Market research report on free-range eggs in Ukraine. 2023 year

Market research report on free-range eggs in Ukraine. 2023 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: April 2023 year
Number of pages: 16, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 points
Graphs and charts: 2
Tables: 5
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
37800 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Dynamics of the number of companies according to retention systems in Ukraine, pcs. (cage housing, enriched cages, cage-free housing, free range, organic production).
1.1. The main players in the market (general information, types of products, livestock, poultry keeping methods)
1.2. Dynamics of the total number of companies by housing systems (cage housing, enriched cages, cage-free housing, free range, organic production) (from 2018-2023)
2. Analysis of current prices for eggs from different systems of keeping chickens in Ukraine.
2.1. Average prices for eggs by category with the selection of free-range eggs
2.2. The influence of the retention method on the final price of products (using a comparison with prices in other countries)
3. Analysis of possibilities for the transition of poultry farms in Ukraine to cage-free keeping of chickens in the short and medium term.
3.1. Costs of transition to cage-free housing
3.2. Forecast of transition to cage-free housing in the short term (general trend)
3.3. Forecast of the transition to cage-free housing in the long term
3.4. Forecasting the impact of Ukraine's accession to the EU on the detention system (comparison of requirements in the EU and Ukraine)
4. Areas of investment in poultry farms for the implementation of higher standards of bird welfare (both free-range and alternative measures). Conclusions about the expediency of the transition for operators.

List of Tables:

1. Main market operators
2. Dynamics of egg production in Ukraine in 2018-2022, in natural terms, million pieces
3. Average current prices for chicken eggs in Ukraine
4. Average current prices for chicken eggs in other countries
5. Results of the "Pro-Consulting" survey

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of egg prices in Ukraine, 2018-2023, hryvnias/10 pcs.
2. Respondents' answer to the question: "Are you ready to pay more for livestock products, in the production of which animals were kept in humane conditions?", %

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