Market research report on online microcredit in Ukraine. 2022 year

Market research report on online microcredit in Ukraine. 2022 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: September 2022 year
Number of pages: 40, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 25
Tables: 14
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
25850 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the market
1.1. Analysis of market trends in 2021 (history of development, specifics, problems, market influencing factors)
1.1.1. Analysis of search advertising for given types of queries in Google (ads of competitors, analysis of distinctive features)
1.2. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in 2015-2021 (grade)
1.3. Segmentation and structuring of the market (allocation of the share of online loans from the total volume)
1.4. The experience of other countries in the development of the online lending segment (a general cut in the format of monitoring open sources)
2. State regulation of the market (basic laws regulating the industry, prospects for changes in legislation and regulatory authorities) - changes for 2021
3. Target audience
3.1. Consumer preferences regarding products, consumer portrait
3.2. Segmentation and structuring of consumption (according to consumer surveys, financial wealth, spending structure, features of using loans)
4. Analysis of competitors
4.1. List, segmentation and structuring of the main market operators (by price segments (percentage), terms, loan amounts, annual interest, site convenience, branding, advertising use)
4.2. Analysis of the promotion of competitors (applied advertising methods and image elements, commercials, non-standard solutions). Sources of customer acquisition (online / TV and radio / outdoor advertising, others)
4.3. Market shares of the main operators in 2015-2020 (according to financial statements, ratings), 2021 - estimate
5. Conclusions.
5.1. Forecast trends and indicators of market development in 2022-2025
5.2. Recommendations for development in the market to maintain a competitive position
6. Investment attractiveness of the industry
6.1. SWOT, PEST - market direction analysis
6.2. Market development risks and barriers. Building a risk map in the market (updating and changing

List of Tables:

1. Search results in the Google search engine for the query "loan online"
2. Income level of the family that took out a loan from the MFI, UAH
3. Reasons for issuing a loan to an MFI
4. The main operators of the online microcredit market in Ukraine for 2016-2019.
5. Segmentation of the main operators of the online microcredit market in Ukraine according to the origin of capital
6. Site, branding, logo
7. Segmentation of the main operators of the online microcredit market in Ukraine by services
8. Segmentation of the main operators of the online microcredit market in Ukraine by interest rate, loan sizes, credit terms, age restrictions for clients
9. Segmentation of the main operators of the online microcredit market in Ukraine by presence in social networks and other means of communication
10. The main operators of the online microcredit market in Ukraine according to financial reporting data in 2017-2020, UAH million, 2021 – estimate
11. SWOT analysis of the online microcredit market of Ukraine
12. PEST analysis of the online microcredit market of Ukraine
13. Risks and barriers to the development of the online microcredit market of Ukraine
14. Ranking of the development risks of the online microcredit market of Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of the number of requests for online microloans in the Google search engine in 2021, thousand requests
2. Dynamics of the number of requests for "loan on a card", "online credit on a card" and "microloans" in the Google search engine in 2021,
3. The volume of loans issued by financial companies, UAH mln. 2014-2020, 2021- estimate
4. The volume of online loans issued by financial companies, UAH million,
5. Structuring the market by the method of concluding a contract, 2015 and 2021, %, UAH million
6. Structuring the market by the method of concluding an agreement, 2021, %, million UAH, pcs.
7. Distribution of MFIs by institutional type in Europe, 2020
8. Percentage of MFIs in Europe providing various financial products
9. Percentage of MFIs in Europe providing various financial products
10. Accents in contextual advertising
11. Situations of lack of funds among the population
12. Frequency of occurrence of a situation of lack of funds for daily expenses
13. Segmentation of consumers in the online microcredit market in Ukraine by gender as of the end of 2020, %
14. Segmentation of consumers in the online microcredit market in Ukraine by age criterion in 2020, %
15. The size of the settlement
16. Source of income in the family
17. Segmentation of consumers of a microfinance organization in the online microcredit market in Ukraine in 2020 by employment, %
18. Purposes of using a loan in a non-bank MFI (online loan or cash loan)
19. MFIs that most often take loans
20. Ways to get a loan from an MFI in 2020
21. Frequency of overdue loans in MFIs
22. Barriers to using credit in MFIs
23. Shares of the main market operators by net income from the sale of services in 2021
24. TOP-15 companies in the market of fast online loans in Ukraine for 2021 according to reviews
25. The presence of work for people who worked before the war

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