Market research report on market of plastic dispensers and cleaning brushes in Ukraine. 2023 year

Market research report on market of plastic dispensers and cleaning brushes in Ukraine. 2023 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: December 2023 year
Number of pages: 22, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Tables: 9
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
29200 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1 General analysis of the Ukrainian market. Period for analysis: December 2022 - November 2023 inclusive
- Market segmentation and its redistribution by main suppliers - intermediate sellers (cleaning companies, distributors, retail, etc.; capacity in %, units, UAH)
- The ratio of sales market volumes depending on the price offer (from expensive professional to cheap household ones; capacity in %, pcs., UAH)
2 Analysis of imports by UKTZED codes: 3922, 3923, 3924, 3925, 3926, 9603. Import period for analysis: December 2022 - November 2023 inclusive:
- Import segmentation (cleaning companies, distributors, retail, etc.)
- Volume of imports according to segmentation (estimated in %, pcs., UAH). The ratio of import volumes depending on the price offer (estimation by brands and models according to the possibility: from expensive professional to cheap household ones);
- Main importers of products according to the list of subjects of study (rating according to segmentation).
3. A list of potential customers for creating a proposal for the introduction of products under TM (own brand). Chains of stores, gas stations, catering establishments, hotels, manufacturers of goods that use dispensers - in the form of a list of legal entities with websites.
4. The domestic market of manufacturers of consumables - paper, soap, napkins, disposable toilet pads, towels, etc. according to the list of subjects of study with the share of each in the market of Ukraine:
- The total volume of the market in the period December 2022 - November 2023. In terms of weight and money
- List and estimated shares of the main operators.

List of Tables:

1. Main operators on the product market by types and types, December 2022-November 2023, in monetary and quantitative terms, UAH million, pcs.
2. The structure of the market relative to the price offer for the product in the largest categories
3. Segmentation of imports of the studied categories by types of importers, December 2022-November 2023, in quantitative terms, million units.
4. The volume of imports of the studied categories by species, December 2022-November 2023, in monetary and quantitative terms, million hryvnias, pcs.
5. The structure of imports relative to the price segment of goods by the largest categories
6. Main importers of products by types and types, December 2022-November 2023, in monetary and quantitative terms, million UAH, pcs.
7. List of potential customers by categories relative to market revenue
8. Production volumes of consumables on the dispenser market, December 2022-November 2023, in monetary and weight terms, million UAH, thousand tons
9. Production volumes of consumables on the dispenser market by operators, December 2022-November 2023, in monetary and weight terms, million UAH, thousand tons

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