Market research report sales market for locomotive tires, forged products and markets for raw materials for their production. 2020 year

Market research report sales market for locomotive tires, forged products and markets for raw materials for their production. 2020 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: November 2020 year
Number of pages: 111, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 52
Tables: 52
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
48800 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Analysis of raw materials markets
1.1 Assessment of the raw material market, the main manufacturers of continuously cast billets for rough tires, billets of gears and wheel centers, rolled and ingots for forgings, nomenclature, output volumes for each manufacturer over the past 5 years and production capacities, respectively
1.2. Availability of raw materials, materials, nomenclature - the adequacy of the location of such a production on the territory of the Pavlodar region, in terms of the availability of raw materials
1.3. Validity of prices for raw materials (continuously cast billets) for rough bandages and prices for ingots for forgings, prices for materials.
1.4. Expected changes in volumes and price offers, forecasts until 2025 for suppliers of continuously cast billets for rough bandages and ingots for forgings.
1.5. Assessment of average market prices for blanks for bandages and forgings for the period from 2015-2020 to 2025
1.6. The validity of the calculation of the necessary raw materials and materials in physical terms - confirmation of forecasts for the cost of raw materials
2. Evaluation of the development and selection of a technological solution in comparison with existing technologies in the world (comparison of Interpipe technology, NTMK and the Customer's technology and the formation of an analytical conclusion from the point of view of the market without involving a technical specialist)
4. Analysis of markets for products and services - for the period 2015 - early 2020 - when the Customer provides initial data or a comprehensive assessment based on data from available sources
4.2. Output products: Locomotive tyres, rolled wheel centers, gear blanks and medium-sized forgings, weighing from 100 to 1200 g for railway engineering and mining, for the period 2015-2020 and for the period up to 2025, assortment, estimated output.
4.3. Assessment of existing demand (main consumers and manufacturers of rough locomotive tires, rolled wheel centers, gear blanks for railway rolling stock and medium-sized forgings weighing from 100 to 1200 kg for railway engineering and mining industries).
4.4. Evaluation of existing offers on the market (main manufacturers, capacities and prices).
4.5. Assessment of the competitive environment and comparison of production / products with the main competitors in terms of quality and price.
4.6. Dynamics of production, import, export for the last 5 years.
4.7. Expected changes in demand and supply for rough locomotive tires, rolled wheel centers, gear blanks for railway rolling stock and medium-sized forgings, weighing from 100 to 1200 kg. for the railway engineering and mining industries, until 2025, separately analyze the dynamics of replacing cast wheel centers with rolled ones.
5. Evaluation of average market prices for manufactured products - partly when the Customer provides the initial data, partly - a comprehensive assessment, taking into account data from available sources
10. Conclusions (from the study of paragraphs 1-5)

List of Tables:

1. Dynamics of steel production volumes in 2015-2019 in market leaders and countries under study, in kind, mln tons
2. TOP 10 countries in terms of steel consumption in 2019
3. Dynamics of production volumes of continuously cast steel semi-finished products in 2015-2019 in market leaders and countries under study, in kind, mln tons
4. List of main producers of steel and steel products in Ukraine
5. Main steel producers in the Russian Federation
6. Dynamics of steel production in the Russian Federation in 2015-2019 in physical terms, mln t
7. Main Chinese steel companies in 2016-2019*
8. Dynamics of production of steel by the main companies in the EU in 2016-2018, in kind, million tons
9. Dynamics of production of steel by the main companies in Turkey in 2016-2018, in kind, million tons
10. Evaluation of production volumes of continuously cast billets in the CIS, EU, China and Turkey
11. Characteristics of continuous casting machines
12. Capacities of the main producers of continuously cast billets
13. Dynamics of production and sales of continuously cast billets by companies in 2015-2019 market operators, tons*
14. Characteristics and advantages of Pavlodar region
15. Distance from the facilities of the main operators to Pavlodar
16. Chemical composition of steel bandages
17. Characteristics of steel for forgings
18. Purchase prices for type 3A scrap (rubles/t, FCA supplier, excluding VAT, excluding railway tariff)
19. Average prices for shipments of products in the CIS countries (April-May 2020), USD/ton
20. The structure of costs for raw materials and materials for square blanks, depending on manufacturers
21. Metal balance for the production of bandages and forgings
22. Assessment of the validity of the use of raw materials
23. Comparative characteristics of Interpipe, NTMK technology and technology of a potential plant
24. Characteristics of draft locomotive tires
25. Characteristics of wheel centers, depending on the drawing
26. Types of wheel centers, depending on the drawing
27. Range of gear blanks
28. Range of medium-sized forgings
29. Dynamics of locomotive production in Russia in 2015 - 2019
30. The need of the main operators of the Russian market for tires and gear blanks, i.e.
31. Estimation of the average annual consumption of blanks and tires for the repair of railway locomotives in the CIS countries, tons
32. Estimation of the average annual consumption of blanks and tires for the production of railway locomotives in Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, tons
33. Number of locomotives and self-propelled wagons in the countries of the European Union, as well as in some other European countries
34. Information on the main rail logistics operators of the European Union
35. Main manufacturers of locomotives and wagons by EU countries
36. The volume of production of locomotives in the EU countries in 2015-2019, in monetary terms, million euros*
37. The volume of repair and maintenance of railway and tram locomotives and rolling stock, as well as mechanical (and electromechanical) signaling, security or traffic control equipment, million euros
38. Estimation of the average annual consumption of blanks and tires for the repair of railway locomotives in the EU countries, China and Turkey, tons
39. Manufacturers of the studied product range (rough tires, rolled wheel centers, gear blanks)
40. Dynamics of prices for tires for locomotives of the company NTMK (EVRAZ) (FCA, excluding VAT), rub./piece.
41. Dynamics of prices for gear blanks manufactured by NTMK (EVRAZ) (FCA, excluding VAT), rub./piece.
42. Prices for forgings from Tyazhpressmash, GSH Slovakia, Bohler Austria, Steel Service Krefeld GmbH, SCHMOLZ + BICKENBACH, GMH group, Dorrenberg and NKMZ
43. Prices for forgings from Izhora Plants, Friulforgia, Special Steel, Zdaz and LUCCHINI
44. Evaluation of Russian, Ukrainian manufacturers of locomotive tires and forgings
45. Dynamics of exports of spare parts for locomotives and rolling stock (axles, wheels, bogies and their parts) in 2015-2019, in kind, thousand tons
46. Dynamics of exports of spare parts for locomotives and rolling stock (axles, wheels, bogies and their parts) in 2015-2019, in monetary terms, million US dollars
47. Dynamics of imports of spare parts for locomotives and rolling stock (axles, wheels, bogies and their parts) in 2015-2019, in kind, thousand tons
48. Dynamics of imports of spare parts for locomotives and rolling stock (axles, wheels, bogies and their parts) in 2015-2019, in monetary terms, mln. USA
49. Facts that may affect the increase in demand
50. Forecast of demand for tires for locomotives and blanks of cogwheels and rolled centers in the CIS countries
51. Average prices for locomotive tires, gear forgings, wheel centers as of the end of 2019
52. Average prices of the main operators for locomotive tires in 2018 and 2019

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of world production of continuously cast steel semi-finished products in 2015-2019 and its structure in terms of crude steel production, billion tons,
2. Dynamics of steel production in Ukraine in 2015-2019, in physical terms, million tons
3. Dynamics of steel production in the CIS in 2015-2019, in physical terms, million tons
4. Dynamics of steel production in the Russian Federation in 2015-2020*, in physical terms, million tons
5. Dynamics of steel production in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2015 - 2019
6. Dynamics of steel production in the Republic of Belarus in 2015 - 2019
7. Dynamics of steel production in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2015 - 2019
8. Dynamics of steel production in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2015 - 2019
9. Dynamics of production of steel and steel products in the Republic of Moldova in 2015 - 2019
10. Dynamics of steel production in China in 2015 - 2019
11. Production sites of the metallurgical industry in the EU-28 countries
12. Dynamics of steel production in EU countries - 28 in 2015 - 2019
13. Dynamics of steel production in Germany in 2015 - 2019
14. Dynamics of steel production in Italy in 2015 - 2019
15. Dynamics of steel production in France in 2015 - 2019
16. Dynamics of steel production in Spain in 2015 - 2019
17. Dynamics of steel production in Poland in 2015 - 2019
18. Dynamics of steel production in the Czech Republic in 2015 - 2019
19. Dynamics of steel production in Austria in 2015 - 2019
20. Dynamics of steel production in Belgium in 2015 - 2019
21. Monthly dynamics of steel production in Turkey
22. Dynamics of prices for iron ore, coking coal and ferrous scrap in 2008 - 2019, US dollars / ton
23. Dynamics of prices for iron ore in 2015-2020 and price forecast up to 2030
24. Dynamics of prices for ferrous scrap and hot-rolled steel in 2017 - 2019
25. Forecast of production of continuously cast billets in the CIS, EU, China and Turkey
26. Billet price dynamics, FOB Black Sea, USD/t
27. Dynamics of average prices for blanks in China, Europe and Turkey in 2019, USD US/ton
28. Dynamics of average prices for steel semi-finished products of EVRAZ NTMK JSC
29. Dynamics of changes in selling prices for billets of EVRAZ NTMK JSC in 2015 – 1st half of 2015 2020 (FCA, excluding VAT), rub./t.
30. Average cost of a square billet in 2018, depending on the country of production
31. The structure of the cost of a square billet, depending on the country of production
32. Dynamics of production of bandages for locomotives in the CIS countries
33. Dynamics of production of steel forgings in the CIS countries
34. Location of factories for the construction and repair of locomotives in Ukraine
35. Location of factories for the construction and repair of locomotives in Russia
36. Structure of cargo transportation by rail by type, in kind (ton-km), %
37. Dynamics of production of bandages in Ukraine and Russia in 2015-2019
38. Dynamics of production of forgings in Russia in 2015 - 2019
39. Map of export volumes of spare parts for locomotives and rolling stock (axles, wheels, bogies and their parts) in 2019, in monetary terms
40. Dynamics of exports of spare parts for locomotives and rolling stock (axles, wheels, bogies and their parts) in 2015-2019, in kind, thousand tons
41. Map of volumes of imports of spare parts for locomotives and rolling stock (axles, wheels, bogies and their parts) in 2019, in monetary terms
42. Dynamics of imports of spare parts for locomotives and rolling stock (axles, wheels, bogies and their parts) in 2015-2019, in kind, thousand tons
43. Dynamics of imports of spare parts for locomotives and rolling stock (axles, wheels, bogies and their parts) in 2015-2019, in monetary terms, million US dollars
44. Geography of imports of spare parts for locomotives and rolling stock (axles, wheels, bogies and their parts) to the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2019, in monetary terms, million dollars USA
45. Geography of imports of spare parts for locomotives and rolling stock (axles, wheels, bogies and their parts) to the Russian Federation in 2019, in monetary terms, mln. USA
46. Geography of imports of spare parts for locomotives and rolling stock (axles, wheels, bogies and their parts) to Ukraine in 2019, in monetary terms, mln. USA
47. Average annual consumption of bandages and forgings in the CIS countries used for the repair of locomotives, thousand tons
48. Forecast of changes in the production of bandages in the CIS countries until 2025
49. Forecast of changes in the production of forgings in the CIS countries until 2025
50. Prices of the main operators for medium-sized forgings, USD/kg
51. Prices for forgings (Press 10 000 Upper) of the main manufacturers, euro/kg
52. Prices for forgings (Press 10 000 Upper) of the main manufacturers, euro/kg

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