. Main indicators of TOP-5 franchise directories in Ukraine and the CIS
16. Main indicators of TOP-5 franchise directories in Ukraine and the CIS
17. SWOT-table of the franchise market for children's football schools in Ukraine
18. Segmentation of market risks
19. Risk map for the franchise market of children's sports clubs in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Segmentation of the franchising market by distribution segments, %
2. The volume and dynamics of retail trade turnover in Ukraine in 2015-2019, in monetary terms, UAH billion
3. Regional distribution of consumption in Ukraine in 2019, %
4. Average salary of full-time employees in Kyiv in dollar terms in 2015-2019, USD/month
5. Average salary of full-time employees by regions of Ukraine in December 2019, UAH
6. Dynamics of the number of franchise outlets (own and partner) in Ukraine in 2015-2019, units
7. Segmentation of franchise outlets (own and partner) in Ukraine in 2015-2019, %
8. Number of active Franchisers (brands) in Ukraine in 2010-2019, units
9. Structure of own and franchise facilities in Ukraine by industry in 2015-2019, units
10. Segmentation of the franchising market in Ukraine by the origin of the franchise (brand) in 2015-2019, %
11. Culture or sports in free time in Ukraine in 2019, %
12. Market potential of children's sports clubs in Ukraine, UAH bln
13. The share of franchises of children's football clubs relative to the franchise market of Ukraine, %
14. Shares of franchise market operators for children's football clubs in the total number of companies that operate under the economic activity code 85.51 "Education in the field of sports and recreation" in Ukraine (2019), %
15. Shares of franchise market operators for children's football clubs in the total number of children's football schools in Ukraine in 2019, %
16. The structure of Internet requests regarding the purchase and sale of a franchise in Ukraine in 2015-2019, requests, %
17. The structure of Internet requests by regions for "buying a franchise" in Ukraine in 2015-2019, requests, %
18. Dynamics and number of requests for "franchise catalog" and "franchise list" related to the purchase of a franchise in 2015-2019, average monthly requests
19. The volume of services sold by operators of the market of children's sports clubs in Ukraine, in monetary terms, UAH bln
20. Segmentation of children studying in schools regarding their attendance of physical classes Examples of promotional materials of the FUTBIK company
21. Examples of promotional materials for the company "Children's Academy of Football"
22. Examples of FOOTYBALL promotional materials
23. Examples of advertising materials of the company "FARR"
24. The most effective franchise promotion channels in Ukraine
25. The structure of queries by regions for the query "sale of franchises" in Ukraine, %
26. Forecast of the volume of the market for services sold by operators of the children's sports clubs’ market in Ukraine in 2020-2022, UAH billion

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