Market research report on the lumber industry in Ukraine. 2023 year

Market research report on the lumber industry in Ukraine. 2023 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: August 2023 year
Number of pages: 40, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 40
Tables: 23
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
33800 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Market description
1.2. Analysis of market development trends (factors of influence, development problems)
1.3. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in (production + import - export)
1.4. Evaluation of the shadow segment in the market (through interviews with market participants or through the construction of analytical models)
2. Production of products in 2022-4 months. 2023
2.1. Dynamics of production in quantitative indicators
2.2. Dynamics of production in value indicators
2.3. Shares of manufacturers
3. Foreign trade and foreign trade
3.1. Analysis of exports from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023 (volumes, structure, geography, shares of exporters)
3.2. Analysis of imports to Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023 (volumes, structure, geography, shares of importers)
4. The range of products presented on the market (construction of assortment maps to determine the saturation of market segments)
5. Price and pricing in the market
5.1. Average current prices for products
5.2. Description of factors affecting price formation
6. Conclusions. Predictive market indicators
6.1. Conclusions and forecast trends of market development
6.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development in 2023.
6.3. Recommendations for market development

List of Tables:

1. Average export prices for 4 months. 2023 for the researched pine products, EUR
2. Average export prices for 4 months. 2023 for the investigated pine products, with reference to Incoterms and main exporters, euro\t
3. Lumber market capacity in Ukraine in 2022-4 months 2023, in real terms
4. The main exporters of fuel pellets from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural terms, thousand tons, %
5. The main exporters of pine-jointed boards from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural indicators, tons, %
6. The main exporters of paneling made of coniferous trees from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural indicators, thousand tons, %
7. The main exporters of furniture board made of pine from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural indicators, thousand tons, %
8. The main exporters of dry graded pine boards from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural indicators, thousand tons, %
9. CLT recruitment scheme
10. Assortment map of the furniture panel, number of offers
11. Assortment map of edged boards, number of offers
12. Assortment map of paneling, number of offers
13. Assortment map of fuel pellets, number of offers
14. Assortment map of lamellas, number of offers
15. Average current prices for lining as of July 2023, UAH/m2
16. Average current prices for beech lamellas as of July 2023, UAH/pc.
17. Average current prices for laminated board (pine) as of July 2023, hryvnias/m2
18. Average current prices for formwork beams as of July 2023, UAH/m2
19. Average current prices for linden furniture panel as of July 2023, hryvnias/pc.
20. Average current prices for dry planed board (spruce) as of July 2023, hryvnias/unit. m.
21. Average current prices as of August 2023 for the studied pine products, without VAT, in euros
22. Average export prices for 4 months. 2023 for the researched pine products, with reference to Incoterms and the country, euro\t
23. Description of factors affecting the final price of lumber on the market

List of graphs and charts:

1. The total area of buildings put into operation for 2021-3 months. 2023, million m2
2. Dynamics of lumber production in Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural terms, thousand tons
3. Dynamics of lumber production in Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in monetary terms, million UAH
4. Shares of producers of fuel pellets from pine for 4 months. 2023, in natural terms, thousand tons, %
5. Shares of manufacturers of dry sorted pine boards for 4 months. 2023, in natural terms, thousand tons, %
6. Shares of manufacturers of formwork beams made of pine for 4 months. 2023, in natural terms, thousand tons, %
7. Shares of manufacturers of formwork boards made of coniferous trees for 4 months. 2023, in natural terms, thousand tons, %
8. Shares of manufacturers of pine-jointed boards in 4 months. 2023, in natural terms, thousand tons, %
9. Shares of manufacturers of paneling made of coniferous trees for 4 months. 2023, in natural terms, thousand tons, %
10. Shares of manufacturers of pine furniture board for 4 months. 2023, in natural terms, thousand tons, %
11. Shares of manufacturers of pine lamellas for 4 months. 2023, in natural terms, thousand tons, %
12. The dynamics of the export of coniferous fuel pellets from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural terms, thousand tons
13. The dynamics of the export of fuel pellets from pine from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural terms, thousand tons
14. The geography of the export of pine fuel pellets from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural terms, thousand tons, %
15. The dynamics of the export of formwork board made of pine from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural terms, thousand tons
16. The geography of pine formwork board exports from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural terms, thousand tons, %
17. The dynamics of the export of CLT-plates from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural indicators, vol
18. Geography of CLT-plate exports from Ukraine in 2022-4 months 2023, in natural indicators, vol
19. The dynamics of the export of formwork beams from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural indicators, vol
20. The main exporters of formwork beams from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural indicators, tons, %
21. Geography of formwork beam exports from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural indicators, tons, %
22. The dynamics of the export of pine-jointed boards from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural indicators, vol
23. Geography of exports of pine-jointed boards from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural indicators, tons, %
24. The dynamics of the export of softwood paneling from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural terms, thousand tons
25. Geography of softwood paneling exports from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural indicators, thousand tons, %
26. The dynamics of the export of coniferous furniture board from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural terms, thousand tons
27. The dynamics of the export of furniture boards made of pine from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural terms, thousand tons
28. The geography of the export of furniture boards made of pine from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural terms, thousand tons, %
29. Dynamics of exports of dry graded pine boards from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural terms, thousand tons
30. Geography of exports of dry sorted pine boards from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural indicators, thousand tons, %
31. The dynamics of the import of formwork beams to Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural indicators, vol
32. The main importers of formwork beams from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural indicators, tons, %
33. Geography of import of formwork beams from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural indicators, tons, %
34. Dynamics of softwood paneling imports to Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural terms, vol
35. The main importers of paneling from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural indicators, tons, %
36. Geography of lining import from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural indicators, tons, %
37. Dynamics of imports of dry sorted pine boards to Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural indicators, vol
38. The main importers of dry sorted pine boards from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural indicators, tons, %
39. Geography of imports of dry sorted pine boards from Ukraine in 2022-4 months. 2023, in natural indicators, tons, %
40. Forecast of the volume of lumber production in Ukraine in 2023, in natural terms, thousand tons

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