Market research report on sewing equipment in Ukraine. 2024 year

Market research report on sewing equipment in Ukraine. 2024 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: July 2024 year
Number of pages: 54, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 32
Tables: 40
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
52200 UAH
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Summary of the market analysis:

Аналітиками Pro-Consulting було проведено дослідження ринку промислового швейного обладнання в Україні. Показано основні показники ринку за 3 років. Проаналізовано ємність українського ринку промислового швейного обладнання. Наведено перелік та опис основних операторів ринку. Досліджено загальні показники ринку легкої промисловості. Наведено основні очікування на ринку швейного обладнання України в наступні роки. Зроблено SWOT та PEST LE аналізи. Оцінено існуючі ризики та бар’єри входу на ринок.
Швейне обладнання в Україні є імпортованого походження. Ринок швейного обладнання є одним з небагатьох ринків в Україні, що продемонстрував зростання під час повномасштабного вторгнення. Показники 2023 року майже на 90% перевищують значення 2021 року в гривневому вираженні.
Основним фактором попиту на ринку промислового швейного обладнання є попит на продукцію з боку кінцевих галузей промисловості – текстильного виробництва та одягу. Зростання обсягів виробництва продукції легкої промисловості в Україні є ключовими чинниками, що сприяють розвитку вітчизняного ринку швейного обладнання.
Виробництво одягу в Україні знаходиться на досить низькому рівні. Українські виробники не задовольняють потреби внутрішнього ринку. Основна частина одягу в країні є імпортного походження. Також однією з основних проблем легкої промисловості є відсутність значної кількості великих експортно-орієнтованих підприємств, що займаються в основному продажем продукції за кордон. Найбільші світові виробники одягу також не розміщували свої виробничі потужності на території України. Частково в Україні товари легкої промисловості виробляються підприємствами на умовах переробки давальницької сировини та постачаються до країн ЄС. Як правило, це підприємства середнього розміру з доходом в межах декількох мільйонів доларів США.
В період 2022-2023 років обсяг виробництва одягу в Україні демонструє зростання (в гривневому вираженні). В основному, реальне виробництво одягу зростає через збільшення обсягів виробництва різних видів військового одягу.

Detailed contents:

1.1. Analysis of market development trends (factors affecting the market and their manifestation during the researched period: macro factors, the state of related industries and suppliers, changes in consumer behavior; problems and prerequisites for development)
1.3. Segmentation and structuring of the market (by types of equipment, origin, new/used, direct purchases/import through distributors, by countries of origin of equipment)
2. Main market operators (suppliers)
2.1. List of the main market operators and their structuring (general information, types of activities and specialization; equipment, its types, brands and models)
2.2. Market shares of major suppliers
2.3. Degree of competition and risks. Factor analysis of competitors' market shares
3. The range of products presented on the market (construction of assortment maps to determine the saturation of market segments)
4. Price and pricing in the market. Import prices for equipment
5. Branding and advertising (analysis of the positioning of competitors on the market, presence in promotion channels)
Analysis of the Internet audience in the industry, search queries and issuing competitors
6. Analysis of the consumer segment
6.1 General description of the state of light industry (clothing production in Ukraine)
6.2 General indicators of the light industry market
- Import of raw materials for light industry (yarn, threads, fabrics) - volumes, importers, allocation of direct imports, structure by types of raw materials
- Clothing production in Ukraine (volumes, structure by enterprises, groups of goods they produce, materials)
- The number of clothing manufacturers (in terms of settlements - according to availability)
- Selection of private label companies; on the given raw materials (according to information on the volumes of import of raw materials and export of clothing), their volumes
- New productions (search for news about the opening of new productions in cities, on job search sites)
6.4 Consumption in the B2G sector. Analysis of state tender purchases for tailoring (number of tenders). Assessment of the needs of the Defense Forces in textile products
7. Conclusions. Predictive market indicators
7.1. Conclusions and forecast trends of market development
7.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development in 2024-2026
8. Investment attractiveness of the industry
8.1. Analysis of market opportunities and threats for the further construction of a SWOT analysis
8.2. PEST LE - analysis of factors affecting the market and assessment of the probability and degree of their influence
8.3. Existing risks and barriers to market entry. Building a market risk map

List of Tables:

1. Market capacity of steam production devices (code 8402 19 90 00) in Ukraine in 2021-2023, in monetary and physical terms, hryvnias and tons
2. Market capacity of embroidery machines for embroidery on canvas (code 8447 90 00 00) in Ukraine in 2021-2023, in monetary and physical terms, hryvnias and units
3. Market capacity of industrial machines for sealing seams using adhesive tape (code 8451808000) in Ukraine in 2021-2023,
in monetary and physical terms, hryvnias and pieces
4. Market capacity of industrial ironing equipment (8451 30 00 00)
in Ukraine in 2021-2023, in monetary and physical terms, hryvnias and pieces
5. Market capacity of industrial cutting equipment for fabrics (8451 50 00 00) in Ukraine in 2021-2023, in monetary and physical terms, hryvnias and tons
6. Market capacity of industrial sewing machines under code 8452 21 00 00
in Ukraine in 2021-2023, in monetary and physical terms, hryvnias and pieces
7. Market capacity of industrial sewing machines under code 8452 29 00 00
in Ukraine in 2021-2023, in monetary and physical terms, hryvnias and pieces
8. Market capacity of spare parts for industrial sewing equipment
in Ukraine in 2021-2023, in monetary terms, hryvnias
9. Market capacity of the industrial press for installing metal accessories (code 8465 99 80 00) in Ukraine in 2021-2023, in monetary and physical terms, hryvnias and units
10. Market capacity of plotters (devices for printing patterns)
in Ukraine in 2021-2023, in monetary and physical terms, hryvnias and pieces
11. Revenues of the main distributors of sewing equipment in Ukraine in 2021-2023, thousand UAH
12. Index of concentration on the sewing equipment market in 2021-2023; CR4 coefficient
13. The main indices of competition in the sewing equipment market in 2021-2023; intensity of competition, calculated on the basis of the degree of similarity of competitors' shares
14. Herfindahl-Hirschman index on the sewing equipment market in 2019-2023.
15. Factor analysis of sewing equipment distributors in 2022-2023,
in monetary terms, millions of hryvnias
16. Product range of the main market operators
17. Average import prices for embroidery machines for embroidery on canvas (code 8447900000) in 2021-2023, in monetary terms, UAH/pc.
18. Average import prices for industrial machines for sealing seams using adhesive tape (code 8451808000) in 2021-2023, in monetary terms, UAH/pc.
19. Average import prices for industrial ironing machines (code 8451300000) in 2021-2023, in monetary terms, UAH/pc.
20. Average import prices for industrial sewing machines (code 8452210000) in 2021-2023, in monetary terms, UAH/pc.
21. Average import prices for industrial sewing machines (code 8452290000) in 2021-2023, in monetary terms, UAH/pc.
22. Average import prices for an industrial press for installing metal accessories (code 8452998000) in 2021-2023, in monetary terms, UAH/pc.
23. Average import prices for plotters (code 9017101000) in 2021-2023,
in monetary terms, UAH/pc.
24. Analysis of the presence of market operators in online communication channels (promotion)
25. Analysis of the activity of market operators in online communication channels
26. The volume of yarn imports to Ukraine in 2021-2023, in monetary terms, thousands of hryvnias
27. The volume of yarn imports to Ukraine in 2021-2023, in monetary terms, thousands of hryvnias
28. Volume of fabric imports to Ukraine in 2021-2023, in monetary terms, thousands of hryvnias
29. List of the largest manufacturers of work clothes in 2023
30. List of the largest manufacturers of other outerwear in 2023
31. List of the largest manufacturers of underwear in 2023
32. List of the largest hosiery manufacturers in 2023
33. List of the largest manufacturers of other clothing in 2023
34. The largest manufacturers of clothing and textile products working under Private Label
35. The largest manufacturers of clothing and textile products, working on raw materials
36. The share of the TOP-15 state organizers of tenders for the purchase of clothing in 2023 (excluding purchases by the Security and Defense Forces sector), in monetary terms, %
37. The share of TOP-15 clothing suppliers to the public sector in 2023 (excluding purchases by the Security and Defense Forces sector), in monetary terms, %
38. The annual need of the Defense Forces sector in textile products,
in quantitative and monetary terms, units and hryvnias
39. PEST LE - analysis of the sewing equipment market
40. Market risk map of industrial sewing equipment in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Capacity of the sewing equipment market in Ukraine in 2021-2023, in monetary terms, millions of hryvnias
2. The structure of the sewing equipment market in Ukraine by types in 2023,
in monetary terms, %
3. Structure of import of industrial equipment by type of purchase (direct purchases/distributors) in Ukraine in 2023, in monetary terms, %
4. Geography of imports of devices for the production of steam in 2023, in monetary terms, %
5. The structure of imports of devices for the production of steam by type of purchase (direct purchases/distributors) in Ukraine in 2023, in monetary terms, %
6. Geography of embroidery machine imports in 2023, in monetary terms, %
7. The structure of the import of embroidery machines by type of purchase (direct purchases/distributors) in Ukraine in 2023, in monetary terms, %
8. Geography of import of industrial sewing equipment for ironing (code 5451300000) in 2023, in monetary and quantitative terms, %
9. The structure of imports of ironing equipment by type of purchase (direct purchases/distributors) in Ukraine in 2023, in monetary terms, %
10. Geography of imports of cutting industrial equipment for fabrics in 2023, in monetary terms, %
11. Structure of import of cutting equipment by type of purchase (direct purchases/distributors) in Ukraine in 2023, in monetary terms, %
12. Geography of import of industrial sewing machines in 2023, in monetary terms, %
13. The structure of the import of sewing machines (code 8452210000) by type of purchase (direct purchases/distributors) in Ukraine in 2023, in monetary terms, %
14. Geography of import of industrial sewing machines in 2023, in monetary terms, %
15. The structure of the import of sewing machines (code 8452290000) by type of purchase (direct purchases/distributors) in Ukraine in 2023, in monetary terms, %
16. Geography of import of spare parts for industrial sewing machines in 2023, in monetary terms, %
17. Structure of import of spare parts for sewing equipment by type of purchase (direct purchases/distributors) in Ukraine in 2023, in monetary terms, %
18. The share of the main suppliers (by import volumes) in 2023, in monetary terms, %
19. The share of requests by type of sewing equipment in 2023-early 2024, %
20. The share of requests for trademarks of sewing equipment in 2023-early 2024, %
21. The share of requests for distributors of sewing equipment in 2023-early 2024, %
22. The volume of clothing production in Ukraine in 2021-2023, in monetary terms, million hryvnias
23. Structure of import of raw materials by type of purchase (direct purchases/distributors) in Ukraine in 2023, in monetary terms, %
24. TOP-10 main importers of raw materials in Ukraine in 2023, in monetary terms, %
25. Structure of clothing production by form of business activity in Ukraine in 2023, in monetary terms, %
26. The structure of clothing production by enterprise size in Ukraine in 2022, in monetary terms, %
27. Number of clothing manufacturing companies by region of Ukraine in 2022, number of companies
28. Volumes of state purchases of clothing in 2021-2023 (excluding purchases by the Security and Defense Forces sector), in monetary terms, millions of hryvnias
29. The number of tenders for the purchase of clothing in 2021-2023 (excluding purchases by the Security and Defense Forces sector), units
30. The structure of state purchases of clothing in 2023 (excluding purchases by the Security and Defense Forces sector), in monetary terms, %
31. The number of tenders conducted by the Security and Defense Forces sector in 2021-2023, in quantitative terms, units
32. Forecast assessment of the market capacity of industrial sewing equipment in Ukraine in 2024-2026, in monetary terms, millions of hryvnias

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