Market research report on fire extinguishers and sprinkler systems in Ukraine. 2020 year

Market research report on fire extinguishers and sprinkler systems in Ukraine. 2020 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: September 2020 year
Number of pages: 22, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles
Graphs and charts: 8
Tables: 11
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
16800 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Trends in the development of the market of fire extinguishers and sprinkler systems in Ukraine
a. Influencing factors
b. Development issues
c. Market news
2. Volumes of production of fire extinguishers and sprinkler systems in 2018-2020 (assessment of the segment of mobile dry powder fire extinguishers based on data from manufacturers, tenders, market consumption)
3. Consumption volumes of fire extinguishers (market capacity, production + import - export) based on data from manufacturers, tenders, market consumption
4. Main manufacturers in the market
a. List and description of the main manufacturers and suppliers of fire extinguishers and sprinkler systems
b. Segmentation and structuring of market operators (singling out the segment of mobile powder fire extinguishers)
c. Shares of market operators
5. Main consumers
a. Consumer portrait
b. Analysis of the number of different consumer groups
c. B2G consumption and tender analysis
6. Determination of the segment of the most popular fire extinguishers
7. Overview of market prices for the most popular types of fire extinguishers
8. Suppliers of raw materials and components (with the allocation of a segment of powder mobile fire extinguishers)
9. Cost structure in the production of fire extinguishers (according to the financial statements of suppliers)
10. Financial capacity of the market of fire extinguishers (assessment in value)
11. Prospects for development, forecast indicators of market development

List of Tables:

1. Market capacity of fire extinguishers in 2018-1H 2020, in volume, thousand units
2. Main market operators of fire extinguishers
3. Segmentation of the main market operators by the type of fire extinguishers produced
4. Shares of market operators, in value, UAH million, %
5. Segmentation of the main buyers in tender purchases of fire extinguishers in 2018-2020 and their shares, in value, thousand UAH, %
6. Segmentation of the main suppliers in tender purchases of fire extinguishers in 2018-2020 and their shares, in value, thousand UAH, %
7. Retail prices for the most popular fire extinguisher models (including VAT)
8. Suppliers of raw materials and components for fire extinguishers
9. Cost structure of OU-2
10. The cost structure of OP-2
11. Market capacity of fire extinguishers in 2018-1H 2020, in value, thousand USD

List of graphs and charts:

1. Production volumes of fire extinguishers in 2018-1H 2020, in volume, thousand units
2. Import volumes of fire extinguishers in 2018-1H 2020, in volume, units
3. Export volumes of fire extinguishers in 2018-1H 2020, in volume, units
4. The volume of public purchases of fire extinguishers in 2018-1H 2020, in value, mln UAH
5. Production volumes of fire extinguishers in 2018-1H 2020, in value, thousand USD
6. Volumes of imports of fire extinguishers in 2018-1H 2020, in value, thousand USD
7. Export volumes of fire extinguishers in 2018-1H 2020, in value, thousand USD
8. Forecast indicators of the market of fire extinguishers in 2020-2023, in value, million USD

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