Analysis of the liquid heating fuel market in Ukraine. 2024 year

General characteristics
Date of Preparation: September 2024 year
Number of pages: 51, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 9
Tables: 23
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
49800 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Purpose and research methods
2. General characteristics of the market
2.1. Market description
2.2. Analysis of market development trends
2.3. General market indicators
2.3.1. Calculation of market capacity in 2021 – the first half of 2024.
2.3.2. Estimating the market capacity of liquid fuel stoves and their available quantity based on consumer hypotheses
2.4. Market segmentation and structuring
3. State regulation of the industry
3.1. Major laws and standards governing the industry
3.2. Taxes and fees in the market
3.3. Peculiarities of public procurement
4. Main market operators: manufacturers and distributors
4.1. List of the main market operators and their structuring
4.2. Assessment of the dynamics of the shares of the main market operators
4.3 Assessment of the degree of competition in the market
5. Evaluation of the production of the researched products in 2021 - the first half of 2024.
6. Foreign trade and foreign trade
6.1. Export of liquid furnace fuel from Ukraine in 2021 - the first half of 2024.
6.2. Import of furnace fuel to Ukraine in 2021 - the first half of 2024.
7. The range of products presented on the market
8. Price and pricing in the market
8.1. Dynamics of product prices
8.2. Average current prices for products
8.3. Description of factors affecting price formation and their structure
9. Market consumption analysis
9.1. Features and spheres/branches of consumption of each type of fuel
9.2. Use of types of furnace fuel in B2B and B2C
9.3. Consumption in the B2G sector: analysis of public tender purchases in 2023-2024.
9.4. Structuring and segmentation of consumption (B2B, B2C, B2G)
9.5. Industry Internet Audience Analysis: Researching Search Engines and Competitors
9.6. Trends in furnace fuel consumption in recent years
10. Product sales channels
11. Conclusions. Predictive market indicators
11.1. Conclusions and forecast trends of market development
11.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development in 2024-2026.
11.3. Recommendations for market development, selection of the most promising segments.
12. Investment attractiveness of the industry
12.1. Analysis of market opportunities and threats for the further construction of a SWOT analysis
12.2. PEST LE - analysis of factors affecting the market and assessment of the probability and degree of their influence
12.3. Existing risks and barriers to market entry

List of Tables:

1. Codes of types of researched products in the NPP and UKTZED classifiers
2. Liquid furnace fuel market capacity in Ukraine in 2021 – 5 months. 2024, in value terms, UAH million
3. Segmentation of the liquid furnace fuel market according to its origin, in terms of value, UAH million. and %
4. Dynamics of foreign economic activity on the liquid furnace fuel market in Ukraine in 2021 – the first half of 2024: diesel fuel, million UAH
5. List of excise taxes on fuel as of September 2024
6. Temporary excise tax rates, July 2024 - December 2027.
7. List and characteristics of the main operators of the liquid furnace fuel market
8. Structure and dynamics of the main market operators* in 2022-2023.
9. Evaluation of the competitive environment in the market of paper packaging according to M. Porter's method
10. Dynamics of production of liquid furnace fuel by type in Ukraine in 2021 – 5 months. 2024, in terms of value, UAH million
11. The structure of the dynamics of the export of liquid furnace fuel from Ukraine in 2021 - the first half of 2024, million UAH
12. The structure of the dynamics of imports of liquid furnace fuel to Ukraine in 2021 - the first half of 2024, million UAH
13. List and shares of the main market importers from total imports in 2023, %
14. Characteristics of the range of products presented on the market
15. Dynamics and structure of prices by types of liquid furnace fuel in 2023, UAH
16. The structure of the use of types of liquid furnace fuel by type of consumption
17. Analysis of public procurement in 2023-2024.
18. Structure and dynamics of searches by the Internet audience for liquid furnace fuel by keywords (Russian and Ukrainian), 2023-2024.
19. PEST LE - analysis of influencing factors on the liquid furnace fuel market of Ukraine
20. Segmentation of market risks by degree of influence and probability
21. Map of risks on the liquid furnace fuel market of Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Liquid furnace fuel market segmentation by types, % of total production in 2023 in value terms
2. Dynamics of foreign economic activity on the liquid furnace fuel market in Ukraine in 2021 – the first half of 2024: fuel oil
3. Dynamics of export of liquid furnace fuel from Ukraine in 2021 – 1st half of 2024, UAH million
4. Geography of export of liquid furnace fuel from Ukraine in 2023, %
5. Dynamics of imports of liquid furnace fuel to Ukraine in 2021 – the first half of 2024, million UAH
6. Geography of imports of liquid furnace fuel to Ukraine in 2023, %
7. Structure of sales channels of the studied products on the market
8. Optimistic forecast of the dynamics of the capacity of the liquid furnace fuel market in Ukraine in 2024-2026, UAH billion
9. Pessimistic forecast of the dynamics of the liquid furnace fuel market capacity in Ukraine in 2024-2026, UAH billion

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