Market research report on interior door market in Ukraine. 2024 year

Market research report on interior door market in Ukraine. 2024 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: April 2024 year
Number of pages: 40, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pin
Graphs and charts: 19
Tables: 27
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
33600 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics
1.1. Analysis of interior door market development trends in 2021 - 2023 (features, market influencing factors, development issues)
- sliding systems of the "pencil" type
- swing: classic and hidden
1.2. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in 2021 - 2023 in kind and monetary indicators - estimated.
1.3. Market segmentation and structuring (calculation of the share of imported and domestic products, the share of companies that engage in installation and are manufacturers of doors).
2. The main operators of the market of interior doors and installation of these products in Ukraine.
2.1. The main market operators and their characteristics:
- legal information, TM
- activity analysis, regional representation
- assortment of products, structuring of the offer by types of doors - shield, door, painted, etc., definition of top models by operators (according to data from open sources)
- analysis of services
2.2. Market shares of the main operators (based on financial statements).
2.3. Degree of competition and risks.
3. Dynamics of production of interior doors in Ukraine in 2021-2023 3.1. Production dynamics in natural terms.
3.2. Dynamics of production in monetary terms.
4. Foreign trade in the interior door market of Ukraine.
4.1. Export of products in 2021 - 2023 (volumes, average prices, geography of supplies by country, main exporters and their shares, exported species).
4.2. Imports in 2021 - 2023 (volumes, average prices, geography of supplies by country, main importers and their shares).
5. Price and pricing in markets.
5.1. Average wholesale (on request from the company) and retail prices for finished products. Average prices for door installation, description of conditions under which installation is free.
5.2. Factors affecting pricing, their structure.
6. Consumption of products on the market.
6.1. Characteristics of consumer preferences (according to data from open sources, not surveys).
6.2. Segmentation and structuring of consumption.
6.3. Trends in the interior door market.
7. Branding and advertising.
7.1. Analysis of the positioning of the Customer company and the main competitors on the market.
7.2. Analysis of product promotion on the market:
- awareness, functionality of the site and its development
- social networks (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.)
- advertising
- publications in mass media
- additional services, promotions
8. Product sales channels on the market - description and evaluation of the sales structure by existing channels (online and offline platforms).
9. Conclusions and recommendations.
9.1. Conclusions and forecast trends in the development of interior doors in Ukraine in 2024-2025.
9.2. Recommendations for the development of the company-Customer in the market of interior doors.
9.3. SWOT – analysis of the company-Customer on the market.
10. Investment attractiveness of the studied market 10.1. SWOT analysis of market direction
10.2. PEST analysis of factors affecting the market

List of Tables:

1. The number of apartments commissioned in Ukraine in 2021-2023, pcs.
2. The total area of non-residential buildings put into operation in 2021-2023 in Ukraine, square meters
3. Calculation of the market capacity of interior doors in Ukraine in natural terms for 2021-2023, thousands of units.
4. Calculation of the market capacity of interior doors in Ukraine in monetary terms for 2021-2023, UAH million.
5. Market shares of the main operators of interior doors according to the financial statements for 2022-2023, in monetary terms, UAH million, %.
6. The main parameters of evaluating the competitive environment in the market according to M. Porter's method.
7. Evaluation of the competitive environment of the interior doors market in Ukraine.
8. Dynamics of production of TOR-10 manufacturers of interior doors according to the results of 2021 - 6 months of 2022, in natural terms, pieces.
9. Shares of TOP-20 exporters of Ukraine in the market of interior doors for 2021-2023, in monetary terms, UAH million, %.
10. Shares of TOP-20 Ukrainian exporters of interior doors for 2021-2023, in natural terms, thousand pieces, %.
11. The structure of the export of doors from Ukraine by type: hidden, hotel and office, painted in 2021 - 2023, in natural terms, thousands of pieces, %.
12. Geography of export of interior doors from Ukraine in 2021-2023, in natural terms, thousand pieces, %.
13. Shares of TOP-20 importers of interior doors in Ukraine for 2021-2023, in monetary terms, million UAH, %.
14. Shares of TOR-20 importers of interior doors to Ukraine in 2021-2023, in natural terms, pieces, %.
15. The structure of the import of doors from Ukraine by type: hidden, sliding, hotel and office, painted, in 2021 - 2023, in natural terms, pieces, %.
16. Geography of import of interior doors to Ukraine in 2021-2023, in natural terms, pieces, %.
17. Average retail prices of market participants for interior doors of the door and panel types, as of April 22, 2024, hryvnias. with VAT
18. Price of finished products of market participants (canvas: min, max; box), as of April 22, 2024, UAH. with VAT
19. List of slogans of the main market operators, 04/21/2024.
20. List of advantages that the main market operators focus on, 04/21/2022.
21. List of advantages and disadvantages of the functionality of the websites of the main manufacturers of interior doors, 04/22/2024.
22. Availability of contextual advertising of the main market operators, 04/22/2024.
23. The number of followers in the social platforms of the main market operators on April 22, 2024.
24. Topics of posts on the Facebook social network of the main market operators, 04/22/2024.
25. SWOT analysis of the company "UNIPLIT" LLC, TM "Gorgania".
26. SWOT analysis of the interior door market.
27. PEST – analysis of the interior doors market of Ukraine.

List of graphs and charts:

1. Market structure of interior doors in Ukraine, by origin in 2023.
2. Dynamics of production of interior doors in Ukraine for 2021 - 2023,
in natural terms, thousand pieces.
3. Dynamics of production of interior doors in Ukraine for 2021 - 2023,
in monetary terms, million UAH.
4. Dynamics of the export of interior doors from Ukraine for 2021 - 2023,
in monetary terms, million hryvnias.
5. Dynamics of export of interior doors from Ukraine for 2021 - 2023,
in natural terms, thousand pieces
6. Structure of export of doors from Ukraine by types of wood, 2021 - 2022, in natural terms, thousand pieces, %
7. Structure of export of doors by type, 2021 - 2023, in natural terms, thousand pieces
8. The structure of the export of doors from Ukraine for the presence of glass, 2021 - 2023, in natural terms, thousands of pieces
9. The structure of the export of doors from Ukraine by type, 2021 - 2023, natural expression, thousands of pieces.
10. Dynamics of import of interior doors to Ukraine for 2021 - 2023, in monetary terms, million UAH.
11. Dynamics of import of interior doors to Ukraine for 2021 - 2023, in natural terms, thousand pieces.
12. Structure of import of doors in Ukraine by type in 2021 - 2023, in natural terms, thousand pieces.
13. The structure of the import of doors in Ukraine with the availability of fittings, in 2021 - 2023, in natural terms, thousands of pieces.
14. Overview of Internet requests in Ukrainian and Russian by region.
15. Dynamics of requests in Ukrainian and Russian languages in Ukraine, April 2023 - January 2024
16. Dynamics of requests for Korfad, RODOS and Brama brands, April 2023 - January 2024.
17. Dynamics of requests for trademarks TERMINUS, CARLO PORTE, Papa Carlo,
April 2023 - January 2024
18. Dynamics of requests for ASTORI, VERTO, GRAND brands, April 2023-January 2024.
19. The main sales channels of interior doors

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