Market research report on thermal insulation materials in Ukraine. 2023

Market research report on thermal insulation materials in Ukraine. 2023
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: December 2023 year
Number of pages: 26, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pins
Graphs and charts: 22
Tables: 11
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
45900 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market of thermal insulation materials for buildings in Ukraine
1.1. Segmentation and structuring of the market by types of heat-insulating materials in Ukraine (Mineral wool and its types, Styrofoam and its types, Fiber-cement plates, Multipor heat-insulating aerated concrete plates)
1.2. Comparative characteristics of types of thermal insulation materials (type of insulation, application, thermal conductivity, dimensions, price per 1 sq.m., other important technical criteria)
1.3. General indicators of the market of thermal insulation materials, calculation of market capacity in 2017-2023 (in physical and monetary terms)
1.4. Dynamics of indicators: annual production capacity, sales volume, market capacity, % of production utilization, market share for 2017-2023 for each type (segment) of thermal insulation materials in Ukraine
1.5. Market forecast with segmentation by types of thermal insulation materials for 2024-2029 (sales volume + demand for reconstruction). Availability of plans, projects, capacity of investment programs
2. General characteristics of the heat-insulating materials market in Europe
2.1. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in 2017-2023 (in physical and monetary terms). - generally, in European countries
2.2. Market segmentation and structuring by types of thermal insulation materials in Europe
2.3. The main players of the European market. The probability of capture of the Ukrainian market by European companies
3. Foreign trade on the market of Ukraine. Exports and imports (volumes, prices, geography, major players)
4. Determination of the most promising heat-insulating material on the market of Ukraine in the next 10 years, which is suitable for autoclaved aerated concrete based on a multifactor model, which includes the dynamics of macroeconomic and market indicators, the level of demand for the product, technical features, the available volume of supply and dependence on imports

List of Tables:

1. Characteristics of thermal insulation materials
2. The main indicators of the glass wool and mineral wool market in Ukraine in 2017-2023 in natural terms, thousand tons and value in million UAH
3. Main indicators of the expanded polystyrene market in Ukraine in 2017-2023 in natural terms, thousand tons and value terms, million UAH
4. The main indicators of the Multipor type insulation foam blocks market in Ukraine in 2017-2023 in natural terms, thousand tons and value in million UAH
5. The main indicators of the fiber-cement insulation board market in Ukraine in 2017-2023 in natural terms, thousand tons and value in million UAH
6. Data on the main manufacturers of heat-insulating materials
7. The main producers of thermal insulation materials in the EU, types of products
8. Import volumes of glass wool by importing countries, 2023, tons, thousand UAH.
9. Import volumes of mineral wool by importing countries, 2023, tons, thousand UAH
10. Export volumes of mineral wool by country, 2023, tons, thousand UAH
11. Multifactor model of the potential of thermal insulation materials in Ukraine as of 2023

List of graphs and charts:

1. The structure of the basalt wool market in Ukraine in 2023 by origin in natural terms, %
2. Structure of the foam plastic market in Ukraine by origin, in natural terms, %
3. Dynamics of mineral wool production in 2017-2023, in natural terms, thousand tons
4. Dynamics of mineral wool market capacity in 2017-2023, in natural terms, thousand tons
5. Dynamics of glass wool market capacity in 2017-2023, in natural terms, thousand tons
6. Dynamics of polystyrene foam production in 2017-2023, in natural terms, thousand
7. Dynamics of polystyrene foam market capacity in 2017-2023, in natural terms, thousand tons
8. Production dynamics of Multipor insulation foam blocks in 2017-2023, in natural terms, thousand tons
9. Market capacity dynamics of Multipor insulation foam blocks in 2017-2023, in natural terms, thousand tons
10. Dynamics of production of fiber cement insulation blocks in 2017-2023, in natural terms, thousand tons
11. Segmentation of the market of thermal insulation materials by origin in 2017-2023, by market capacity in monetary terms, %
12. Forecast of the thermal insulation materials market in 2024-2029, %
13. Dynamics of the mineral wool market capacity (rock wool and glass wool in total) in the EU-27 countries for the period from 2017 to 2022 in monetary terms, billion dollars.
14. Average prices for German-made mineral wool in some countries, USD US per ton
15. Dynamics of the capacity of the polymer insulation market (a total of foam and extruded polystyrene) in the EU-27 countries for the period from 2017 to 2022 in monetary terms, billion dollars.
16. Shares of the main glass wool importers in 2023, %
17. Shares of the main stone wool importing companies in 2023, %
18. Shares of the main stone wool exporters in 2023, %
19. Shares of the main companies of polystyrene foam importers in 2023, %
20. Shares of major polystyrene foam exporters in 2023, %
21. Shares of the main companies exporting fiber-cement insulation boards in 2023, %
22. Comparison of the dynamics of production and import of mineral wool and construction in Ukraine in billion hryvnias

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