Market research report on greenhouse business in Ukraine. 2024 year

Market research report on greenhouse business in Ukraine. 2024 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: October 2024 year
Number of pages: 34, Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 14
Tables: 13
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
33700 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Market description (description of research boundaries and classifiers)
1.2. Analysis of market development trends (factors affecting the market at all stages of value creation, development problems)
1.3. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity for the period (volume of production of greenhouse crops, comparison with the market of open ground crops)
1.4. Risks associated with changing the market structure (shadow, import, etc.)
3.1. Analysis of the main market operators and their structuring (general information, types of activities and specialization; changes in work during the last period)
3.2. Market shares of the main operators (or changes in shares)
4. Production dynamics (taking into account seasonality analysis)
5. Dynamics of foreign trade and foreign trade balance (total balance on the market of fresh vegetables) with a focus on the seasons of activity of greenhouse market operators.
6. Price and pricing in the market
6.1. Dynamics of product prices (seasonality)
6.2. Analysis of factors affecting price formation
7. Market consumption analysis
7.1. Changes in the structure and preferences of consumers
7.2. Consumption in the B2G sector. Analysis of public tender purchases (without division into open and closed soil)
8. Product sales channels (description and evaluation of sales structure by channels) - or changes in sales systems
9. Investment attractiveness of the industry
9.1. PEST LE - analysis of factors influencing the market
9.2. Existing risks and barriers to market entry. Construction of a market risk map and assessment of their dynamics during the forecast period
10. Conclusions. Predictive market indicators
10.1. Conclusions and forecast trends of market development
10.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development

List of Tables:

1. Structure of classifiers according to NPP and UKTZED in the greenhouse business market, 2024
2. Market capacity of vegetables and greens in 2021-2023, in natural terms, tons
3. Geographical structure of growing greenhouse vegetables in Ukraine, for 2021-2023, ha
4. Structure of the shadow market of cultivated vegetables in closed soil, for 2021-2023, in natural terms, tons, %
5. The main players in the greenhouse business market in Ukraine, as of 2024
6. Market share of the main operators of the greenhouse vegetables and greens market by the volume of company revenue, for 2021-2023, in monetary terms, UAH million, %
7. Dynamics of seasonality of production of greenhouse products in Ukraine, for 2021-2023, tons
8. The structure of the average monthly price of vegetables and greens, in January-June 2024, UAH
10. The structure of the number of lots on the market of vegetables and greens, for 2021 - the first half of 2024, pcs.
11. PEST LE – analysis of the greenhouse business market in Ukraine
12. Segmentation of market risks
13. Risk map of the vegetable market

List of graphs and charts:

1. Geographical structure of growing greenhouse vegetable crops in Ukraine by planting area as of 2024, %
2. Dynamics of export of greenhouse tomatoes from Ukraine in 2021-I half of 2024, in natural terms, tons
3. Dynamics of export of greenhouse cucumbers from Ukraine in 2021-I half of 2024, in natural terms, tons
4. Dynamics of import of greenhouse tomatoes to Ukraine in 2021-1st half of 2024, in natural terms, thousand tons
5. Dynamics of imports of greenhouse cucumbers to Ukraine in 2021-1st half of 2024, in natural terms, thousand tons
6. Dynamics of imports of greenhouse sweet peppers to Ukraine in 2021-1st half of 2024, in natural terms, thousand tons
7. Dynamics of the consumer price index for greenhouse tomatoes, for 2021-2023, %
8. Dynamics of the consumer price index for greenhouse cucumbers, for 2021-2023, %
9. Dynamics of the consumer price index for greenhouse sweet peppers, for 2021-2023, %
9. Dynamics of the consumer price index for greenhouse sweet peppers, for 2021-2023, %
10. Dynamics of the consumer price index for greenhouse greens, for 2021-2023, %
11. Forecast of production volumes of greenhouse tomatoes in Ukraine in 2021-2025, in natural terms, tons
12. Forecast of production volumes of greenhouse cucumbers in Ukraine in 2021-2025, in natural terms, tons
13. Forecast of greenhouse sweet pepper production volumes in Ukraine in 2021-2025, in natural terms, tons
14. Forecast of production volumes of greenhouse greens in Ukraine in 2021-2025, in natural terms, tons

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