Market research report on possibility of exiting the market of thermal insulation materials (basalt wool). 2024 year

Market research report on possibility of exiting the market of thermal insulation materials (basalt wool). 2024 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: April 2024 year
Number of pages: 40, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 7
Tables: 34
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
44900 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Competitive environment
1.1. The main operators of the market
1.2. Dynamics of indicators: annual max production capacity, volume of production, sales, import, export, % production utilization, market share for 2017-2023.
1.3. Analysis of technologies and product quality of the main market players
2. Sales channels and consumer segmentation
2.1. List of sales channels and sales volumes by channels
2.2. Consumer segmentation and sales volume by segment
2.3. Regional sales segmentation
3. Analysis of the assortment
3.1. Market dynamics and trends
3.2. ABC - analysis of assortment in Ukraine (based on analysis of sales of TOP-2 suppliers for 2021-2023)
3.3. ABC - analysis of the assortment in Europe (estimation based on the available assortment)
3.4. Comparison of the assortment of the main market players
3.5. Determination of the best assortment matrix for a new promising plant (based on sales data of manufacturers and analysis of the assortment in Ukraine and Europe)
4. Analysis of pricing
4.1. Determination of price influencing factors
4.2. Dynamics of average prices according to the assortment (based on sales of market leaders)
4.3. Price comparison with substitute goods on the market of Ukraine and Europe
4.4. Comparative table of wall insulation prices with substitute products on the Ukrainian market for B2C (TIM + installation + other additional materials = ready "sandwich" for facing)
5. Economic analysis
5.1. The cost of building the plant. Development of a financial model and description of the scenario. (Calculation of investment indicators NPV, ROI, ROE, IRR, PP, DPP, etc.).
5.2. Projected income from the sale of the selected type of thermal insulation and profit at various stages of project development
6. Structure of production
6.1. Raw material base, territorial availability of raw materials in Ukraine, main suppliers of raw materials, trends in raw materials markets, stability of raw material supply and possible risks of its shortage, SWOT analysis for each component of raw materials (identification of strengths and weaknesses that will affect the supply of products)
6.1.1. Consideration of all possible quarries and deposits, their characteristics
6.2. Technology: existing technologies on the market, comparative characteristics (advantages, disadvantages, cost, country of production, possibilities of delivery of the technological line to Ukraine)
6.3. Logistics and sales (which transport is used, what nuances and problems exist during transportation)
6.4. Map of the optimal location of the production plant, taking into account the location of the raw material base, customers, competitors, the front line and military facilities
7. Description of masonry technology and additional tools that are required
8. State regulation of the industry
8.1. All the necessary permits and licenses required for the production of the selected type of thermal insulation in Ukraine
8.3. Standards and quality norms that regulate the production and sale of the selected type of thermal insulation
9. Investment attractiveness of the industry
9.1. PESTLE analysis of factors affecting the market
9.2. SWOT analysis of the market (market opportunities and threats)
9.3. Risks and barriers to entering the market

List of Tables:

1. The main indicators of the mineral wool market in Ukraine in 2017-2023, in natural terms, thousand tons
2. The main indicators of the mineral wool market in Ukraine in 2017-2023, in terms of value, million UAH.
3. The main indicators of Techno Thermal Insulation Materials LLC on the mineral wool market in Ukraine in 2017-2023, in natural terms, thousand tons
4. The main indicators of Obio LLC on the mineral wool market in Ukraine in 2017-2023, in natural terms, thousand tons
5. The main indicators of Rockwool Ukraine LLC on the mineral wool market in Ukraine in 2017-2023, in natural terms, thousand tons
6. Main indicators of Novoterm LLC on the mineral wool market in Ukraine in 2017-2023 in natural terms, thousand tons
7. Data on the capacity of the main producers of basalt materials, thousand tons/year
8. Data on the financial income of the main operators of basalt materials, UAH million/year
9. The structure of sales of basalt wool of Obio LLC and Rockwool Ukraine LLC in 2021-2023 in natural terms, thousand tons
10. The structure of basalt wool sales of Obio LLC and Rockwool Ukraine LLC in 2021-2023 in terms of value, UAH million
11. Structure of the basalt wool market in Ukraine by the number of points of official dealers
12. The structure of basalt wool sales of Obio LLC on the domestic market in 2021-2023, in natural terms, thousand tons
13. Structure of sales of basalt cotton wool of Obio LLC on the domestic market in 2021-2023, in terms of value, UAH million.
14. The structure of basalt wool sales of Rockwool Ukraine LLC on the domestic market in 2021-2023, in natural terms, thousand tons
15. The structure of basalt wool sales of Rockwool Ukraine LLC on the domestic market in 2021-2023, in terms of value, UAH million.
16. Structure of sales of basalt wool of Obio LLC on the foreign market in 2021-2023, in natural terms, thousand tons
17. Structure of sales of basalt cotton wool of Obio LLC on the foreign market in 2021-2023, in terms of value, UAH million
18. The structure of sales of basalt wool of Obio LLC to Europe by regional sales segmentation in 2021-2023 in natural terms, thousand tons
19. Structure of sales of basalt cotton wool of Obio LLC in Ukraine by type of product in 2021-2023 in natural terms and value terms, thousand tons and million UAH
20. The structure of basalt wool sales of Rockwool Ukraine LLC in Ukraine by type of product in 2021-2023 in natural terms and value terms, thousand tons and million UAH
21. ABC - analysis of assortment in Europe
22. Comparison of the assortment of the main market players
23. Assortment matrix for the new plant using the most common types of products of Rockwool Ukraine LLC and Obio LLC
24. Comparison of prices with substitute goods on the European market, March 2024
25. Price comparison of substitute goods on the Ukrainian market with a thickness of 50 mm, March 2024.
26. Price comparison of substitute goods on the Ukrainian market with a thickness of 100 mm, March 2024.
27. Price comparison of substitute goods on the market of Ukraine with a thickness of 150 mm, March 2024.
28. Comparative table of wall insulation prices with substitute products on the Ukrainian market for B2C, March 2024
29. SWOT analysis of strengths and weaknesses that will affect the supply of basalt in Ukraine
30. Legal information about basalt quarries in Ukraine
31. The main parameters of the production line of Gamma Meccanica SpA and Izoteh d.o.o.
32. PESTLE – analysis of market influencing factors
33. Forecast of opportunities and threats on the market of thermal insulation blocks made of basalt wool in Ukraine
34. Market risk map

List of graphs and charts:

1. Sales channels of the main operators of the basalt wool market in Ukraine in 2022-2023 in terms of value, %
2. The number of points of official dealers in Ukraine by regional sales segmentation at the beginning of 2024
3. The structure of basalt wool sales of Obio LLC in Ukraine by regional sales segmentation in 2021-2023 in natural terms, thousand tons
4. The structure of basalt wool sales of Rockwool Ukraine LLC in Ukraine by regional sales segmentation in 2021-2023 in natural terms, thousand tons
5. Cost structure of production of thermal insulation materials in Ukraine, in monetary terms, %
6. Dynamics of average prices according to the most popular types (by application) of basalt wool of the main competitors on the market of Ukraine for 2023, hryvnias/kg
7. Map of the optimal location of the factory for the production of basalt wool insulation boards in Ukraine

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