Market research report on soybean and processed products market in Ukraine. 2023 year

Market research report on soybean and processed products market in Ukraine. 2023 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: February 2023 year
Number of pages: 35, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 35
Tables: 28
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
46400 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Description of the soybean market, processing products, description of production technology, areas of application
1.2. Analysis of trends in the development of the soybean market in Ukraine and the world and processing products in the world (factors of influence, development problems), for Ukraine – focus on changes in 2022
1.3. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in 2016-2022 (production + import - export)
1.4. Market segmentation and structuring (by products, regions of production and regions of consumption)
2. State regulation of the industry
2.1. Laws affecting the market (general food programs, GMOs)
2.2. Duties in the largest countries of consumption (import and, if available, export)
3. The main market operators (for Ukraine – the largest agricultural companies growing soybeans, for the world – the largest processors)
3.1. List of the main market operators and their structuring (general information, types of activities and specialization; product groups; regional representation, volumes)
3.2. Market shares (for soybean cultivation, for the production of processing products)
3.3. Peculiarities of competition in markets
4. Foreign trade in the market of soy and processed products
4.1. Export of soybean processing products in 2016-2021 (Volumes, structure, geography for the largest exporters in the segment of basic products)
4.2. Import of soybeans and processed products in 2016-2021 (Volumes, structure, geography for the largest importers in the studied segments)
5. Price and pricing on the market
5.1. Dynamics of prices for raw materials (Ukraine and stock exchange prices)
5.2. Average current prices for processing products
5.3. Description of factors affecting price formation, structure, impact of the energy crisis
6. Market consumption analysis
6.1. The main industries-consumers of the researched soybean processing products
6.2. Analysis of the consumption of processing products in the B2C segment, a portrait of consumers
6.3. Comparison of consumption of processing products per capita in the largest consumer countries
7. Sales channels of various soybean processing products, their specifics and sales features
8. Conclusions. Predictive market indicators
8.1. Conclusions and forecast trends of market development
8.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development in 2023-2025 (for Ukraine – cultivation and processing, for the world market – consumption)
8.3. Recommendations for market development (promising segments)
9. Investment attractiveness of the industry
9.1.PEST LE - analysis of factors affecting the market
9.2. Existing risks and barriers to entering the market. Building a market risk map

List of Tables:

1. Soy processing products
2. Capacity of the soybean market in natural terms, 2016 - 2022, thousand tons
3. Segmentation of soybean cultivation by regions of Ukraine
4. Requirements for soybean seeds according to DSTU 4964-2008
5. Requirements for soybean oil production according to DSTU 4534-2006
6. Requirements for the production of soybean oil according to the FAO standard
7. Requirements for the production of soybean meal according to DSTU 4230-2003
8. Requirements for soy protein isolate according to DSTU 4595-2006
9. Requirements for soy protein concentrate according to DSTU 4595-2006
10. The main Ukrainian agricultural companies that grow soybeans
11. World companies engaged in soybean processing
12. The structure of soybean oil exports from the main exporting countries in 2016-2021, in natural terms, million tons
13. Dynamics of export prices for soybean oil in the main exporting countries in 2016-2021, $/kg
14. The structure of soybean meal exports from the main exporting countries in 2016-2021, in natural terms, million tons
15. Dynamics of export prices for soybean meal in the main exporting countries in 2016-2021, $/kg
16. The structure of soybean imports into Ukraine by destination in 2016-2022, in natural terms, thousand tons
17. Dynamics of import prices for soybeans in Ukraine in 2016-2021.
18. Geography of soybean oil imports from the main importing countries in 2016-2021, in natural terms, thousand tons
19. Dynamics of import prices for soybean oil in the main importing countries in 2016-2021, $/kg
20. Geography of soybean meal imports from the main importing countries in 2016-2021, in natural terms, thousand tons
21. Dynamics of import prices for soybean meal in the main importing countries in 2016-2021, $/kg
22. The main consumer industries of soybean processing products
23. Advantages and disadvantages of sales channels for soybean processing products
24. PEST LE matrix - analysis of factors affecting the soybean market in Ukraine
25. PEST LE matrix - analysis of factors influencing the market of soybean processing products in the world
26. Segmentation of market risks
27. Map of soybean market risks in Ukraine
28. Market risk map of soybean processing products in the world

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of soybean acreage in the world during 2016-2022, million hectares
2. Dynamics of soybean acreage in Ukraine during 2016-2022, million hectares
3 Soybean yield in Ukraine during 2016-2022, t/ha
4. Structuring the production of soybean processing products from 1 ton of raw materials
5. Segmentation of soybean cultivation by regions of Ukraine
6. Segmentation of soybean cultivation by country
7. Segmentation of the production of soybean processing products by country
8. Segmentation of consumption of soybean processing products by country
9. Segmentation of soybean-growing farms by sowing area, ha
10. Market shares of key soybean-growing farms in Ukraine, by sowing area, ha
11. Dynamics of soybean exports from Ukraine in 2016-2022 in natural terms, thousand tons
12. Dynamics of soybean exports from Ukraine in 2016-2022 in monetary terms, billion UAH
13. The structure of soybean exports from Ukraine by country in 2016-2022 in natural terms, %
14. Dynamics of soybean export prices in Ukraine in 2016-2021, UAH/kg
15. Soybean oil export volumes from the main exporting countries in 2016-2021, in natural terms, million tons
16. Soybean oil export volumes from the main exporting countries in 2016-2021, in monetary terms, $ billion
17. Export volumes of soybean meal from the main exporting countries in 2016-2021, in natural terms, million tons
18. Export volumes of soybean meal from the main exporting countries in 2016-2021, in monetary terms, $ billion
19. Dynamics of soybean imports to Ukraine in 2016-2022 in natural terms, thousand tons
20. Dynamics of soybean imports to Ukraine in 2016-2022 in monetary terms, million hryvnias
21. The structure of soybean imports to Ukraine by country in 2016-2022 in natural terms, %
22. Soybean oil import volumes from the main importing countries in 2016-2021, in natural terms, million tons
23. Soybean oil import volumes from the main importing countries in 2016-2021, in monetary terms, $ billion
24. Import volumes of soybean meal from the main importing countries in 2016-2021, in natural terms, million tons
25. Import volumes of soybean meal from the main importing countries in 2016-2021, in monetary terms, $ billion
26. Dynamics of soybean prices in Ukraine and the world in 2016-2022, $/kg
27. Dynamics of soybean oil prices in Ukraine and the world in 2016-2022, $/kg
28. Dynamics of soybean meal prices in Ukraine and the world in 2016-2022, $/kg
29. Monthly dynamics of soybean oil prices in Ukraine and the world in 2022, $/kg
30. Monthly dynamics of soybean meal prices in Ukraine and the world in 2022, $/kg
31. Components of the retail price of soybean oil, %
32. Number of cattle in the world
33. Consumption of soybean processing products per capita in the largest consumer countries
34. Forecast of the development of the soybean market in Ukraine in 2023-2025, in natural terms, million tons
35. Forecast of the development of the soybean market in the world in 2023-2025, in natural terms, million tons

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