Market research report on crushed stone market in Ukraine. 2021 year

Market research report on crushed stone market in Ukraine. 2021 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: December 2021 year
Number of pages: 61, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 29
Tables: 31
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Analysis of market development trends in 2017-6 months. 2021 (market status, specifics, problems, factors affecting the market)
1.1.2. Raw material base (crushed stocks by region)
1.2. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in 2017-6 months. 2021 (capacity = production + import - export)
1.3. Market segmentation and structuring
1.3.1 By regions of production
1.3.2 By types of products (building stone, crushed stone, screening), assessment
1.3.3 By fractions and color
2. State regulation-data for calculating market capacity and potential. Risks in government regulation for existing operators.
3. Dynamics of production and sale of products in 2017-6 months. 2021
3.1. Dynamics of product production in natural terms in 2017-6 months. 2021
3.1.1. General dynamics by weight
3.1.2. Structure by species (fractions)
3.2. Analysis of product sales (production and import - by types)
3.2.1. Dynamics of product sales in monetary terms in 2017 - 6 months. 2021
3.2.2. Structure by species (fractions)
4. Main market operators
4.1. Information on the main market players (description of activities, location, infrastructure, sales markets)
4.2. Market shares of the main operators
4.2.1. In the market as a whole (taking into account manufacturers and importers)
4.2.2. In the domestic market (shares excluding exports)
4.3 Main dealers in the market
5. Foreign trade
5.1. Export of products in 2017-6 months. 2021 (volumes, structure - by types and fractions, geography, main exporters, prices)
5.2. Import of products in 2017-6 months 2021 (volumes, structure - by types, fractions, geography, main importers, prices)
6. Price and pricing in the market
6.1. Dynamics of product prices in 2017 - 6 months. 2021 (average export, import and wholesale prices)
6.2. Description of factors affecting price formation, cost structure
7. Consumption of products on the market
7.1. Key consumer industries and their condition (Manufacturing of EMS, construction of buildings, construction of roads, decorative elements, state structures)
7.2. The largest consumer companies by industry
7.3. Structure of product consumption by region
7.4. The potential of the market as a whole (estimated according to the construction forecast (for the coming years based on the received construction permits, road construction - according to infrastructure programs and prospects of decentralization)
8. List of product sales channels and their description (DIY networks, hardware stores, etc.)
9. Conclusions and recommendations.
9.1. Conclusions and forecast trends of market development
9.2. Construction of development hypotheses and forecast indicators of markets in 2021-2031.
9.3. Recommendations for market entry and development.
10. Investment attractiveness of the industry
10.1. SWOT - analysis of market direction
10.2. PEST - analysis of factors affecting the market
10.3. Risks and barriers to entering the market. Building a risk map

List of Tables:

1. Distribution of building stone stocks by region as of January 1, 2020
2. Distribution of building stone deposits by degree of industrial development as of January 1, 2020
3. Special permits (building stone) as of November 8, 2021
4. Crushed stone market capacity in Ukraine 2017–6 months 2021, in natural terms, million tons
5. Crushed stone market capacity in Ukraine 2015 - 2020, in monetary terms, billion UAH
6. Crushed stone market capacity in Ukraine 2015-2020, in natural terms, %
7. Scope of application of road clothing coatings
8. The main producers of crushed stone in Ukraine
9. Financial indicators of the largest operators of the crushed stone market in Ukraine
10. List of the main crushed stone dealers in Ukraine
11. Dynamics of the average hryvnia to dollar exchange rate. USA in 2017 – 6 months. 2021 years
12. Average export prices for crushed stone (without VAT) for 2017 – 6 months. 2021, UAH/t
13. Wholesale prices for crushed stone (with VAT) in Ukraine by fractions and regions (without delivery, self-delivery) as of November 2021, UAH. /t
14. The share of the public procurement segment in the capacity of the crushed stone market in Ukraine, 2017-2021, in natural and value terms, million tons, billion UAH
15. Capacity of the ready-mixed concrete market, 2017 – 6 months of 2021, in monetary and physical terms, UAH million, thousand m³
16. Volumes of production of concrete construction materials in Ukraine in 2017-6 months. 2021, thousand tons
17. Dynamics of the construction market by types of construction in Ukraine in 2017-6 months. 2021, billion UAH
18. List of the main consumers of crushed stone in the building materials market in Ukraine in 2020
19. List of the main consumers of crushed stone in the market of road construction in Ukraine in 2020
20. List of the main consumers of crushed stone in the real estate construction market in Ukraine in 2020
21. Dynamics of building construction by regions of Ukraine in 2017 – 6 months. 2021, billion UAH
22. Structure of production of solid waste by regions of Ukraine in 2019-2020, m3, %
23. Expenditures for the "Major construction" program by region in 2020, UAH million
24. Sources of funding for the road industry
25. Prospects of products on the market
26. Construction of a forecast model for the forecast capacity of the crushed stone market
27. SWOT analysis of market direction
28. PEST analysis of the crushed stone market in Ukraine
29. Risks and barriers to entering the crushed stone market of a new operator
30. Segmentation of market risks
31. Risk map for the crushed stone market in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Forecast of the development of roads of state importance within the framework of the "Major construction" program
2. Seasonality of crushed stone production in Ukraine in 2019-2020, in natural terms, million tons
3. Subsoil potential of Ukraine
4. Map of granite deposits
5. Dynamics of crushed stone market capacity in Ukraine, 2017- 6 months. 2021, in natural terms, million tons
6. Segmentation of the crushed stone market by product types in Ukraine in 2020, in natural terms, %
7. Segmentation of the crushed stone market in Ukraine in 2020 by fractions, in natural terms, %
8. Dynamics of crushed stone production in Ukraine, 2017 – 6 months. 2021, in natural terms, million tons
9. Segmentation of the crushed stone products market in Ukraine in 2017 and 2020 by fractions, in natural terms, %
10. Dynamics of crushed stone production in Ukraine in 2017 - 6 months. 2021, in monetary terms, billion UAH
11. Segmentation of the crushed stone products market in Ukraine in 2020 by fractions, in monetary terms, %
12. Market shares of the main operators of the crushed stone market as a whole in the market in 2017 and 2020, in natural terms, %
13. Market shares of the main operators of the crushed stone market in the domestic market in 2017 and 2020, in natural terms, %
14. Dynamics of crushed stone export from Ukraine in 2017 – 6 months. 2021, million tons
15. Dynamics of crushed stone export from Ukraine in 2017 – 6 months. 2021, billion UAH
16. Main exporters of crushed stone from Ukraine in 2019, million tons, %
17. Geographical structure of crushed stone exports from Ukraine in 2019, million tons, %
18. The structure of crushed stone exports from Ukraine in 2019, by fractions, %
19. Structure of crushed stone exports by types from Ukraine in 2019, %
20. Cost structure of crushed stone at the main enterprises of the industry in Ukraine, %
21. The structure of material costs for the production of crushed stone, %
22. State budget expenditures of the State Highway Agency of Ukraine in 2017 – 6 months. 2021, billion UAH
23. State budget expenditures of the State Highway Agency of Ukraine in 2017-2022, billion UAH
24. Forecast of volumes of the construction market of Ukraine
25. Crushed stone sales channels in Ukraine
26. The structure of the crushed stone market in Ukraine by sales markets in 2020 and 2025.
27. Forecast capacity of the crushed stone market in Ukraine in 2021-2031, in natural terms, million tons
28. Optimistic and pessimistic forecasts of the capacity of the crushed stone market in Ukraine in 2021-2031, in natural terms, million tons

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