Market research report on fresh berries and products of processing berries (including craft and organics) of Ukraine. 2021 year

Market research report on fresh berries and products of processing berries (including craft and organics) of Ukraine. 2021 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: March 2021 year
Number of pages: 70, Arial, 1 interval, 10 point
Graphs and charts: 37
Tables: 28
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
24500 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the studied markets
a. Analysis of market development trends (factors affecting the market, problems and prerequisites for development) - in an office manner using survey results
b. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in 2016-2020 (production + import - export) - assessment by cabinet method
c. Segmentation and structuring of markets - by the office method with the use of survey results
i. By methods of processing (for example, milk, cheese, butter, kefir, etc.)
ii. By size of companies (allocation of the share of MSMEs) 9
iii. By regions
iv. By sources of raw materials (households / enterprises)
v. Evaluation of the shadow segment on the market (through interviews with market participants or through the construction of analytical models) - in an office way using survey results
d. Analysis of trends in the market of agro-MSME products from the point of view of experts, market participants and trends revealed during the survey - based on the results of surveys, quantitative and qualitative interviews, focus group research
e. Analysis of the current level of understanding of the concept of marketing strategy among agro-MSMEs
2. State regulation of the industry. General overview of legislative acts on food safety operating in Ukraine with a list of sources (without legal recommendations, key information for strategy formation)
3. The main operators of the market (analysis of the MSME segment: who are represented in general and whether they are interesting for the review of the economy)
a. Analysis of the representation of operators on the market (the largest major players, the representation of the MSME segment) - by the office method using the results of the survey
b. List of operators of the MSME segment of the studied markets, whose experience will be used in the preparation of the strategy and their description
c. Highlighting operators named during surveys and focus group discussions
d. Structuring of operators (by product segments, specialization, sales channels, regionally)
e. Communication channels of the main operators
4. Foreign trade in agricultural products (subject to availability, general overview) - office-based
5. Price and pricing on the market - in an office manner with a call to key operators
a. Average current prices for products by segment
i. Mass market (supermarkets)
ii. Farm products of trade format at fairs and markets
iii. "Craft" farm products
b. Description of factors affecting price formation
6. Consumers and their preferences (Analysis of survey results and focus group interviews)
a. Portrait of the consumer of agro-MSME products (in the B2B and B2C segment)
b. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on purchasing preferences
c. Saturation of individual product segments
d. Channels of purchase of agro-MSME products and purchase models on the B2B market
f. The main factors contributing to the choice of agro-MSME products (location, frequency, packaging, branding)
g. Possible stop factors
h. Willingness to buy products at prices higher than in supermarkets
i. The degree of consumer satisfaction with agro-MSME products
J. Analysis of search queries related to farm products
7. The influence of associations, unions, participants of supply chains and experts on the development of the market (the result of in-depth interviews and focus group discussions) - wishes to the participants, vision of the development of the segment
8. Product sales channels – by office method, based on the results of surveys, quantitative and qualitative interviews, focus group research (according to clause 8 of the Terms of Reference)
a. Description and evaluation of the sales structure by channels (markets, supermarkets, eco-shops, online)
b. Requirements and wishes of the participants of sales channels for MSMEs (result of in-depth interviews)
with. Analysis of the location of farm stores in the cities of Ukraine (general analysis of location principles, links to other stores
9. Analysis of the promotion of agro-MSME products
- Analysis of existing channels as a whole
- Analysis of channels used in the segment by players (online channels)
• -- Pages in social networks
• -- YouTube
• -- Online stores (prom.yua, outlet, Flagma)
- Analysis of offline channels, existing and prospective
• -- Forums
• -- Conferences
• - Fairs
• - Industry associations
• - Rating measures (if available)
10. The range of products presented on the market (product group – processing product – well-known representatives) – in a cabinet manner
11. Conclusions. Forecasts of the development of the industry - by the cabinet method
a. Conclusions and forecast trends of market development
b. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development (baseline, optimistic and pessimistic scenario with determination of influencing factors)
12. Investment attractiveness of directions (by industry) - by cabinet method
a. SWOT analysis of market direction
b. PEST-analysis of factors affecting the market (with an assessment of the level of influence of the factor)

List of Tables:

1. Market capacity of berry crops in Ukraine, in volume, thousand tons
2. Market capacity of berry processing products in Ukraine, in volume, thousand tons
3. Market structure of berries and processed products in Ukraine, by region, in volume, thousand tons
4. Structure of the berry market in Ukraine by raw material sources, in volume, %
5. TOP-10 operators of the berry growing market in Ukraine, broken down by MSME segments
6. Companies with berry orchards in Ukraine
7. Berry market operators in Ukraine
8. TOP-10 certified operators of the fresh berries market
9. Companies engaged in berry processing
10. The rate of use of communication channels by players of the market of berry products in Ukraine
11. Average current prices for berries in Ukraine according to retail trade networks
12. Average current prices for processed berries in March 2021 in Ukraine, UAH
13. Average wholesale prices for strawberries in June in 2016 - 20121, UAH per kg
14. Average wholesale prices for raspberries in Ukraine in August 2016-2021, UAH/kg
15. Average wholesale prices for blueberries in Ukraine in 2016-2021, UAH per kg
16. Average wholesale prices for blackberries in 2016-2020, UAH per kg
17. Average wholesale prices for black currants in Ukraine in June 2016-2020, UAH/kg
18. Average wholesale prices for blueberries in Ukraine in 2016 - 2020, UAH per kg
19. Average current prices for "craft" berry products in Ukraine, UAH
20. Segmentation of the market of berry crops according to saturation
21. Berry sales channels
22. TOP-20 queries of Google users for the period from March 2017 to February 2021
23. Structures of sales by channels on the market of berry products and processed products in Ukraine
24. The level of optimality of sales channels for berry products and processing products in Ukraine
25. Operators in the Instagram social network and their products
26. The range of products of the main market operators of berries and processed products of Ukraine
27. SWOT analysis of the market of berries and processed products
28. PEST-analysis of the market of berries and processed products, assessment of the level of influence of factors

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of the average annual exchange rate of the hryvnia in 2016-2020
2. Market structure of berry processing products in Ukraine, by processing method, %
3. Segmentation of the fruit and vegetable market in Ukraine, in volume, %
4. Distribution of answers to questions about the shadow circulation of products, %
5. Comparison of wholesale electricity prices in EU countries and Ukraine, in value, EUR/MWh
6. Distribution of entrepreneurs according to the presence of a strategy and the elements it includes
7. Structure of berry market players (interviewed experts) by type of activity in Ukraine
8. Regional structure of operators in terms of their specialization
9. Distribution of consumer attention to advertisements by communication channels
10. Distribution of advertising according to the level of consumer confidence
11. Dynamics of export of berries from Ukraine in 2016-2020, in volume, thousand tons
12. Dynamics of exports of berry processing products from Ukraine in 2016-2020, in volume, thousand tons
13. Geographical structure of exports of berries and berry products from Ukraine in 2017 and 2020, in value, million US dollars
14. Dynamics of imports of berries to Ukraine in 2016-2020, in volume, thousand tons
15. Dynamics of imports of berry processing products to Ukraine in 2016-2020, in volume, thousand tons
16. Geographical structure of imports of berries and berry products to Ukraine in 2017 and 2020, in value, million US dollars, %
17. Wholesale prices for strawberries in 2016-2021, UAH. per kg
18. Wholesale prices for blueberries in 2018-2021, UAH. per kg
19. Wholesale prices for raspberries in 2018-2021, UAH. per kg
20. The level of difficulty in finding customers according to the results of a survey of market players
21. The impact of the pandemic on purchasing preferences of choice
22. The level of self-sufficiency in the main types of food in 2019
23. The main preferences of consumers regarding the purchase of berry products
24. Distribution of consumers' attitudes towards MSME products
25. The main preferences of consumers regarding the purchase of farm berry products
26. The main preferences of consumers regarding the purchase of farm berry products
27. Distribution of consumers who are ready to buy more expensive products
28. The degree of consumer satisfaction with farm products
29. Perceptibility of support by specialized associations
30. Structures of sales by channels in the market of berry products and processed products in Ukraine
31. Distribution of the area of berry cultivation in Ukraine
32. Distribution of berry processors in Ukraine
33. Product promotion process
34. The structure of respondents' answers based on the fact of cooperation with contractor companies
35. Distribution of types of approach to the work of sites and pages in social networks of market operators
36. Results of the 8th Fresh Business Expo 2019 International Exhibition
37. Forecast indicators of the volume of the berry market in 2020-2023

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