Analysis of the Ukrainian pump market. 2019

Analysis of the Ukrainian pump market. 2019
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: November 2019 year
Number of pages: 25, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 11
Tables: 10
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: russian
11900 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the domestic and industrial pumps market
1.1. Structure by brands
1.2. Structure by Customs Codes
1.3. Structure by manufacturers (including foreign) and importers
1.4. Structure by local distributors (manufacturers and their trading houses, importers)
1.5. Structure by Exporters (by customs codes and trademarks)
2. Additional information
2.1. Top 5 Grundfos Ukraine's competitors (importers and manufacturers) in each market and their shares in 2015-6 months 2019
2.2. Average prices for Grundfos pumps' competing pumps in Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Moldova, Hungary and Romania (TOP-5 models, average values ​​according to local dealers' online catalogs)
2.3. Grundfos's competitors entered the Ukrainian market List in 2017-2019 in the format: name, address, TM, role (manufacturer / importer / distributor), year of enter, segment
2.4. Grundfos's competitors left the Ukrainian market List in 2017-2019 in the format: name, address, TM, role (manufacturer / importer / distributor), year of exit, segment
2.5. Evaluation of Grundfos equipment gray imports and TOP competitors for the period under research (if information available)
2.6. Major economic and administrative barriers impact List and description to market entry

List of Tables:

1. Largest imported pump brands (industrial) Share in Ukraine, in monetary terms,%
2. Xylem TM portfolio, in kind, pcs.
3. Largest imported pumps brands shares (household) in Ukraine, in monetary terms,%
4. Import structure of pumps (industrial) in Ukraine with customs codes and TM, in monetary terms,%
5. Import structure of pumps (household) in Ukraine with customs codes and TM, in monetary terms,%
6. Structure of all pumps production in Ukraine according to IPN (industrial production nomenclature), in kind, pcs
7. Import structure of pumps (industrial) in Ukraine by local distributors, in monetary terms,%
8. Import structure of pumps (domestic) in Ukraine by local distributors, in monetary terms,%
9. Structure of pumps exporters from Ukraine with customs codes, in kind, pcs.
10. Average prices for Grundfos pumps' competing pumps in Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Moldova, Hungary and Romania

List of graphs and charts:

1. Largest imported pump brands (industrial) shares in Ukraine, in kind,%
2. Largest imported pump brands (household) shares in Ukraine, in kind,%
3. Import structure of pumps (industrial) in Ukraine with customs codes, in kind,%
4. Import structure of pumps (industrial) in Ukraine with customs codes, in monetary terms,%
5. Import structure of pumps (household) in Ukraine with customs codes, in kind,%
6. Largest pumps manufacturers Shares in Ukraine, in kind,%
7. Import structure of pumps (industrial) in Ukraine by local distributors, in kind,%
8. Import structure of pumps (household) in Ukraine by local distributors, in kind,%
9. Largest pumps importers (industrial) Shares in Ukraine, in monetary terms,%
10. Largest pumps importers (household) shares in Ukraine, in monetary terms,%
11. Grundfos equipment gray imports Share into Ukraine, in kind,%

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