Market research report on building design market in Ukraine. 2019 year

Market research report on building design market in Ukraine. 2019 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: May 2019 year
Number of pages: 60, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 15
Tables: 18
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
9800 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the Ukrainian design market
1.1. Description of the market (factors of influence, problems, trends)
1.2. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in 2018 (volume of provided design services in monetary terms) - assessment based on financial statements
1.3. Market structuring and segmentation (by regions, by types of projects (residential / commercial)
2. Main market operators
2.1. Description of the main market operators
2.2. Structuring of the main market operators
2.3. Market shares of the main operators in monetary terms in 2018 (estimated according to the financial statements of 2017)
2.4. Degree of competition and risks
3. Price and market pricing
3.1. Average current prices for design services (requests to the company, analysis of tenders)
3.2. The main factors influencing the price, structure
4. Sales channels for services in the market (analysis of the promotion structure (based on open sources - tenders, company connections))
5. Conclusions and recommendations. Prospects for the development of the market. Market capacity forecast for 2019-2020
Objects under construction and planned

List of Tables:

1. The largest contractors for the construction, reconstruction and restoration of buildings according to the documents registered by the GASI in 2018-4 months. 2019
2. Leading contractors by the number of indications in permits in 2018-2019
3. Leading designers by the number of indications in permits in 2018-2019
4. Leaders in the number of tenders won in 2018-2019
5. Leaders by the amount of tenders won in 2018-2019
6. Leaders in the number of tenders held in 2018-2019
7. AIMM Competitors
8. Leaders by the amount of tenders held in 2018-2019
9. Strengths and weaknesses of the main competitors
10. Structuring of the main market operators by regions
11. Structuring of the main market operators and competitors by segments
12. The main parameters for assessing the competitive environment in the market according to the method of M. Porter
13. Conditions and cost of project development and working documentation for a residential complex and a shopping center in Kyiv
14. Working conditions of large developers in Ukraine with other companies (including architectural bureaus)
15. Data on the cost of design work in the tender documentation
16. SWOT Analysis of Market Direction from a Player's Perspective
17. PEST Analysis of Market Direction
18. Under construction and planned objects of multi-apartment residential construction in Kyiv and its suburbs

List of graphs and charts:

1. Examples of local area projects
2. Share of works for which permits were issued (buildings), %
3. Commissioning of residential and commercial buildings in 2018, thousand sq.m.
4. Commissioning of residential buildings by regions in 2018, thousand sq.m.
5. Commissioning of commercial buildings in 2018, thousand sq.m.
6. Shares of documents regarding the construction, reconstruction and restoration of buildings registered by the State Architectural and Construction Institute in 2018-4 months. 2019, by region, %
7. Shares of documents regarding the construction, reconstruction and restoration of buildings registered by the State Architectural and Construction Institute in 2018-4 months. 2019, by type of objects, %
8. Market shares of the main operators in monetary terms in 2018, %
9. Developers with the widest range of designers
10. Market forecast for building design services for 2019-2020, UAH million
11. Scheme of the existing and planned development of the city of Kyiv until 2025
12. Model of long-term territorial and planning development of the city of Kyiv
13. Structure of demand for design services by types of buildings, %
14. Structure of demand for design services by types of non-residential buildings, %
15. Regional distribution of commissioned private houses, by area, %

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