Market research report on fish and seafood in Ukraine. 2024 year

Market research report on fish and seafood in Ukraine. 2024 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: July 2024 year
Number of pages: 10, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles
Tables: 12
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
32900 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Market volume in physical and monetary terms. The share of imports and local production. Market trends in consumption
2. Market structure by types of products. Trends by category
3. Market structure by country of origin and types of products
4. Analysis of the competitive environment
4.1. Main producers and importers. Analysis of sales by channels
4.2. The main players in the segment of specialized and FMCG retail, professional distribution
4.3. Analysis of the structure of the sales department (based on the availability of information about team members)
5. Assortment and pricing. Assortment map by types, origin of products, average prices by assortment groups.
6. Changes in product consumption trends (cabinet method)
7. Advertising and branding of competitors, which communication channels they use
8. Segment analysis in HoReСa (margin, suppliers)

List of Tables:

1. Capacity of the fish and seafood market in Ukraine in 2021-5 months. 2024, in kind and monetary indicators, thousand tons, billion UAH.
2. Fish and seafood market in Ukraine by origin in 2021-5 months. 2024, in natural indicators, thousand tons
3. Fish and seafood market in Ukraine by product type in 2021-5 months. 2024, in natural indicators, thousand tons
4. Fish and seafood market in Ukraine by species in 2021-5 months. 2024, in natural indicators, thousand tons
5. Market of fish and seafood in Ukraine by countries of origin and by species in 2021-5 months. 2024, in natural indicators, thousand tons
6. The main producers and importers in the fish and seafood market in 2023.
7. The structure of sales of fish and seafood by channel in Ukraine in 2023, in natural terms, thousand tons
8. The structure of fish and seafood sales by channel in Ukraine in 2023, in natural terms, thousand tons
9. Sales channels of the largest operators in the fish and seafood market
10. Assortment and average prices of fish and seafood in Ukraine as of July 2024, UAH/kg, including VAT
11. Communication channels of companies as of July 2024.
12. Companies involved in the HoReСa segment and the average markup on the product, %

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